Chapter 3 Consequences

When Life is Beautiful


“Oh, no that’s not good!”

“No that's not good! Do something!”

“Huh? Oh yea. Sir, you can't expel her that wouldn't be good for any of us here. Do you have any idea who her parents are? They are powerful people, they wouldn't like hearing news of their daughter being expelled from school. How about you just forgive this incident and i'll make sure it doesn't happen again on my watch” he reasoned

“I don't know about that. It's been far too many infractions on her part. She disrupts class, lacks respect for teachers, takes part in vandalism, and now it's erse behavior, I don't know how much longer I can let it slide, she’s out of control, if I don't do something she'll never understand” True, but doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Or third, fourth, another chance?

“But ya can't do that” Luhan began to jump frantically. Instead of looking like a  man in his mid 20s, future litigatier arguing his case, he looked like a giant, whiny child. At least he had the face, though.

“Oh, what makes you think I can't! Actually the more I think about it, the more it seems like a good idea to me. I suffered enough having to endure her shenanigans. It looks bad on my part having someone with such erratic behavior attend my school. I'm tired of your threats and bribes, this school has the adequate resources to challenge you as well!”

“Damn it!” Luhan’s hands scrambled for his hair.

“I promise you, you’ll only have to let it slide one more time. I will do everything in my power to make sure she doesn't act out again.Not on my watch. I've always watched over her in her parents stead,”

“Look, she probably acts out for a reason right?I get where you're coming from. How can someone be so ing crazy right? I know, man, but you  wanna know why?”I rolled my eyes. Good job luhan, attempting to win your argument by empathizing with the enemy, at my expense, it certainly does help your rhetoric.

“Oh, I’m dying to know why” he sighed and rolled his eyes.

“You know what, me too, headmaster” I said, speaking up for the first time in a while. I was genuinely curious for what he had up his sleeve, that thirteen year old looking gir-

“The girls parents are never around, that's why! How could she not turn out ed up?!”`he bursted out with his hand in the air.

“Luhan!” That was too much, too personal. I felt my face burning as I looked down at the ground. I honestly didn't know how to react to such a sensitive topic. I felt a large hand squeeze my shoulder.

“You didn't think you'd escape the knife that easy did you? You really ed up Alex, you make my life so hard” he bit his lips as he slurred the words.

He looked up at the headmaster, looking him straight in the eye,with a resolution in mind.“ Look, here, headmaster, I don't only watch out for her because my depends on it if I want my lifelong dreams of being one of the best litigators in America come true, but because I care a lot for this crazy . Let's deal with this as adults, You as an educator who wants the best for your students, and me, well, as her older brother who wants the best for her. I think it's only fair to discuss this just the two of us, as maturely as we can as the adults here. Alex, why don't you wait outside?”  

I sauntered  out of the office. This would probably be the end for me. Just when I started to see the value in what I had, it would all be taken away from me. It seemed fair in a way, I always managed to escape the consequences. It would end up catching up to me. I closed my eyes shut for a moment. It would end up eating me alive one day.

I was stopped midway from the door  as I felt a large, delicate hand grasp my shoulder yet again.

“Don't worry, everything’s gonna be okay” he reassured me in his melodic voice. His smile reminded me of that older brother figure that, as corny as it sounded,was like  an angel watching over me. His eyes twinkled, at that moment I saw that future litigatier  that others,even  my parents saw the value in. He would be a great one. I felt just as  at ease  and as confident as he did at that moment.

“Okay Luhan, I believe in you” I beamed at him, because no matter what, I would always.

He was caught off guard for a second, but instantly recovered.

“hell, ya you do” and with that I was shoved out of the door with one powerful push.


“” I cursed as I was shoved the door. I was a staggering mess trying to recover my footing from the push. Something blocked my path, a looming figure in all black.

“Ouch, what the-” His veil of a hood lifted up to reveal a man with almond shaped eyes coated with a dark eyeliner and light brown colored contacts that seemed to further emphasize the shape of his eyes. I’d recognize those exquisite, strange cat like eyes anywhere.


“G DRAGON!” we shouted each other's names simultaneously. All I could see was an endless pitch black as I was engulfed in his embrace.

“How have you’ve been it's been like forever! I missed you and your crazy ! it's not the same without you!”

“Ya, how about you, I missed you too! Why haven't you been showing up? You trying to sneak into class?”

“Well, ya i just got back from an underground rap battle. It was intense!”

I missed him so much, I worried about him so much while he was having the time of his life rapping. I shook my head in disbelief trying to put up the best disappointed look I could.

“Wow, thats…”

“Hey! at least I came back!”

“Ya, nice, cleverly sneaking in wearing all black wow. Leaving me here to fend for myself with these boring s. I get more on edge when you're not here, ask the others, ask Kris, it gets too calm for my taste without you” i said as I turned my face away from him. It was fun making this guy feel bad, he hardly ever felt remorse , guilt, or regret for whatever he did. I’d like to think I was an exception.

