Final: Pepero Game

Pepero Day 2015

Jiyong woke up with his pillow in his arms. Seungri lay snuggled against Jiyong’s chest still asleep. They had both finished every box of pokeys that Seungri had bought the day before along with two bottles of wine. The best part about waking up in the morning with Seungri was remembering what they did the night before.

*10 hours earlier*

“I won’t lose to you Ji.” Seungri had Ji in his arms and was prepared to face the challenge in front of him. They were both stubborn when it came to winning games and their relationship with each other made no difference. They would never go easy on the other.

“Fine. I will play, but let’s make this more interesting ok? Winner gets one wish that the loser has to do with no complaints.” Ji knew exactly what he would ask for and this was a great time to prove that he was the best at everything.

Seungri had a feeling that what Ji was about to ask would be something that he would hate, but probably end up being ok with in the end. “Deal.” So he didn’t even hesitate to agree.

They finished boxes 1-5 along with one bottle of wine. They were both still refusing to lose, but neither mined the deep kisses after every pokey.

“This is getting nowhere.” Seungri was already getting frustrated that Jiyong didn’t just give up already. Seungri was already feeling the sugar rush and the wine was making him start to get more energetic. “Let’s change the rules up.”

Jiyong looked at Seungri questioningly. “What do you have in mind?”

“How about every box we finish we have to take off a piece of clothing?” Seungri knew that Jiyong was still shy around him when cameras were not around and that the intimacy of simply seeing Seungri without his shirt made Jiyong easily susceptible to the suggestions of Seungri. This meant that Seungri could make Ji break off before the kiss.

“That is fine with me.” Jiyong’s voice brought Seungri out of his scheming mind.

After the first box Ji and Ri took off their socks. With the second came their shirts. This is what Ri was waiting for. He knew where Ji’s weak spots were on his chest and he planned to take advantage of that. After they began with the next box Seungri jumped to put his plan into motion. He began to tease all the sensitive spots on Ji’s torso and could see how much he was struggling to keep his composure so he wouldn’t lose. One moan and it was over. This continued through the third box of pockys. After the third box, the jeans came off leaving the boys in their boxers. Of course Ji had to wear his leopard print boxers. Seungri only wore a simple pair of black boxers that Ji gave him when he came back from the Bali trip. Ji told Ri that Ri must have himself after the drama of the volcano, flight, and the stern lectures from YG and himself, so Ri needed new boxers.

Jiyong knew what Seungri was up to when Seungri suggested the new rule, but Jiyong was not about to back down. That boy would always be trouble for Jiyong. However, now that he managed to survive the immense teasing of Seungri to his torso, it was about to be his turn to make Seungri go crazy.

They began with the next box. Seungri planned to go back in starting strong. He would go straight for the kill. He never expected Ji to be thinking the same. Immediately after they started the game Jiyong went to the place that he knew Ri loved to be touched. Eyes wide and mouth agape, Seungri lost to Jiyong.

“This is when I get my wish remember.” Jiyong held Seungri’s waist at arm’s length away.

Seungri puffed up his cheeks and furrowed his eybrows. It wasn’t the fact that Ji won that upset Seungri. It was how easily he gave into Jiyong that irritated him to no end. “Fine. You win, so what do you want?”

Ji moved his lips towards Seungri’s ear and placed a light kiss on it before humming out, “You.”

“Is that all? I thought it would be something worse.” Seungri giggled at the thought that he was worried Jiyong would ask for something unreasonable as always. “Ok! I will make sure you feel great!” Seungri marched towards their bedroom, but stopped when he felt a hand grab his arm and pull him back. Jiyong was now hugging Seungri from the back.

“What is it Ji?”

“I don’t think you understood. I won. So to the winner goes the spoils. I will make YOU feel good tonight.” Seungri was not surprised at the request. It was not like they didn’t take turns, but Seungri enjoyed the idea of making the person he admires the most beg and bow before him in at least one aspect of life.

Seungri made a promise and he would keep to make Ji happy even if he had to put his huge ego aside. He also knew that he would be benefiting from this anyways, so there was no reason to argue. “Alright then you can lead tonight, leader.” He turned to Ji and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. “I guess I lost this time Ji. Let’s move somewhere more romantic.”

“Let me get another bottle of wine for us then.” Ji smiled at the man walking into the bedroom. Seungri was troublesome in every way. He was looking forward to having him as his always troublesome husband when they were both finished with military duty. As he picked out another bottle of wine, he knew that he was happy just knowing that they always had each other to cause trouble in their lives.

Jiyong saw the last box of Pockeys on the table while walking to the bedroom. "Oh right! We need to finish this box." Jiyong's mischevious grin once again graced his face as he grabbed the opened box of Pokeys. " I know just what to do with these."

Seungri would soon be reminded just how troublesome Jiyong could be.


Sorry but this will be the last part. I am a bit busy, but since several people asked I thought I should work hard to give you at least a short chapter. Hope you liked it!

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Gtopdreamer #1
Chapter 2: Thanks for this sweet short story. ❤️
Rubi0Laura1 #2
Chapter 2: Loved it.... the way you write is really good.... the way you unveil their history is amazing... smooth without interfering with the actual story... LOVE IT.
I hope you won't stop writing... you are good^^
Chapter 2: I love it, this is so sweet ^^ thanks for the story!!
meg_vvip #4
Chapter 2: Ohmy author nim!! Your writing is exceptional..two thumbs up!thanks for the part two..enjoyed it!
GDVIctory #5
Chapter 2: awwwww ^_^
Chapter 2: Thanks for the sequeeel ♡♡ *-*
GDVIctory #7
Chapter 1: make it chapter!! kyaaaa ><
Chapter 1: Oh god..!! Sweet..!! Make it a chapter please..
ririro #9
Chapter 1: Sweet..more. i demand more .