A Lost Cause


The bus arrived exactly the time the trainee's feet have to run to the SM building before they were declared 'You are late'

"All right everyone now we can start the training" The dance instructor, Miss Rino, smiled as she tune on the tape, five kids barge in, some stumble on the floor but mostly out of breath.

"Guess we're late" Jane huffed.

"No just on the edge of the start, now hurry and line up already" Miss Rino said "I'm not going to make you all looked disappointing in showcase later"

Jasmine frowned - a deeper frown than she already has on her face, the other scurrying immediately except Auke have to snap her best friend out of her thoughts first, she could hear her mumbled, "What?"

"What showcase?" Jasmine whispered louder.

"What are you talking about?"

Jasmine concluded, something is happening now.


The thing is Jane, San and Hangoo especially Auke didn't like to lie to their longtime-friend, so they have to train their - well literally - undercover ability in story.

"You know it's hard to lie-" San started was Auke cut in.

"Not lying, just prolong the cause and use hyperbolic answer"

"That's exactly her area, remember she actually can get away not admitting entering this building by the window, she's not even lying" Hangoo said "Which reminds me why no one questioning she actually came from third floor instead of the ground one"

"We should get help" Jane finally joined "From everyone..."

There's a time that SM artists became substitute tutor, just in case, to inspire, to strengthen the bond between trainees, Jane opened the door, Boa was fiddling with some music script...

"You want us helping you set a surprise for Jasmine?"

"She won the vote sunbae, without even knowing, beside we missed her birthday" Jane said with a grin.

"You're right...I'm in"

San opened a door and Yunho sighing rather deliberately.

"No San I'm not going to help you with your math homework, I'm busy" 

"Sunbae you always busy but someday...we are all busy"San said, Yunho hummed in a dejected way.

"I suppose you're right, so is there something you want to talk about?"

"A façade mission" Yunho gave San a look "Also a little bit of logarithm"


Hangoo grinning like he was winning a lottery, well the situation wasn't like that because he was surrounded by what we call in the future is SHINee. All of them grinning.

"So you guys in?"

"How can we not!" Jonghyun exclaimed.



Auke was indifferent  by the situation since she choose to sit at the canteen which almost emptied with a guy across to her that reading a book.

"Say Joonmyeon-hyung are you angry?"

"Angry what?" Joonmyeon turned away his attention from the book.

"Are you angry that we - "

"No! For the last time, no! Please Auke if this debut topic then I'll say you're worse than Minho"

"You're our friend!"

"I am always your friend, I guess that's why many choose Jasmine, she's an optimist"

With that Auke laughed wholeheartedly while Joonmyeon only rolled his eyes .

"Oh wow you admitted she's an optimist"

"A sarcastic optimist" Joonmyeon drawled "There's a trending story around trainees, is she really entering the building by the window?"

"Since she can do parkour, yes"

"Who taught her?"


"Of course"

And both went back to do their own activity, Auke with her homework, Joonmyeon with his book.


"Hey! Why are you two alone like a lovebirds here" Hangoo came into the canteen with such declaration that Joonmyeon will never used to, bang his head onto the book and mumbling 'Oh God, not you again' while Auke, being used too, just sighing. 

"Hey Hangoo what's up?"

"Everything went great, San and Jane now trying to get Super Junior-sunbae and SNSD-sunbae to cooperate" Hangoo said.

"The heck now what are you two planning?" Joonmyeon said in disbelief.

"Since Jasmine's not here we are planning a surprise and probably a late birthday party, I bet she will be ecstatic"

"...You are all impossible"

"Thank you!" Auke and Hangoo said in the same time making Jonnmyeon irked.

And that was in October yesterday, back to present day, Jasmine with her sharp instinct felt the atmosphere was rather...thick.


*Jasmine, Auke, Jane, San and Hangoo never used honorific to each other because all those years being a close friends making honorific was something that like...they didn't knew each other, this is only between them.

*That Joonmyeon-hyung is really Kim Joonmyeon aka Suho EXO , he is close to our main characters and yet questioning how they even end up as his friends, well I'm not giving spoiler.

*Remember in Fluttering India that Minho and Suho said they used to be roommates in trainee years , I understand  that Suho upset, but man use the show as a reconcile was epic.




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