Chapter 2: The Problematic Teenager

Return To Heaven

Chapter 2

The Problematic Teenager

The school bell has rung, signaling that classes will be starting in a few minutes. But none of the students moved an inch in their place. The hallways were packed with curious and anticipating eyes as they stared at the unfolding scene beyond them. Some had even taken their phones out to record the scene, disregarding the fact that the school has prohibited these gadgets.

Standing in the middle of the crowd is a boy bowing deeply with his head touching the ground. Anyone could see that he was trembling with fear and could hear the tears and desperation in his voice as he pleaded, “Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to.”

Everyone pitied him but no one stepped in to save him. No matter how pitiful he was, no one was brave enough to face the beast this boy has awakened. And so, pity is the only thing he’ll get from the bystanders.

Towering over the boy is a group of students with grins on their faces, contrasting the cruel glint in their eyes. In the middle of the group was the one who held the most cheerful expression, nobody could tell he was the leader of the gang, especially when he looked the kindest with his bright orange hair in contrast to the rough looks of his peers.

But everyone who knew him, who knew his group, knew that he was someone you would never want to cross with. That boy’s name was Kim Taehyung and with a mischievous grin he taunted the boy, “I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure I heard that.”

“P-Plea—“ The boy was cut off when one of Taehyung’s minions stepped on the boy’s head, silencing him as his face was pressed on the ground. There were muffled sounds coming from him as he struggled.

The gang laughed at the pitiful display as Taehyung faked an exasperated sigh, “You know, I would help you if you would ask.” He crouched down as he gestured his lackey to remove his feet from the boy’s head. The man immediately followed, snorting as he did so, “also if you’d give me something in exchange.”

The boy peered between his bangs, tears falling out of his eyes. He was trembling with fear when he saw the devil up close. Taehyung had a grin as he said, “Remove your clothes.”

The boy’s eyes widened before he averted his gaze downwards. This caused Taehyung to click his tongue in annoyance. His lackeys, upon hearing the sound of disappointment, immediately grabbed the boy and forced him to sit up. The harshly gripped his chin and forced him to look up at the now standing Taehyung.

The orange haired man stared at the boy’s fearful gaze before he turned his heels to leave. This surprised the crowd as well as the gang, thinking he was backing out, but Taehyung waved his hand, “Do it.”

There was a cry of pain as the men ripped the clothes off of the boy and humiliated him in front of the crowd. Making matters worse when the sound of flashes was heard. Taehyung walked away from the scene, no longer finding amusement. He hated people without guts.

That guy was a coward. He was not worth Taehyung’s time.

The bell rung again, this time signaling that class will be starting. He could hear the yell of the teacher from afar. They probably saw the bullying scene. Taehyung smirked as he walked away. His minions will never rat him out even if they were caught, nor will anyone in the crowd dare to.

But they didn’t need to.

“Kim Taehyung!” the said teen stopped in his tracks as he turned to see the fuming teacher marching his way towards him. Releasing a sigh, Taehyung waited for the teacher to reach where he was and allowed the man to drag him to the Principal’s office.

It’s about time.

There was a red mark on Taehyung’s cheek where his aunt has slapped him. It stung but it didn’t make Taehyung flinch. He was too numb for that. He simply turned his head to stare blankly at his aunt’s wrathful expression. He saw his aunt’s husband glaring at him from the side.

They just came from school after meeting at the Principal’s office. There were tear stains on his aunt’s cheek from when the woman begged and groveled for the Principal to change his mind but to no avail. The school has extended its patience for Taehyung’s habitual disregard to the rules and has finally crossed the line.

Taehyung was expelled.

And here he was, staring as his aunt cried angrily, “Where did we go wrong? We provided everything you needed, gave you everything you wanted—what more do you want?” She was screaming. “TaeTae, why are you being like this? You think money grows out of trees? We enrolled you in one of the most prestigious schools in Seoul and this is how you repay us? By getting yourself expelled?”

“I didn’t ask you to put me there. I didn’t even want to come here.” Taehyung finally spoke back, his gaze hard as he glared at the woman, “Stop trying to sound like you care—“

“I care, TaeTae. I care for you.” The woman cried harder as she kneeled in front of him, “You’re like the son I never ha—“

“I’m not your son.” He said, voice ice cold as he whacked his aunt’s hand away, “I’m no one’s son. I have no family left. They’re dead.”

“TaeTae,” His aunt’s eyes softened as she listened to him. “That’s not true. We’re here for you. We’re your family.”

“No, you’re not,” Taehyung said as he stood up. Glaring at his aunt and to her husband, he said, “You’re just using me as a replacement for your dead son. But I’m not delusional like you. My parents are both dead, and nothing can change that. “

“Ta—“ The woman reached out but her husband stopped her before she could even touch him. Taehyung has slammed the door in her face as he left the living room. She turned to face her husband as he shook his head, “Give him some time.”

“But—“ he cut her off before she could finish.

