
The Roommate

Guess who forgot to add Coup's backstory at the end of last chapter? Sorry if you were exicted for another chapter.
I thought I should post in in-between chapters to hold you off until the next chapter- enjoy

Thank you if you are reading this and If you haven't- please subscribe :D it would make me VERRRYYY happy.



           Cheol, named by his mother grew up under his father, with a bike shop as his playground. Cheol’s parents divorced when he was three, and his father was given full custody. To this day, Cheol rarely sees his mother.

            After a failed marriage, the Cheol’s father, a skilled mechanic, took a job in a traveling bike show. The job was simple: do routine checks on each bike before the shows.

            Growing up with no home, the only definite thing Cheol had when moving from town to town was the bikes. His father taught him the trade on the road, and by thirteen, Cheol was an advanced mechanic like his father.

            Through the various encounters with the bike’s riders’, Cheol developed stoic appearance and rough exterior. Most of the bikers were nice, however the biker’s sons would find it fun to mess with Cheol. After a particular nasty fight with the owner’s son, Cheol’s father was asked to leave the tour company along with his son.

            Left without income, Cheol’s father started a bike and car shop in a quirky town. Cheol, with already a passion for bikes worked at the shop every day after school.

            School was a different topic. Socializing was never easy. Cheol gave ‘having friends’ a try for about three minutes until a kid made fun of the grease stains on Cheol’s only pair of jeans.

            A suspension on the first day of school gave Cheol automatic first place in the food chain order. Due to some nerds, Cheol was an A student, everyone did anything Cheol.

            Everyone except for the black haired kid who sat next to Cheol. Cheol hated his cold exterior that so reminded him of his emotionally unavailable father. Cheol was secretly jealous the kid’s intelligence, he could get A’s without trying. He was smart, cold and a good fighter.

            It took three weeks of the kid’s snarky remarks before Cheol offered a fight. Woozi took the offer and after school they beat themselves bloody- the fight was equal before it stopped.

            Monster, a newly recruited trainee, broke up the fight telling the kids there were better ways to use their energy. Cheol was reluctant to become a member with a kid he despised so much, but by the end of up to the kids over dinner, they both agreed.

            Cheol was still a rebel even in the gang and never listened to orders. The gang learned Cheol did not learn when beaten, instead they beat Woozi to teach him the lesson. It worked.

            A bitterness built up in Cheol, and unlike Woozi, Cheol saw the deceit from the beginning. Cheol secretly tried to get out a few times, but Woozi always discouraged him.

            Cheol finally convinced Woozi and after a year, the two told the gang they were leaving. The boss was furious with Cheol because he had just lost the gang their next heir- Woozi. Cheol, being the one they blamed, was beaten so bad he was in the hospital for a few weeks with a concussion, a few broken limbs and a open wounds.

           **(When a person is initiated into a gang you are beaten. If they survive- they are deemed worthy of being in said gang. The reluctance of leaving a gang is because the departing ceremony is the same. But in the exiting ceremony, the risk of being murdered is high)**

           After recovering, Cheol spent no time sulking about the time lost and went head first in returning to the bike shop. Cheol graduated high school and became the bike store’s manager. Cheol’ father left the original store to look other places to expand his business.

           Soon, Cheol met Dino- a snotty kid who was too young to be swearing like a sailor. Cheol warned Hoshi to stay far away from the kid, but Hoshi insisted.

           After a year of living with Hoshi, Dino’s real foster parents demanded Dino back. Hoshi told Cheol the foster parents had abused Dino, they were only in it for the money. Hoshi wasn’t old enough, so Cheol became Dino’s foster parent on paper only- he would still live with Hoshi.

           A year passed and Hoshi left for school, and Cheol discovered the responsibly behind the promise. Cheol had a kid to feed, house and look after all by himself.

           The first few months was nothing short of hell. The calm exterior Dino had broke as soon as Cheol tried to establish rules. The whole time Dino was with Hoshi, Cheol had no idea Dino was given no structure to live by- so when Cheol tried to enforced the simplest things Dino lost it. Both parties would lose their temper and yell profusely. Even after the fights, Cheol would give Dino the bed as he slept on the couch.

           Weeks turned into months, a tiny apartment shifted into a three bedroom, and Dino slowly adapted to some rules. Cheol followed after his father by forcing Dino to work at the bike shop. Although Dino despised it at first, he began to enjoy it the more he learned.

