
No Endeavor

     Jongin had left a while ago with Kyungsoo. Chanyeol was currently laying facedown in bed, groaning. He hated Jongin and he hated himself. If he didn't confess to Kyungsoo he could have still been blissfully ignorant. He could have still believed that Kyungsoo was haboring a crush on him.

     "Ugh," Chanyeol groaned into his pilliow. He kicked up his legs and flailed them behind himself. He couldn't even talk to his best friend about this. Chanyeol was then reminded of Kyungsoo's reactions to Jongin. He remebered how Kyungsoo was blushing at whatever Jongin did. The way their knees touched and how their hands brushed against each other was all Chanyeol could focus on. It was all Kyungsoo could focus on too.

     Chanyeol had been ignored that entire night. Kyungsoo and Jongin had chatted as if they were childhood friends and Chanyeol was the outsider. Everytime Jongin had managed to touch Kyungsoo or get too close to his face, Kyunsgoo's face flushed bright pink. He likes him. He likes him. I know he likes him. Chanyeol now had his hands in fists and he sat up on his bed. He was fuming and tried his best not to cry.

     He was angry. He was very angry. He didn't want Kyungsoo to like his friend. He didn't want to like Kyungsoo either, but what was he going to do? He couldn't control his feelings as much as he wanted to.

     There was a ping from Chanyeol's phone on his dresser. Chanyeol stood up lazily and made his way toward his cell phone.

     "Holy ," Chanyeol said under his breathe as he checked his notification. It was a text from Kyungsoo. He quickly typed in his passcode and opened up the message.

Kyungsoo: Chanyol

     Chanyeol sighed. He didn't even spell his name right.

Chanyeol: Yes?

Kyungsoo: Do you have Jongin's number?

    Kyungsoo was requesting something Chanyeol could possible fufill. He had even spelled Jongin's name correctly. Chanyeol didn't even bothing replying. He was about to shut down his phone when he suddenly had an idea. Chanyeol sat down on the floor and opened the bottom drawer of his dresser. From there he pulled out his previous phone which he was sure still had service. Could he do it? No, it would be awful to do that to Kyungsoo.

Chanyeol: It's 245-6879

Why did I do that? . . . Chanyeol had sent his old phone number to Kyungsoo.

Read at 9:37

    Was Chanyeol not even good enough to recieve a response? A ping had came from his old phone almost immediately. Chanyeol was surprised that it was still alive. He checked the percentage and saw that it was on twenty-two percent. That makes sense. He had gotten his new phone a week ago.

Kyungsoo: Hi, Jongin. It's Kyungsoo \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/

     The way Kyungsoo texted was so cute. A complete 180 from his normal personality. No, I should be angry with Kyungsoo. He had spelt Jongin's name right and texted "Jongin" much more sweetly than he did with Chanyeol.

Chanyeol (as Jongin): Hi.

Kyungsoo: I had a lot of fun talking to you today so I asked Chanyol for your number ~(^o^~)

Chanyeol (as Jongin): It's spelled Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo: Oh, I didn't know 「(°ヘ°)

Chanyeol (as Jongin): Speaking about Chan... Now that we're in private we can speak more openly.

Kyungsoo: About what ఠ_ఠ

Chanyeol (as Jongin): About why you rejected him.

Kyungsoo: You figured it out before... That I like someone (•'-'•)

     Yeah, it's who you think you're texting.

Chanyeol (as Jongin): That doesn't explain why you rejected him. Some people date to get over their crush. Sehun started dating me for that reason.

Kyungsoo: I didn't know you were dating someone.

Chanyeol (as Jongin): Yeah, lol. But just tell me. What about Chanyeol is so unappealing?

Kyungsoo: It's not that he's unappealing. He's just so over glorified at our school that when I met him I was left dissatified and dissapointed.

      How the hell had Kyungsoo said that about Chanyeol?

Kyungsoo: but he's still pretty hot (@'v'@)


     Chanyeol's face flushed. Kyungsoo thought he was hot.

Chanyeol (as Jongin): So you think he's hot, huh? *wiggles eyebrows suggestivly*

Kyungsoo: Shut up (〃▽〃)!!!!! He's hot and all but he just doesn't seem like a person I can acutally enagage in an intellectual converstion with.

Chanyeol (as Jongin): What do you mean??? Chanyeol isn't dumb.

Kyungsoo: I didn't say he was dumb. He is but I didn't say that.

