Chapter Four

The Roommate


The first week of school seemed to be always the longest and most boring week of the whole semester. The classes were nearly all the same. Going over your syllabus, talking about ‘what the class will be like’ to give people an idea if they want to drop. Currently. You had two art classes, one art history, a communications class and a science. Science was the one you were most anxious for.

            Most days you would go from class straight to your apartment and stay there until around eight, which is when you took nighttime walk around campus to clear your head. Normally you were in bed, asleep by eleven.

            You know, you go to bed early. Everyone always is sooo surprised when they hear about it. They find you strange when you tell them and they always joke that they went to bed later than that ‘when they were in middle school’. You were sick of hearing it, it was plain annoying.

            You were responsible! You couldn’t see how anyone else couldn’t see it. You knew how many hours of sleep you needed to be functional, and you knew how to get that in. You saw all the zombies around campus, with coffee cups permanently glue to their hands, gaping mouths that always complained about how many hours of sleep they got the previous night and you did not want to become that. You were determined to be a responsible adult that got done, god damn it.

            Woozi, you found out, fell into  the  zombie category, kinda. He was a music major, with an emphasis in composition. You were halfway through the second week, you had little homework in sight, While he, already has had three compositions due in less than a week. You pitied the guy. A couple of times you would wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and you would see him there. In the room, sitting on his desk (which crammed different music equipment that you couldn’t even guess the function of) staring at his computer screen in the dark, wide awake.

            The pity you initially felt for him quickly disappeared when you realized that he had his entire school schedule set up around his horrific sleep patterns. His first class was a gen ed class that started two in the afternoon. Most days he skipped this class to sleep in, though.

            You would come home around three, class done, and having already spent a couple hours to finish your homework, and you walk in on him just getting out of bed. The irresponsibility made your teeth hurt.

            Overall,  you guys hadn’t talked, you were always in the apartment and he was always out. He would come back to the apartment around eleven which is when you are getting in bed. Even your schedules seemed to oppose each other.

            On a cool Thursday afternoon, you entered your apartment, same time as always to see Woozi, up, out of bed and cooking something on the stove.

            You were so surprised to see someone else in the apartment besides you during the day, you instinctively though it was an intruder and gasped. Woozi looked up, his blonde hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. His face unreadable as always.

            “Y-you scared me.” You explained, closing the door behind you and setting your stuff down on the empty couch before entering the kitchen.

            He didn’t say anything as you opened the fridge and grabbed your leftovers. The five whole minutes that it took of microwave your leftover pasta was extremely uncomfortable. You both were standing in the kitchen that could barely fit five people if you tried. It was so awkward but he didn’t seem to care or even notice that you were even there for that matter. He stood over his rice and vegetables he was sautéing not even acknowledging your presence.

            “How was class today?” You heard your own voice break through the silence and immediately wanted to take back the words.

            “Good. Didn’t have it” He said shortly, not even looking at you, his eyes  not leaving vegetables on the stove.

            That was it? Was he trying to make this uncomfortable for you? “You slept in…?”

            “No,” He turned to you now, his already piercing eyes narrowed. But he quickly turned back his focus to his food. “teacher got sick.” His tone defensive.

            “I wasn’t saying anything. Just trying to make conversation.” You attempt a smile but it feels foreign on your face. “Do you like your classes?”

            There was a few moments of silence before you realized that he wasn’t going to respond to you. You repeated yourself again, this time slower.

            “Listen,” He let out a irritated sigh and setting down his vegetables and turned his whole body to you, his hip leaning on the stove with arms crossed. “Can you just. Not?”

            “What?” You asked half confused half incredulous. You could kind of see where he was going but there was no way he would be so bold as to-.

            “This.” He moved his hand in a circular motion between him, his face unreadable again. “We don’t need to talk.” He stated.

            He did not just say that to you. The nerve of this guy. You felt so uncomfortable you let out a short laugh. He tried to turn back to his vegetables but you stopped him a hand on his shoulder.

            “What do you mean we don’t need to talk? We are roommates!”

            “Lets just accept we don’t get along.” He stated coldly again, removing your hand from his shoulder and placing  it on the counter.

            “We don’t even know each other yet. How do you know we don’t get along?” You felt your kind façade fading as you clenched your teeth. “We’ve haven’t even had a conversation yet!”

            “Lets keep it that way.” He snapped. He shot you one disgusted glare before turned back to the stove.

            You could not believe it. You stood there in total disbelief. You had been shot down before you had even started. You stood stock still for who knows how long, glaring at Woozi as he went along his merry way as if nothing was wrong.

            “You are….are… unbelieveable!” you half laughed. Your hands tightened to fists at your sides. You couldn’t help but smile at how absurd he was being

            “I know, aren’t I?” He whispered wistfully, a smirk on his face.

            “Its not a compliment!.” You hissed, grabbing your dish from the microwave. But you grabbed it two quickly in your anger, and ending up dropping it on the floor with a yelp. You looked down at your right hand to see it completely blushed. The pain from your hand made your eyes start to water. You groaned, both from your stinging fingers and at the sight of your dinner on the floor.