“He still hasn’t healed from that accident.” He said, trying to be understanding. “The pain is still there, his heart is wounded and it would take time to heal.”

The woman looked like she wanted to argue but stopped herself as she succumbed to her husband’s embrace. Her body raked in sobs as she said, “I just wanted to help him. I-I promised my sister that I would take care of her son before she died. I—“

“It’s okay.” Her husband patted her back as she sobbed like a child. He turned to the room where Taehyung had disappeared to, worried for the teen he has come to consider as his son over the years. He cared for Taehyung, even if the teen refused to see that.

Between his crying wife and the problematic teen, he tried to be the better man. He tried to become the strong one that would keep this crumbling family standing. He tried to be patient and understanding. All these years, as he peeked through the broken glasses, he thought he could protect this family.

But now, he sees that he alone was not enough. And so he has made his decision.

Taehyung was sent off to a dormitory school.

Against his and his aunt’s will, but his uncle was relentless. He eventually convinced his aunt and here Taehyung was, holding his luggage as he entered a new hell. This place was going to be his prison for the next two years until he graduates.

This place was a place of discipline. Where most of the delinquents are sent here, usually the ones who were expelled or with parents that want their children to become well-disciplined. It was a living hell. The walls were dull and gray, the uniforms were even worse. If Taehyung didn’t know better, he’d think that he was set off to military training or something.

It gave off those vibes too.

He waited outside the room as his uncle and aunt talked to this school’s principal. Taehyung stood in his place, his luggage stood beside him as if taunting him. His eyes darted to his surroundings and all he saw is gray, gray and gray. Gray walls, gray tiles, gray clock. The only break from that boring color was another boring color which was white—only from the papers on the wall. Taehyung has nothing to distract himself with so he settled for staring at the clock and watching its hand move by the seconds.

After what felt like an eternity, the gray door beside him finally opened. He saw his aunt and her husband come out. The woman looked like she was going to burst out crying any minute by now, but she held herself back. A man followed them out, he was tall and he had blonde hair. He wore glasses and there was an air of authority around him. He looked like he was the same age as Taehyung but to his surprise, the man introduced himself as the Principal.

His name was Kim Namjoon. He was 35 years old, another surprise for Taehyung and he governed this academy. He will be under Namjoon’s watch for the next two years. The tall man offered his hand for a shake, in which Taehyung accepted, a fake smile plastered on his face.

Namjoon saw through it easily. He told the other in a firm voice, “I’ll be looking after you. You will not be breaking rules under my watch.”

At that, Taehyung dropped his cheerful façade and stared blankly at the other. A few seconds in their staring contest, Taehyung shrugged and pulled away.

The rest came as a blur to Taehyung. His aunt broke down, sobbing as she pressed her face against his chest. His husband brought them all in a group hug and told him to call if he ever needed. Taehyung ignored them all, pretended as if they were nothing but air.

What he did notice though, was Namjoon watching him. Being under his gaze made Taehyung feel like he was under x-ray. Like he was being scanned and he was bare and the other knew everything about him.

After long agonizing minutes, his aunt and uncle finally left, albeit hesitantly. Taehyung wordlessly followed Namjoon towards his dorm room, wheeling his luggage behind him. They got on the elevator and Taehyung stared as the numbers rose, fascinated at the orange light that shifted per floor.

“You dyed your hair orange?” Namjoon asked. It sounded more like a statement than a question but Taehyung decided to be a little .

“No, I’m naturally born with it.” He said sarcastically. He chuckled to himself but Namjoon didn’t find that amusing. His voice was stern as he said, “You will have to dye your hair to a natural color by tomorrow.”

Taehyung scoffed at that before he stared at the other’s blonde strands, “Yeah, right. So you’re naturally blonde then?” he purposely made it sound like he didn’t believe the principal because, truly, he didn’t.

“That’s none of your business,” Namjoon spoke as the elevator stopped on the fifth floor. They walked again, across the dull hallways until they stopped at one door. Taehyung stared at the numbers and he sighed.


He has resigned to this fate. He was officially in hell.

Hello everyone. It's been more than a year since my last update. I don't know if you people still read this but if you do, thank you <3 Leave a comment and tell me what you think. Next chapter will be about Jungkook and then the story shall officially start.


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mga2370 #1
Chapter 3: please update
Chapter 3: I need more.... I need and update.... I need Taejinkook!!
Great chapter!
Please authornim update soon. It's so interesting just like your other stories.
Chapter 3: I am very excited to next chapter, is it Jin who will be vkook roommate? I really love how you write this story and I hope you can fast update
allesh #5
Chapter 3: Looking forward for jin's arrival in that school
Chapter 3: Taejinkook are roommates! Great! I can't wait till next chapter. I am so excited for their first interaction. Is it going to be jin pov tho?
Yuki87 #7
Chapter 3: Please update more story.... Taejinkook.... ???? fighting....
Chapter 3: Wwoah this is great...their individual stories are great...cant wait for the next update!
ShazamJusticeLeague #9
Chapter 3: Loved how this chapter was written