Chapter 14

Stay With Me

You went to the supermarket to buy some grocies that your mom asked. You were walking while looking at the list of things that you have jotted down and suddenly you bumped into someone.

"Yah. Look where you walk!" She shouted.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You said and bowed. Then you realized who she is.

"Aren't you Daehyun oppa's girlfriend that I met earlier?" She asked while pointing at you.


"Errr you must love his money instead of himself. What did he sees in you that I don't have. I'm obviously way more prettier than you. You must have seduced him." She said in annoying voice.

"Who are you to say about me like that? You don't know me and from what I see in you, your attitude, I know why Daehyun didn't like you." You kept your anger.

"How dare you talked to me like that, !"

"? Are you talking to yourself? I don't have time for immature people like you." You walked passed her and went straight away to the counter. You didn't even find the remaining things you have to buy.

You went inside your car and the aircond to the maximum. Your face just too red and burning from anger. "Who did she think she is?! She even called me ?! What the hell is wrong with her?! What I've done wrong?!" You screamed and hit the steering. Your chest rose and fell from the anger.

About 15 minutes and you have calmed down, you took out your phone and dialled.


"Oppa, are you free right now?"

"Yes I am. Wae?" Youngjae asked.

"Can we meet?"

"Now? Where? Why you hear like in an urgent? Is there something wrong?"

"At the usual cafe? Just got there, and I'll tell you everything."

"Ne. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Don't do anything stupid, Rae-ah."

'Ne, oppa. I won't." You chuckled and hang up.

You texted your mom that you will be back a bit late because you are seeing Youngjae. You drove to the cafe.

You ordered your favourite hot chocolate while waiting for Youngjae. Suddenly, your phone ringing.

"Hmm?" You asked.

"Babe? Where are you?"

"At home. Wae?" You lied. You don't want him to know that you met that girl earlier.

"Oh. Nothing. Just worrying about you." Why would he worry all of sudden?

"I'm all well here. Don't worry. Thanks for concern."

"If you said so. Then, you hang up first, darl." Daehyun said.

"Ne. Goodbye." You hang up after hearing his goodbye. He was always like that, will ask you to hang up, if you won't than he would just be the line on like that. Does he think that called gentleman? Lol Dae.

You was smiling to yourself then Youngjae who came from nowhere took a seat opposite you.

"Just 15 minutes before you was calling me in a worry tone and now you are smiling like an idiot. What people say is true, girls are complicated."

You hit his arm. "That's called mother nature."

"Yeah yeah whatever. What do you want to talk about?" He said while rubbing his arm.

"You are Daehyun bestfriend since little, right? So he must has told you many things."

"Can you just straight to the point?"

"Can you be patient? Geez. Ok so there is this one girl I've met twice, last week and just now. Last week, I saw her talking with Daehyun. Just now, I bumped into her and she was calling me ? What the h- Ok I'm sorry but she really gets on my nerve. I don't even know her but I know Daehyun may know him it just he can't remember."

"Are you talking about Seo Yoon?"

"How can I know her name." You make a face.

"I know her. Daehyun already asked and told me everything earlier."

"Omg why didn't you tell me earlier? You just waste my saliva for talking so long."

"I just want to hear from both sides. So, her name is Seo Yoon and he was Daehyun's classmate back in college. As I know, she was chasing for Daehyun when they were in college back then but Daehyun never showed any interest. He just being himself. I don't know that she's still has feeling for him? Wow. She must be really in love with him if she still chase for him."

Your mouth dropped open and Youngjae shut it closed. "Flies will get in your mouth."

"Wow. I don't know people can love someone like this. I mean it's about 5 years already?"

"I don't know if she really loves him or she wants anything else. I don't know.."

"No wonder she seems really annoyed with me. But, where did she found out that I'm Daehyun's girlfriend?"

"Rae Jae-ah, are you living under a stone? World is full with modern technnology and it's just a piece of thing to get any inforrmation."

"Yeah yeah I didn't think of that."

"As I remember, she likes to break people's relationship."

"For what?"

"For fun."


"Don't worry. You just need to have faith in Daehyun. I know he loves you."

"Ne." You just nodded.

"And I told Daehyun that you called me earlier and wanted to meet me. I just want to ask him if he had done anything to you."

Your eyes were big as you interpret everything that Youngjae just told you.

"You told him?! Wae???????"

"Why? Is it wrong?"

"So he knew that I was lying to him. And I thought he has telephaty with me, that's why he asked me if I'm okay when something just happened to me. Pabo me." You hit your forehead on the table repeatly and mumbled those things that Youngjae can't understand any single thing.

"Yah yah stop it. What are you doing?" He put a palm on the table so that your forehead hit his palm instead. 

You looked up at him with red forehead. "Thank you so much, oppa." You said while smiling sarcasticly, or more like an idiot.

"Yeah girl, let's go back."

You went back and forgot everything that you didn't buy yet. You just simply lied to your mom that the things were run out of stock. You went to the bedroom and plopped on the bed. "Aish. I shouldn't lied earlier." You punch the pillow.

It was night and right when you were ready to sleep, your phone rings.



"Why you didn't just tell me that you knew I was meeting Youngjae." Your tone kinda mad.

"Eh? Shouldn't I be the one who mad because you didn't telling the truth?" You can feel he was smirking on the other line.

"Okay, I'm sorry okay? I don't want you to worry."

"Hmm. You should call me instead of Youngjae."

"It's Youngjae that I can only asked." You simply said.

"What is it about?"

You sighed and tell him what happened earlier. You don't want to make him worry but you don't want to keep any secret from him too.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

"Yeah I'm just fine. You don't have to worry anything. It's just a small matter. Aish that's why I don't want to tell you."

"How can I not worry. It's because of me, you got this problem. I'm sorry."

"Oppa, stop saying sorry. It's not even your fault."

"I felt like I've been troubling you since I wok-"

"I said stop." 

"I'm sor-"

"I said stop saying that can you?! It's not that you who was forcing me to do anything. I do at my own will. You shouldn't blame yourself." If he is right in front of me right now, I'll probably cup his face and kiss him. "I didn't mean to raise my voice. I'm sorry." 

"I miss you." You sighed.

"I miss you too. Go to sleep. You have to work tomorrow. I love you." He replied.

"Ne. I love you too." You hang up and just right when you want to put your phone on the bed stand, it's beeps.

Daehyun: I'm sorry. I still want to type it as you asked me not to say it. It's last. I promise. Sleep tight. Good night, princess <3

You sighed and smiled to yourself and soon drove to sleep.

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jasminyix #1
Chapter 32: my god..i am crying..:"""(
plz continue ..i am waiting !!
ZicoRuthy10 #2
Chapter 32: omg... this story is the best.. plis cintinue..
choyriyee #3
Chapter 32: This is getting really serious n interesting..
Sharissa #4
Chapter 32: Its so damn interesting! Opps! I should not curse
Chapter 32: When one side doesn't want to hear the other explanation bcz he/she's to hurt n not thinking rationally, it's really hurt to read this chap... T^T
Caramelatte019 #6
Chapter 32: Omg I know she's hurt with what happened but she should at least hear him out
sapphire11 #7
Chapter 32: Omo....why is this happening to them...
Chapter 30: please dont let her lost the baby ㅠㅠ
Chapter 30: Please
Chapter 30: Oooohh.. if something's happen w the baby, Dae'll be in trouble since Rae get stressed bcz of him.....