Pepero Day 2015

Pepero Day 2015

He never expected to feel this way. Kwon Jiyong will soon debut under the stage name of G-Dragon. He was going to be the leader of the first idol group that YG would produce. So why did he have a weird feeling that the boy who almost didn’t make it would cause some issue? He felt uneasiness in his heart and he was not sure why.

9 years later

Jiyong was looking back at some of the memories of BIGBANG. The MADE Japan Dome tour was finally going to start and all of the work that everyone put in over the past few months would be that much closer to finishing. Seungri, the boy who was called little Seunghyn before their debut, walked into their Japan apartment. They have shared apartments before, but this was where they were sure they would always call home. Jiyong laughed at Seungri as he quickly began to set two bags on the table.

He was right when he originally thought that Seungri would be trouble. As a leader, it was difficult to have to watch the boy struggle with his activities outside of BIGBANG. He always wanted to help, but knew that Seungri could push though it like he always did, so helping too much would not let him grow. Seungri had a reputation with women and Jiyong always had to deal with the negative things that people said about him. Sometimes he thought that it hurt him more than Seungri.

Seungri was more important to Jiyong then just a band member. Arguably all the members were more like family, but Seungri was special. He was someone that somehow needed so much help, but at the same time never needed help. He was strong (and that is why GD wrote Strong Baby for Seungri). Jiyong respected the man who almost didn’t make it into BIGBANG. His passion and perseverance lost to no one. His confidence, although sometimes troublesome for the leader, was admired by Jiyong.

“Jiyong, why do you keep staring at me?”

Jiyong did not realize that he had been looking at Seungri for an inappropriate amount of time. Ji smiled, “Sorry. I was just thinking about how much things have changed since we debuted.”

Seungri just looked at Jiyong. Jiyong was a crazy leader who worked them too hard, moved too fast, and seemed unreachable. When Seungri didn’t make it into BIGBANG he was unsure of his talents for the first time in his life and being compared to the prodigies Youngbae and Jiyong did not help. He knew he wasn’t the best, but there was no way that he would let this opportunity to make his family and hometown proud slip from his hands. If there was anything that Seungri knew how to do, it was to give people what they didn’t know they wanted.

Being at Jiyong’s level was something that he wanted to achieve so badly. He respected the leader unlike any other person. Jiyong was his goal. To be as talented a singer, composer, and producer as Ji was his goal. Ji was his idol. When Jiyong finally started to want to become closer, Seungri knew deep down that Jiyong would cause him troubles.

“YA! Now you are the one staring.” Jiyong pulled Seungri out of his daydream.

“Ah. Sorry.” Seungri smiled at Jiyong.

“So what was so important that you ran out of our apartment leaving me here alone?” questioned Jiyong.

“OH YEAH! I almost forgot!” Seungri reached into the bag and pulled out a large box of Pokeys. “It’s Pepero Day!” Seungri handed Jiyong the box.

Jiyong stared at the box for a few seconds before he began to show a sly grin. He looked up at Seungri and looked knowingly into his eyes. “You ert. You got the large box so we would be playing pepero all day? You know I won’t lose right?” Jiyong smiled lovingly at Seungri. “I like the classic Pokeys, but you could have at least bought some other flavors.”

At this Seungri mirrored Ji’s grin and emptied the contents of the two bags he had brought with him. Out flowed large boxes of every flavor of Pokeys that were sold in Japan. “We both don’t like to lose JI. So I bought as many as I could so we can play until one of us does.”

“Ri you really don’t know what you got yourself into. I am the leader of BIGBANG and I refuse to lose to my maknae.”

“Ji, you know how stubborn I can be. We will not stop playing until we have a winner.”

“AISH! Too cute Ri!” Jiyong looked down as he rubbed the back of his neck. “You know how much trouble you cause me? I guess we will just stay in all day and play. Let me just do something first.” Jiyong pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the box Seungri originally gave him.

“Why are you posting that up Ji?”

“Because it is pepero day and I wonder who the fans will believe I am playing pepero with all day.”

“JI~~~~~.“ Seungri was starting to turn on the cuteness with Jiyong as he left towards the kitchen. Jiyong was sure that they would finish all the Pokeys before they had a winner. They were both too stubborn to lose and they both knew that they didn’t mind playing all day.

Seungri was going to be trouble for Jiyong and Jiyong felt it from the very beginning. What both boys didn’t expect when they first met was to love the other more than anyone else in their lives. They always worried and cared for the other. They were always troubled. Their fans, their country, the world may never accept them. They really didn’t care anymore. The only thing they needed was each other.

 “YA JIYONG! What are you doing over there? I called you a million times!”

Jiyong sighed happily as he stood up from the couch and walked toward the kitchen where Seungri was pouring them both glasses of wine. “Why the wine?” Ji looked questioningly at Seungri. It was after all the scandals and scares that they both realized that they couldn’t live without the other.

“Well we can’t finish all these boxes without something to drink.”

“WOW! What a smart and thoughtful fiancé I have!” Seungri pouted at the obvious teasing Jiyong was doing.

“So what flavor pokey do you want to use first Ji?”

Jiyong thought for a little while before placing his hands on both sides of Seungri’s face and placing a small kiss on Seungri’s lips. “Yup. I was right. That is my favorite flavor.” Seungri lightly blushed while all Jiyong could do was gently stare at the man in front of him and chuckle. He never wanted to let him go.

Seungri surprised Jiyong as he grabed Ji by the waist and pulled him in for a deep kiss. “I won’t lose to you Ji.”

As a leader, Jiyong was always troubled by Seungri. As a fiancé, Jiyong was even more troubled by Seungri; but no matter what, the love that they shared would always be enough for them both to feel free.


Changed it a bit because I found a few mistakes. Not sure if I have the time to write, but I might make one more.

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Gtopdreamer #1
Chapter 2: Thanks for this sweet short story. ❤️
Rubi0Laura1 #2
Chapter 2: Loved it.... the way you write is really good.... the way you unveil their history is amazing... smooth without interfering with the actual story... LOVE IT.
I hope you won't stop writing... you are good^^
Chapter 2: I love it, this is so sweet ^^ thanks for the story!!
meg_vvip #4
Chapter 2: Ohmy author nim!! Your writing is exceptional..two thumbs up!thanks for the part two..enjoyed it!
GDVIctory #5
Chapter 2: awwwww ^_^
Chapter 2: Thanks for the sequeeel ♡♡ *-*
GDVIctory #7
Chapter 1: make it chapter!! kyaaaa ><
Chapter 1: Oh god..!! Sweet..!! Make it a chapter please..
ririro #9
Chapter 1: Sweet..more. i demand more .