

        (he handed his gun and watch her shoot back.) 

          For the first time, Jungkook slept without clutching his gun. She looked at him; at the lines that made him and freckles on some part of him she had never seen before. He had never been so peaceful. She traced her hand along his soft sleeping figure; finally he looked like his age. The young boy hand was still circling around her waist when she took her phone out carefully of her tossed coat—afraid she might wake him up—then she remembered how careful he was of touching her the night before.
          She dialled a number, not looking at him now, and when a voice answered she knew she would regret this later. “Jungkook.. is sleeping right now.”
          The voice on the other side answered in stoic yet careful manner. “You did well. I am going to send people for him now.”
          She hissed, suddenly feeling hesitant. ”He is.. sleeping without his gun.. because of me.” Her voice cracked at that and tears were already falling she feared she would wake him up. “Five minutes.. Please let him sleep for another five minutes. Then..” She inhaled, but another waves of tears chocked her all over again. “You.. can take him away.”
          “This is for the best, girl.” The other voice convinced. Deep down, she knew it was for their best, but it still wasn’t for him.
          Before she released his grip on her and walked away, lastly she said after kissing his forehead. “Please, don’t hurt him more than I hurt him already.”

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Good luck with your fic it looks interesting ^_^