Just As Mad

Baby Don't Run!
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Jaebum curses in his head as he walked away from his dorm room; he didn’t even make it inside when he heard a familiar, which he wishes were not, obnoxiously loud coming inside. Jackson, his roommate is, you know, pretty active when it comes to physical interaction with his boyfriend Mark. Jaebum doesn’t mind most of the times, but not when it is finals and he’s trying to salvage all his grades. He couldn’t even understand how Jackson and Mark seemed to be more active when it’s that time of the year, like how do they even do that?


He continued walking until he reached the school gate, he glanced at his watch; it’s only two in the afternoon. Looking around the campus, there weren’t many students loitering around like the usual; probably they are in the same situation like him. Not their roommates being physically active with their significant other, but trying to give their best in their last shot. The library would have been a nice choice, but fifty percent of the students may be occupying the place already, it would not be a good place to study.


Still, he found himself walking towards the building, when he reached the library, he wasn’t wrong but he wasn’t right either. The students inside were not as much as he was expecting, but there are still quite a lot. He climbed his way up to the second floor which luckily was nearly empty, except for the janitor and few students. He then walked towards the empty long table beside the window on the corner.


Just as he was about to sit, with great disappointment, he saw that even though the table was empty, there is someone near the area, stacking books and whatnot. Jaebum gets easily distracted, it’s one of his weaknesses, especially because the guy turned to him and gave him a million-watt smile which blinded and paralyzed him for seven seconds. Because, wow, how can someone have a smile as beautiful and as bright as that. Really, tho, those cute whiskers-like lines on his cheeks and his cute crescents wow. He never believed in love at first sights because love takes time, it grows, it always does. But according to the BuzzFeed video he watched, love at first does exist; the brain could identify the people who we are going to fall in love with even in the first seconds of seeing them.


Due to the lack of response, the guy nodded to himself with a disappointed look on his face and turned back to his job. Not knowing how to react, Jaebum closed and opened his lips, debating with himself if he should at least say hi to the guy, but the Janitor walked beside him and shot him a disgusted look. He probably thought that Jaebum was being a creeper, planning not-so-wholesome things towards the guy. He will not be surprised if he finds out he was right, but he cannot blame them or himself either, he was just born with that kind of face. Like, he’s either constantly planning on killing people or doing not-so-nice things to them. Very fortunately, Nora, his beloved cat, does not mind his face. Hashtag true love exists.


Time passed by quickly once he started studying; he turned his back towards the guy to avoid further distractions. With his bright yellow-green highlighter on his left hand, he looked towards the window and saw that it was already dark outside, and with a quick glance at his watch, he found it out that it was already seven in the evening. He looked around as he gathered his things, it seemed like he was the only one left in there, but as he stood up he saw the guy earlier, he's on the counter, writing something.


He gave himself a small pep talk before walking towards the guy’s direction, he should at least say hi or goodbye or something. Maybe he could invite him to go home together? No, they don’t even know each other yet, that would be weird. Maybe he could tell him that he should go home already because it’s already dark outside, but he looked like he’s already old enough to handle himself. A quick goodbye would do, yes. When he was just a few meters away from the counter, the guy turned to him and smiled, with rate quicker than Jaebum could ever imagine, he run towards the exit and left the guy dumbfounded.


Jaebum continued to run until he reached his dorm room, no longer giving a damn about Jackson’s personal exercises. “Hey, what happened?” Jackson said, exiting his room just in his boxers with Mark in tow. “Nothing” Jaebum replied, catching his breath, “Just being stupid.” Jackson snickered; “Oh, I thought that was normal?” without bothering to neither look nor reply Jaebum laid himself on the couch. “What happened?” Mark genuinely asked.


“He must hate me right now; I don’t even know him yet.” Jaebum placed his hands on his cheeks, sighing hard. Jackson then threw himself beside him, shouting nonsense. “Am I hearing things right?” he said, with a eating grin, “Are you in love?” hearing that, Jaebum blushed and Mark smiled too. “Did you just fall in love at first sight?” Jackson prodded Jaebum’s shoulder. Not receiving any verbal replies from Jaebum, Jackson continued teasing the older.