           They kept a somewhat formal relationship-  similar to what Cheol had with his father. As Cheol grew fonder with the kid, the rules became stricter. Cheol wanted Dino to be as safe and healthy as possible: no sugars- all organic fruits, his room should be clean at all times, no fighting at school and Cheol kept a close eye on all of Dino’s friends.

           The two bonded over their love for bikes and Cheol did everything he could to take care of Dino, often without Dino knowing. Cheol would stay up late at night, making lunches for the week so Dino would have healthy homemade food to eat at school. When he found out Dino made it to the basketball team, he donated an entire paycheck to the team so they could get new uniforms. And when Dino talked nonstop about art lessons he would receive and the person never came through, Cheol practically forced them to. Dino will never know all the things Cheol has done for him.

           Cheol saw the personality changes in Dino immediately. After the third fight, Cheol took Dino to a counselor, which ended in Dino running out of the office. Cheol told Hoshi, expecting support but Hoshi assured him that Dino was acting like a normal teenager. Everyone turned a blind eye when it came to Dino’s ‘breaks’, but Cheol was the only one who refused to.

           Many times Cheol has thought of adopting Dino. Once, he actually got the paper work, but they sat dusty in his drawer waiting for the right time. After Dino's first basketball game, Cheol was going to celebrate the occassion by going out out to dinner with the friends. Afterwards, Dino would have come home to find the adoption papers lying on his bed. But Dino never got to see the papers waiting for him that night, he ran away that night into the woods after being rejected by Hoshi. Dino thought that the end of Hoshi being friends with him was the end of his only family, little did he know Cheol was going to offer him a real family.

            When Cheol found out Dino attempted to take his life, he was heartbroken. Cheol didn’t want Dino to leave the house, but he knew it was the best thing for him. He needed help, and Cheol couldn’t give it to him. After transferring Dino to the mental instituion, Cheol came home that night to an empty house, and the adoption papers went back in the drawer. Cheol sat in Dino's empty room and cried.

            Cheol always knew that Dino favored Hoshi over him- it was almost a fact. Cheol knows he is too strict and that Dino only sees the rules and not the underlying love driving them. Cheol gets frustrated when Hoshi’s selfish actions affects Dino. Cheol was nothing more than a second option to Dino. But to Cheol, Dino was his first choice.

            It was no surprise when Dino only allowed Hoshi to see him at his stay at the mental institution. Hoshi was the fun, brother-type, Cheol was the strict father. But Cheol would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit it hurt. The boy who he had fed, housed and cared for more than anyone in his life- chose an irresponsible teenager over Cheol, who has made more sacrifices for him than he could possibly imagine.

            Cheol is a hardworking, stoic man who has a deep love for machines. His inability to show affection was inherited from his father and he still struggles with drawing a line between love and policing.

Whose backstory do you want to see next? Let me know!

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Reading it again in 2022 QAQ Wow it's been five years
ileanaaxc #2
Chapter 47: I wish Jihoon had a bit more, romantically, but this story was great as it is <3
Yuki-Nyx #3
Chapter 47: OMG!!! Just spent 30 minutes looking for this fanfic!!!! I love this story!
It was one of my firsts! And was about to cry cause I thought you took it down! I'm rereading it!
Looking forward to your new story!!
Love you sincerely, your story is the best!
Chapter 46: Okay so I binged all of this and I have to say, this was really good. I loved how much depth the characters had and that's something I don't see often on AFF. There were a few plot holes here and there, but really overall it was one of the better fics I've read here!
So i read this story a long time ago, and i think i loved it (and cried a lot, but im not sure) , so i decided to come back and start a river all over again
Chapter 47: Holy ! You gave me a heartattack! I thought this was about the story hahahaha, anyways, I LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR OTHER STORIES YAAAAAS! LEGGO! I'M READY TO GET BLOWN AWAY BY YOUR WRITING SKILLS AGAIN!!!!
ninjahwang12 #7
Chapter 47: EEE YAY CANT WAIT!!!! Who's the main of this story? Still Woozi? <3 <3 Thanks for writing!!!!!
Yuki-Nyx #8
Chapter 47: You’re so mean!!! ;) I thought sequel!
But even better a new story! I’m so excited!!!
Love you ;) Keep Writing!