

(for those who gazes upon the bleak sky and admires the light on the tail of airplanes)

          Jungkook liked to linger at night, going up to the roof and watch the bleak sky. In his new place, airplane often came and passed. Light from the tail of airplane caught his eyes now and then. He wondered as he dreamed of being in one of the passing plane, taking him away from the place he was now.
          She was hundred miles away. Jungkook took out his phone and dialled an old number. He knew she had not changed her number when her voice said the word, “Hello?”
          “It’s me,” he said. Another airplane passed by, the light on the tail was red and yellow.
          “I know,” she started. A beat later she added, “Everyone said you move out,”
          The light became blurred as the airplane reached the farthest point of his sight. He wondered whether he had dreamed of coming back. “I am in Melbourne now.”
Silence filled in the seconds until she answered. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
           A sad smile crossed his lips. Suddenly, the air felt corrupted from the amount of avtur. “Stop it. You knew I was leaving,” he sighed. It was hard when he finally decided not to go along with her facade. As he looked upon the sky and blamed the star for being long dead, lastly he asked, “Why didn’t you ask me to stay?”

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Good luck with your fic it looks interesting ^_^