“Am I? I don’t think so.” he asked himself more than Jackson, he looked upwards as Jackson nodded his head like a hyper puppy. “So, where did you see him?” Mark asked, pulling Jackson to sit with him on the other couch. “At the library? He was stacking books, I don’t know, maybe he’s a student assistant? He looks like just about our age.” With the mention of the third word, Jackson’s eyes widened and gave Mark a knowing look, “Is he just about your height but is slimmer than you?” Jackson asked and Jaebum nodded, “does he look like a cat when he smiles?” Jaebum nodded again Jackson abruptly turned to Mark, “He’s–”


Jaebum didn’t catch what Jackson said because he whispered it to Mark very quietly, and latter nodded and smiled. “Do you know him?” Jaebum quipped in between the couples’ giggles, they nodded simultaneously and grinned at him, “What’s his name?”


“As much as I want you to finally get a boyfriend, I want you to do it on your own way. Grow some balls and ask him yourself.” Jaebum’s face contorts every moment Jackson opened his filthy mouth, how could he be so mean to him? “Come on! Just his name!” he begged, but his roommate is getting none of it as he pulled Mark towards his room and said, “You can do it Jaebum, fighting!” before he locked his room and left Jaebum frustrated on the couch.










Jaebum didn’t get to see the library boy for the rest of the exam week; he’s got five major exams and barely surviving. With so many things going on in his academic life, Jaebum had quickly forgotten about the library boy at least not after constantly thinking about the boy’s smile every time he takes a break from studying. But that went away as soon as he went home for the semestral break, or not. He was constantly sending Jackson SMS about how he couldn’t stop thinking about the library boy now that he’s got nothing else to do. He even dreamed of him seven times the whole break.


Jackson and Mark were almost getting tired of how Jaebum blabbers about his little crush, but nevertheless, they are happy for him. They have been friends with Jaebum since they were in grade school and never once in the course of their friendship they have seen Jaebum go crazy about someone. He dated few people, but they always end up breaking off with him because, ‘I don’t think nor feel that you love me.’















The next time he saw the library boy was when he and Jackson were waiting for Mark in the cafeteria, and the latter had the boy in tow. He swears the boy saw him and ducked his head behind Mark so before they reached the table, Jaebum took his things and ran away whilst giving excuses about something coming up suddenly. Of course, Jackson doesn’t believe it but the older was fast so he wasn’t able to catch him. The library boy, on the other hand, bit his lip as he followed Mark; for the second time Jaebum ran away from him.


“Jinyoungie, don’t mind him.” Marks said, patting the younger’s shoulder as soon as he noticed how his reaction fell down. “Why does he always do that?” he asked silently, watching Jaebum’s frame get smaller and smaller as he ran farther away from them.








“Seriously? Why are you so stupid

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Chapter 1: This is so adorable and cute and AWESOME!!!!
Chapter 1: I have one question authornim, "WHY THE HELL IS THIS SO FLUFFY AND CUTE???", that's all. Thanks for the story. I'm going to my grave peacefully. Bye world!!
Chapter 1: Awn this was so cute tho :') But I need to ask... Who's the tall younger guy with Jin? I think it's Yugyeom but I'm not sure tho :3 Btw, it was a good story to read before going to bed ;)
Chapter 1: Ahhh! This was so cute and collegy and I just loved it so much!
blinkylover #6
Chapter 1: Omg, so sweet and very beautiful!
Chapter 1: aw jaebum, you stupid. but if only jaebum's not being a coward since the beggining and he had the guts, it wouldn't be this cute tho. but but i like the epilogue better haha 'or not.' it was literary something xD
hiddentears #8
it is all warm and fuzzy and fluffy marshmallows and sweet cotton candy and salty happy tears.
thankyou ❤
Chapter 1: Goshhh your story never fails to make my heart flutters ; w ;
thank you for writing another fluffy jjp fic<333