Chanyeol (as Jongin): You said it just now

     Kyungsoo's response had recieved a chuckle from Chanyeol.

Kyungsoo: I did. Didn't I? ^ω^

Chanyeol (as Jongin): You're not wrong. He really is dumb

Kyungsoo: Don't say that about your friend

Chanyeol (as Jongin): No matter how hard he tries he doesn't understand in school. All he does when he gets home is sleep. He never does his homework.

Kyungsoo: I know. I've checked in on him a couple of times. I believe you.

    What? Kyungsoo would watch him sleep? Chanyeol gulped. He had always slept shirtless and that now meant that Kyungsoo had seen his body. Kyungsoo had seen him exposed. A rush of blood seeped into Chanyeol's cheeks.

Kyungsoo: If he asked for my help I'd help him. But he and I never talk so I don't think it's a possiblity

Chanyeol (as Jongin): You spoke to me today

Kyungsoo: It's different

Chanyeol (as Jongin): How?

Kyungsoo: I don't know

     And their converstaion ended there. Chanyeol looked the time and it read 10:03. His mother would be arriving in a few minutes. Chanyeol peeled of his shirt and pants and laid went into his en suite to prepare for bed. His mother would angry to see him still awake. Chanyeol usually laid in bed with his phone under the sheets.

     He kept thinking about Kyungsoo and laughed. Chanyeol completely forgetting that he had taken up another person's persona.

     Chanyeol had nervously waited for a chance to speak with Kyungsoo. Chanyeol, notebook in hand, peers down at Kyungsoo. He makes it down two steps before he decides to go get something. He comes down again, with glasses this time. He wants to present Kyungsoo with an intelligent aura. "Hey, Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asks. Kyungsoo turns his head slightly into the direction of Chanyeol and hums in response. "C-Could you help me with my physics homework?" Chanyeol hated how he sounded like a bumbling idiot when he stammered. He was usually the of the walk. A very different contrast from his inept conversation making with the boy he has the hots for. Kyungsoo smiles. He actually, genuinely smiles. Chanyeol's more than ecstatic at this reaction; he wishes that he had asked for help sooner. 

     Kyungsoo whisks away his book bag from the couch and pulls out his phone for a slight moment to type something then it's hidden away. A chime, almost inaudible, comes from Chanyeol’s room and he knows what had just taken place. Kyungsoo had texted 'Jongin'. 

     "Sit here," Kyungsoo says as he motions Chanyeol to sit in the place besides him. Chanyeol follows Kyungsoo request. "Give me you notebook." Chanyeol complies and hands Kyungsoo his notebook which was written on in three spots. The top left for his name, top right for the date, and the bottom left which has a little doodle of a certain someone with spectacles. Underneath the doodle are 3 letters dks so it would be impossible to not distinguish who it was. Chanyeol is about to steal back his notebook when he realizes it but Kyungsoo's smirk stops him. "It's cute. I didn't know you drew."

     "I don't. It's just something I did." Kyungsoo laughs at this. Leaving Chanyeol stunned at the younger boy's reaction once more.

     "So what exactly did you need help on? You're not really helping me by giving a blank sheet of lined paper."

"Oh," Chanyeol says. "Sorry." He passes Kyungsoo a worksheet of trigonometry problems. Kyungsoo eyes it over and looks at Chanyeol. Expecting him to speak. "I don't get the part with x and cosine." Chanyeol says as he points to the sheet of paper.

     Kyungsoo rubs his eyes as if he were already stressed. "Maybe it's because it's y and tangent." Chanyeol’s mouth forms an ‘o’ as if he's just understood.

     "I still don't get it."

     Kyungsoo sighs.

"Are you trying to seduce me Chanyeol?" Kyungsoo laughed. Chanyeol's hand subconsciously slithered its way onto Kyungsoo's thigh and the smaller had just noticed.

Chanyeol's hand abruptly removed itself from Kyungsoo's pants. He felt a blush creeping up his face. “No, I’m not. I wasn't—“

“I already know you like me,“ says Kyungsoo unfazed.

Chanyeol gives Kyungsoo a startled look. “Ooh, trying to pull that card,” Chanyeol jokes. The air was different around them. Being that there wasn't really "air" around them to begin with. This was their first real conversation. And Chanyeol liked it. A lot. 