“Hey, but at least I'm back right? C'mon, Alex don't be like this, you know I can't stand you being mad at me” he nudged me in attempt to get me to look at him.

“Well then make it up to me”

“Alright, how about this, to celebrate my arrival, how about we go out. have an amazing ing night drinking, dancing, partying. Then I can kick Kris for being such a nervous boring prick, I mean you probably did something stupider than usual, don't think I haven't noticed you coming out of the headmasters office”

We both looked at each other, grinning knowingly, because he always noticed everything, even when he just got back from God knows where a few seconds ago. Also, because we both bashed on kris but we both loved him and valued him as a fun, great friend to have around, except, you know in sticky situations.

“Okay, I forgive you. Who's coming? Where are we going?”

“I don't know, tell the others to come, you know our whole crew. Ask Yuri that y, hot, luscious, able-”

I glared at him, my friend wouldn't be talked about in that way, with anyone. She might have done who knows what already, but I didn't need to be told that to my face.

“Oh, right sorry Alex.”he scratched the back of his head. I rolled my eyes at him and nodded for him to continue.

“Anyway, invite Kris, Daesung, Namjoon, Seungri, Taeyang,TOP, anyone else you can think of alright? It should be my night, but hell, I want you to have a good time, let me make it up to you” he said as he held my face.

“Okay,but g dragon where the hell is this party gonna be at”

“Alright, the locations kinda far, it's like an hour away. But it's this new place that just opened up, its called SMTown. Theres three chains of these clubs, the others are called JYP, and YG but I chose the closest one, I got a VIP pass  from the rap battle, it's gonna be great”

“Sounds good to me, but is it gonna be a nice club, you know I hate dirty joints, And its gonna have people like around our age too right?”

“Oh it's great. Everyone's been talking about it. There's a polished dance floor, a bar with all kinds of drinks, I don't even think they'll card us. They even have dinner! They don't just play club music, they even play ballroom, like what the i don't even know if i'm up for that, but still”

I put my hand over my mouth as I laughed, he was adorable when he was excited.

“Sounds great! You should try, that’d be nice to see!”

“Ya, your just jealous of my moves”

“Ahh” I yelped as I was swayed back and forth, side to side, in a mock ballroom dance.

“May I have this dance, my lady?”

“Ya, why not , I mean you already have” I giggled as I was swayed wildly.

An abrupt opening of the door startled us both and interrupted our dance. Way to kill the mood.

An angelic face appeared from the door, but with a hard set unreadable look. Luhan eyes appeared to gaze downwards,why?

I was gently set back on the ground . Oh, that's why.

“Hello, luhan-sshi nice to meet you again” He bowed slightly, it was just right amount of informal and respectful.

“It’s sir to you” he murmured, with an edge to his voice. His face was surprisingly blank, soic, which was weird because normally Luhan was like his appearance, animated.

“Oh, I'm sorry, its nice to meet you again, sir” He bowed, lower this time.

“Ya. I'll be waiting in the car, Alex. Don't make me wait too long, I did get you out of some serious after all”

“Okay, thank you luhan, I knew you would!”

His eyes enlarged, but then they became hard set again.

“Ya, hurry” A few long strides later, he was gone.

“What’s with him? Maybe he changed his mind about me from last time? I look like trouble don't I? His voice lowered.his shoulders slumping on the last part. I wish he wouldn't look so ashamed,so apologetic, so sorry, it wasn't like him. He only felt this way with anything that had to do with me. Surely I didn't mean to much to him, right? I remembered Kris and his admission about the meaning of our friendship. I never realized how much they all meant to me, it was more than fun times, they were my support. I was lucky to have found both fun and support in these friendships. I was lucky to have all these friendships. In no way did I deserve them.

“Nah, you're fine. He loved you last time, he’s just mad cuz I brought him in here again. I actually almost got kicked out” I rolled my eyes remembering the recent event.

“Man, what did you do this time Alex?” a frown making its way to his exquisite face.

“I'll tell ya later, anyway text me the adress and make sure to tell everyone.  Gotta go” My arms reached out, embracing his neck while I stood on my toes to reach him.

By the menacing look on Luhan’s face, my homie/ older bro didn't look too happy. With that in mind, I pulled away and  bolted to Luhan’s car awaiting, whatever had to be awaited leaving a stunned G dragon behind.


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recklessdragon #1
hello :) may i know why you didn't use our poster? if it's not up to your standards, let us know and we can correct it. our designer put in a lot of effort and i do not want her to feel disappointed.
Chapter 2: I wonder what will happen next! Keep writing! :D
alexana #3
Hi, I love your story! So much potential, keep going! I'm anticipating what will happen next, what is wrong with her?