I Know


The curtains were flying like crazy. The wide glass window must be opened. 

"Gahhh.. How did I forget to close that damn thing" you whispered to yourself. 

Without opening your eyes, you crawled from the couch to the balcony. 

When you tried to reached for the window, a pair of strong arms lifted you. 

"Jagi... What are you doing crawling like that? You gonna get me in trouble" a voice said. He must be worried looking at you with your oversized tshirt and .

You rubbed your eyes and opened it. A familiar human.

"Jiyong? But how?" you wondered. You obviously didnt let him in. But who would?

"Omma is downstairs" he quickly said as he put you on the bed.

You scratched your head. What happened?

"Okay.. Omma is downstairs. But how did you get here? In my room? You do not live here" you replied. 

He stood in front of you and tied your hair into a bun. He laughed.


"Your mum went to the market this morning. And we stumbled each other when i was shopping the boys." he explained. "So i offered to drive her home if she allowed me to see you today" he giggled.

"So basically you bribed my mom with your service" you nodded. 

"Jagi... Why dont you take a shower and wear something proper. You are giving me a different sensation" he said, scratching his head.

"Hey! My mom's downstairs" you pushed him away and walked to the toilet. 

"But a little kiss wont hurt" he negotiated.

You looked at him and smirked.


"OMMA!!!!" you shouted. 

Jiyong panicked and covered your mouth.

"Hey! Hey! i was joking" he whispered.

"Yes, baby?" your mother replied.

You giggled and give him a kiss on the cheek. 

"why dont you ask Jiyong to cook. He's a good cook" you said and pushed him out of your room.


"Jagi.. Jagi.. What are you doing?" he said and covered his mouth.

"Good luck!" you mouthed and closed the door. 

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Chapter 3: pleaae updateeeeeeeeee
Chapter 2: Woooow... Well, he was being a total jerk for the past two years... It was his fault, at least Bo Gum will make her happy! ^^
Awesome chapter author! I looove it, you did a great job! ^^
sauvignon #3
this is cute!