     He liked the thought of becoming closer to Kyungsoo and actually, maybe, have him like Chanyeol back. It wasn't an impossible feat, Chanyeol knew, because of his charms. He hadn't let them out in front of Kyungsoo, ever. Mostly due to the fact that they've never actually spoken for more than a few seconds. "Come on Chanyeol. Pay attention. I thought you were wanted to learn."

     "I am but you're too distracting" Chanyeol says along with his signature smirk. His flirtation skills were far more exceptional than what he was spouting now. He just didn't want to give Kyungsoo a heart attack. Yet.

Kyungsoo blushed at Chanyeol’s words. He gulped, breathed out, and his face was back to its normal, stoic expression. If anything, Chanyeol had made it worse for himself. Kyungsoo now had his guard up and it'd be very difficult for a normal person to bring it down again.

     Chanyeol swung his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulder and scooted as close to him as he possible could. Kyungsoo was now between the arm of the couch and Chanyeol. Chanyeol leaned into Kyungsoo's ear and whispered as sultrily as he could, "How do I do number four?" Kyungsoo jumped from his seat, his stoic expression wiped clean of his face.

     "I-I'm gonna get some juice." Kyungsoo hurriedly ran to the kitchen leaving Chanyeol with a smirk on his face. 

     "Oh my . Holy ." Kyungsoo said to himself. He tries to control his breathing as best as he can. In. Out. In. Out. His blush starts the leave his face and he's about to walk back into the living room when he realizes that he's an idiot. Chanyeol would figure out his excuse to get juice was a lie. He would immediately know that Kyungsoo ran away to calm his flustered self, which was true, but Chanyeol didn't need to know that. He turned to the cupboard to get a glass which was placed too high for his height. He stretched his arm as high as he could before he felt something press against his back and an arm grazing past his. Kyungsoo turned around to face Chanyeol’s chest. Chanyeol had pulled his arm down and handed Kyungsoo a glass.

     "Is this what you wanted?" He smirked. Kyungsoo was left with a sense of dèja vu.

     Kyungsoo stretched his arm as far as he could to get the book that was currently on the top shelf. Suddenly a chest touches his back and arms are grabbing the book which Kyungsoo had currently set his eyes on. "Was this what you wanted?" the stranger says with a smile. "You looked like you were struggling there so I figured I'd help you out."

     "Y-Yeah, that's what I wanted," Kyungsoo responds. He doesn't know why he's stuttering or why he feels like dying.

     "I'm Jongin by the way. I'm working here this summer so if you ever need help getting a book, find me. This library just has absurdly high shelves."

     "I'm Kyungsoo. And I'll make sure to find you."

     Kyungsoo visited that library everyday he could last summer. Whenever he saw Jongin in the hallway his heart would fly out of his chest. That day Jongin had came over to Chanyeol's house and had actually said his name he was overjoyed. Even though Jongin didn't really seem to remember him. (Though that was a given, Kyungsoo had barely spoken to him in that library.) It was a tiny, little crush but it was still something. When Jongin had texted him that he was in a relationship, Kyungsoo was heartbroken. He was crushing on someone who was already in a commitment. He was then reminded of Jongin’s words to him yesterday. ‘Some people date to get over their crush.’ Kyungsoo looks at Chanyeol who is brightly smiling down at him. Chanyeol walks to the refrigerator and pulls out two bottles of juice. "Which one do you want?" He asks as he holds up both bottles. Kyungsoo just stares at him.

     “Chanyeol,” he says.

     “Yes?” Chanyeol curiously asks.

     Then Kyungsoo smiles, "I'll date you."


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Chapter 2: Authornim please update!!!!
Chapter 2: OMG!!!! Please update! This story is so good i just want to read more! >×< ♡♥♡
chansoobaekyeol #3
Chapter 2: Omfg is kyungsoo using chanyeol now
Chapter 1: why kyungsoo? why? why? why?
<///3 good luck chanyeol!!! xD
LOL xoxo!
leonha #5
Chapter 1: kaisoo? good
chansoo? good
kaisoo AND chansoo? yeesssss pleaaaaaaaaase

i like this, the first chapter is fun, i'll definitely be looking out for more
do you know yet whether this will be endgame kaisoo or chansoo (though i'll be happy either way :'') ) ?
chansoobaekyeol #6
Chapter 1: Omg kyungsoo Limes jongin nooooooooooo poor chanyeol nur i hope kyungsoo is going to Fall in love with chanie