            “Five minutes is way to long.” He laughed, still not looking at you. “I knew from the moment that you set the timer that you would either: end up burning yourself or ruining your food. I  did not anticipate it would be both.” He smiled, obviously pleased with himself.

            “Then, why didn’t you tell me?!” You yelled at him. You took a glance at your right hand again to see it was already starting to blister at your palm. Man, you had a second degree burn. You felt a weight drop in your stomach when you realized that this is your drawing hand. How the hell were you supposed to go to your drawing classes with a blistering, cracking and bleeding hand?!

            He turned to you mouthing the words with wide eyes, “We. Aren’t. Talking. Remember.” Giving you a cold smile.

            You felt your face go red with pure rage. If there ever was a time that you have wanted to seriously fight someone, it would be now. You are sure you’ve never met anyone has rude in your life. “This is my drawing hand!”

            “That’s not my problem.”

            “You should be nicer to me!” You yell with a air of confidence you didn’t know you had, “I could get you kicked out again.” He turned to you, his blank face broken by a look of shock, “Yea, they told me. About how you’ve been kicked out of three apartment complexes, and how this is the last one left that would take you, yea I know! So I would be a bit kinder to me if I were you. I could get you and your friends kicked out faster than-“

            “Do it.” He interrupted your spiel nonchalantly, his blank expression back on his face, “See if I care.”

            You did not expect that, “I could get you kicked out!” You half whined, trying to get back that power you had over him for a fraction of a second.

            “You said.” He droned monotone.

            You needed to hit something, the arrogance of that little arrRAAAGGG. You were so angry you couldn’t think straight. You shoved past him out of the kitchen to storm to your room.

            “Hey! He yelled at you.

            “What?” You yelled back, poking your head into the kitchen, half hoping for apology. But he just stood their pointing at the dinner that you had spilled at his feet when you had burned yourself.

            “Clean it up.” He ordered you. There was no way around that, it was an order. He was ordering you around like you were some kind of dog.

            “Hey guys!”  a voice interrupted your fiery thoughts. Hoshi and DK were coming through the doorway, a kind smile on their faces. “You would not believe-“  

            You stormed over to them, your nostrils flaring with rage. “He!” You yell point at Woozi in the kitchen, “Is going!”

            The boys looked at you with shocked and frantic expressions,

            “What did you do?” Hoshi  half yelled half whined at Woozi at the same time that DK gasped “What, no!?”

            “Look,” you used your left hand to raise your right hand to show them the crimson skin. DK  physically jumped back as you held it out to him and Hoshi let out moan.

            “Woozi! Did you do this?”

            “I did not! She burned herself due to her own stupidity.”

            “He knew this was going to happen, and he said nothing!”
            “Was I supposed to?” He yelled back sarcastically.

            “Yes!” You were yelling to, “Yes, you were! Any half decent person would.”

            “Fine, fine, fine, fine.” He raised his hands in mock surrender, “We all agree I am a horrible person.” Woozi turned to DK and Hoshi who were staring at him with utter disbelief. “Can you just shut her up?”

            “EXCUSE ME?”

            “oH, I’m glad you heard that, good. Thanks for letting me know you have ears. Now please, shut your face.”

            “If my right hand wasn’t in god- awful pain right now, you would be talking through a busted mouth.” You said in a dangerously quiet voice.

            “And if you weren’t a girl, I would made you shut that comically large mouth of yours”

            DK immediately stepped in for damage control, stepping in between you guys. You realized that you and Woozi had been slowly getting closer to each other with each yell that you were now a foot away from tearing each others’ faces off.

            DK physically squeezed himself between you two, extending his arms to push to two away from each other. 

Thanks for reading! I'll be adding another SEVENTEEN member in the mix soon. 

Suggestions and feedback are more than welcomed!

Thank you! You reading this makes me happy :)


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Reading it again in 2022 QAQ Wow it's been five years
ileanaaxc #2
Chapter 47: I wish Jihoon had a bit more, romantically, but this story was great as it is <3
Yuki-Nyx #3
Chapter 47: OMG!!! Just spent 30 minutes looking for this fanfic!!!! I love this story!
It was one of my firsts! And was about to cry cause I thought you took it down! I'm rereading it!
Looking forward to your new story!!
Love you sincerely, your story is the best!
Chapter 46: Okay so I binged all of this and I have to say, this was really good. I loved how much depth the characters had and that's something I don't see often on AFF. There were a few plot holes here and there, but really overall it was one of the better fics I've read here!
So i read this story a long time ago, and i think i loved it (and cried a lot, but im not sure) , so i decided to come back and start a river all over again
Chapter 47: Holy ! You gave me a heartattack! I thought this was about the story hahahaha, anyways, I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR OTHER STORIES YAAAAAS! LEGGO! I'M READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR WRITING SKILLS AGAIN!!!!
ninjahwang12 #7
Chapter 47: EEE YAY CANT WAIT!!!! Who's the main of this story? Still Woozi? <3 <3 Thanks for writing!!!!!
Yuki-Nyx #8
Chapter 47: You’re so mean!!! ;) I thought sequel!
But even better a new story! I’m so excited!!!
Love you ;) Keep Writing!