
Are You Sure?
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Wonwoo stands waiting outside an apartment door, staring at the number 1702 imprinted on the posh silver plate. Honestly, he hadn't expected Mingyu to live in a place like this. Unlike his plain and ordinary house, Mingyu's place has turned out to be a fifty-two story high apartment (Wonwoo's first instinct was to count the floors, but then he realised there were elevator buttons.) with people wearing actual uniforms at the front desk.

He's actually kind of surprised they didn't ask him for ID or something when he came in; this place sure looks expensive enough to be doing that kind of thing.

The sound of the door clicking open snaps Wonwoo out of his thoughts, "hey hyung! Come in," Mingyu greets him with his signature canines-poking-out smile, and the older internally cringes when he realises that despite seeing it for the thousandth time, it still succeeds in making his heart flip over.

"So, I didn't know you were rich," Wonwoo comments, as his eyes pan around the open space, skimming over the unusually clean kitchen (probably because no one uses it), stylish tall lamps, and one of those long sofas he'd only ever seen through a television screen.

Mingyu grins shyly, "I'm not rich." It feels kind of good to impress his hyung, because for him, it's always been the other way round. He loves the way Wonwoo looks so good in beanies, the way he's just slightly shorter than him, and the way his eyes always look tired and y. The way his nose scrunches when he laughs, the way he holds a pencil, and now Mingyu is just being completely ridiculous, but he doesn't care.

"Right..." Wonwoo mutters, dragging the end of the word as he sets himself down on the sofa. "Sorry I'm a little early by the way," he adds, glancing at the digital clock and slumping into the cushy material. "What were you doing?"

"Watching gay ."

"What?!" The older sits straight back up, shocked.

Mingyu bursts into laughter, "I'm joking, calm down."

"O-Oh," he clears his throat, "so are we gonna start studying?" The two of them had decided to start doing tutoring sessions at Mingyu's place, because of a certain incident at Wonwoo's the week before...


"So, here you have to differentiate this to get the second derivative, and then..." Wonwoo stops listening as his focus drops out of maths and into admiring the perfection that is Kim Mingyu.

They're sitting on the floor of Wonwoo's room, awfully close in fact, way too close for what should be a tutoring session. Wonwoo can't concentrate at all. He stares up into Mingyu's eyes, waiting for him to notice that he's not really interested in studying anymore.

"From here, you can find the maximum and the minimum..." Clearly, the younger is too concentrated with maths to notice his boyfriend's need for attention.

Wonwoo sits closer, but Mingyu only mistakes this as interest in the work he's explaining. Frustrated, Wonwoo speaks up, "stop. Mingyu, stop." The said boy turns to him, eyes wide with confusion.


The innocent way Mingyu seems to be questioning him makes Wonwoo gulp, "um..." He hesitates, "I don't really wanna-"

"Oh." Is all Mingyu says, and Wonwoo runs a hand through his own hair in frustration.

"Okay, just-" He slides a hand around the back of Mingyu's neck and brings his head forward, so that their noses are pressed gently against eachother, their lips only inches apart. Deep lazy eyes meet twinkling caramel ones, and Wonwoo doesn't waste another second before letting their lips meet.

Mingyu's eyes flutter shut and and his hand grips the side of the bed for support, as Wonwoo becomes more aggressive, pushing him down further towards the carpeted floor.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, and the two detach themselves immediately, sitting up.

Wonwoo's mother enters with a kind smile, "I just wanted to check that everything was okay." She says, completely oblivious to the situation. Before either of them can reply, she speaks up again. "Oh, is it too hot? Both of you look quite red."

"Um, no, we're- actually, yeah. We're... feeling kind of warm, I guess." Wonwoo's words come out in a rush, and he tries his best to hide his blushing.


"Well, I was thinking we could skip that stuff... just for today? Since it's your first time coming round?" Mingyu tries to suggest casually, and the older nods in agreement. "You wanna watch a movie?"

Wonwoo shrugs, "sure, whatever you want."

Except they

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this is literally going to be the worst ending chapter im so sorry


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Chapter 22: Thank you for this hard work
Chapter 22: This is very nice, contemporary, light and at the same time deep. I'm glad you tackle the everyday struggles of those who coulndt come out. I hope they will have their own mingyu for support. Now, I'm off to jun's spinoff
Chapter 13: Ohhhh. So its mingyu's turn to get jealous. And jun got me sooooo speechless.
Chapter 21: This story was so cute and quite well written I loved it!
rosequartznserenity #5
Chapter 22: I think this has the best epilogue ever. After reading all your a/n, I'm just gonna say, this is an easy fic to read, arupt ending but still ok. Thank you for finishing it even though you lost your interest with it. :)
Chapter 13: I legit laughed when Taehyung appeared....
pamela0123 #7
Chapter 22: i had fun reading this kkkk
Wonwoo's so jelly he literally does everything at the moment i like that
ajexastxsvt #8
Chapter 22: Whoooo! I love iit! This fanfic made me roll at the corners of my bed, squealing at every parts of our house, smiling non-stop, even outside. I'm happily singing nonsense words! Wahhh! My heart's going to beat out of my chest! Goshhhh! This made me feel so inloveee! Whooo! I control my feelings! Whoooo! Keep up the great work author-nim! Fighting!
Theotpsailor #9
Chapter 13: I read your wonhui one shot and tbh I liked this scene way more. Would it be too much to ask for a one shot where they actually make out?
Chapter 22: lol these author notes xD fic was still a fun read though!