
No Endeavor

     "Just go up and tell him," Jongin said, "he's not going to bite." Although Chanyeol knew his crush was going to say yes he was still nervous. Since the cafeteria (which they are currently standing outside of) was so small the sound of him confessing was going to resonate and he knew it.

     "Listen," Chanyeol responded in a hushed tone, "I don't want to seem vulnerable in front of the entire student body." Chanyeol rubbed his hands over his face.

     "Are you being serious right now?" Jongin asked rhetorically, "All you have to do is ask him and he'll say yes. That's what happened to me and Sehun." A few months ago Jongin had been in the same position as Chanyeol. However, instead of being a wuss like Chanyeol he  it up and asked Sehun out. They had been secretly dating ever since. "Just go and tell him that you like him. The worst thing that'll happen is that he rejects you and we both know that's not going to happen. I mean look at you." Chanyeol indeed was a very handsome fellow. It was impossible to deny Chanyeol's position as the most attractive person in school. "What happened to your attitude yesterday? 'I'm going to confess to him tomorrow' and 'I can't hold it in anymore'.

Chanyeol exhaled sharply, "I'm gonna do it." By some force of nature Chanyeol pushed through the cafeteria doors and stood in front of a sitting figure. He slammed both of his hands down on the table and exhaled sharply once more. The person in front of Chanyeol sighed softly as he closed his book to look up at Chanyeol.

     "What do you want now, Chanyeol?" the figure said lazily. The cafeteria’s rowdiness had quieted down a bit.

     "I-I," Chanyeol's nerves were starting to drown him. Why did I have to be so impulsive? What's wrong with me? "I," Chanyeol started again. He looked up from his place in the cafeteria and saw Jongin, now with his arm around Sehun, give him a nod. Chanyeol could do this. "I like you, Kyungsoo. Go out with me." There he said it. All that needed to happen was Kyungsoo's positive response to echo in the now silent lunch hall. 

     "No," Kyungsoo responded. He opened his book and immersed himself in the writing once more. Chanyeol heard a snicker coming from his right and he looked over to see Tao trying with all his might to hold back a nice, loud, hearty laugh. Chanyeol would've been angry with him but Kyungsoo's respond had him stunned and wide-eyed. 

     "Are you being serious right now?" Chanyeol said, "I said that I liked you."

     Kyungsoo's eyes were still glued to his book, "I heard you the first time." Chanyeol didn't know why but he was growing furious with Kyungsoo's attitude. He grabbed Kyungsoo's book and threw it to the ground. If students didn't have their attention on Chanyeol and Kyungsoo they did now. 

     "Look at me." Chanyeol said but Kyungsoo was frozen in place, looking at the space that his book previously occupied. Kyungsoo sighed once more and finally shifted his eyes to Chanyeol. He stood up in a swift manner and took three strides to Chanyeol.

     Chanyeol was knocked out cold.

     "You need to control your child."

     Kyungsoo and Chanyeol's mothers had been fighting for the past fifteen minutes; their argument seemed never ending. The two teenagers were sitting atop Chanyeol's couch. Kyungsoo, still reading, and Chanyeol, holding a bad of peas to his cheek, were sitting on opposite sides of the couch. Chanyeol's heart was pounding quickly in his chest. He knew the exact reason why: Do Kyungsoo. Even sitting next to the boy had Chanyeol's heart beating irrationally. He hated it so he distracted himself by eavesdropping on the mothers as subtly as possible but when his hand reached his ear the argument had lowered a notch. Chanyeol's mother kept glancing at Chanyeol from the kitchen, which had a clear view of the living room.

     "I'm sorry," Kyungsoo's mother started, "You know Kyungsoo isn't like this. He's changed. I hope this won't alter our little arrangement." The Dos had been living next Chanyeol since before he could remember. Kyungsoo's mother had taken up a second job recently, due to unfortunate circumstances, and didn't like leaving Kyungsoo alone (even if he was sixteen). So she would leave Kyungsoo with Chanyeol until she got back from work at eight.

     "No, it won't. But do you think it's because of his father?" Chanyeol's mother said in a hushed tone. Kyungsoo stiffened. Ah, so he's been listening, too. 

     Chanyeol's ears perked up, trying to catch a wisp of the words the ladies were exchanging but they had lowered their voices even more. Chanyeol felt Kyungsoo shift beside him. He was putting his book in his book bag and seemed as if he were to leave. Did Chanyeol's mom bother him with her words?

     "Kyungsoo…" Chanyeol said. His ears started to heat up and his heart was beating at an abnormal pace. Kyungsoo stood up and slung his book bag on his shoulder. Chanyeol made a grab for Kyungsoo's wrist with his free hand. Kyungsoo just looked down at Chanyeol hand, which was enormous, in disgust. He looked like he was about to say something but the two mothers had walked in the room. Kyungsoo sat.

     "Kyungsoo, could you please say you’re sorry," his mother requested. If it were anyone else Kyungsoo would have said "hell no" but it was his mother and he couldn't disrespect her orders.


     "Okay, so this whole arrangement," Chanyeol's mother said, "is staying the same. I don't want you to hurt Chanyeol again. Even if he's being rude just talk it out. There is no need to resort to violence."

     "Don't worry, Mrs. Park. I just had a bad day today," Kyungsoo replied. Chanyeol scoffed. My . You're having a bad day everyday.


     Jongin: I'm coming over tomorrow

     Chanyeol: Why?

     Jongin: I just want to hang out, dude. We haven't hung out in ages.

     That was true. Jongin hadn't come over to Chanyeol's place in about four months. Ever since Kyungsoo started dropping by Chanyeol hadn't really hung out with his friends. Not that Chanyeol completely minded. He'd choose Kyungsoo over Jongin any day. Even though he really pissed Chanyeol off today.

Chanyeol: K. Come over after 8

Jongin: After 8? Chan, you live on the other side of town right next to our school. It'd make no sense to go my house and then go back. I'm coming after school ends.

Chanyeol: No, you know that Kyungsoo comes over my house until 8

Jongin: That's exactly my point. I want to have a little chat with him.

Chanyeol: No.

Jongin: What do you mean no? They whole school already knows that you like him.

Chanyeol: I'm uninviting you.

Jongin: When was I ever invited? And I can't wait until tomorrow.

Chanyeol: Why?

Jongin: The whole school's gonna laugh at you. It's funny.

Chanyeol: HOW IS IT FUNNY?

Jongin: You're practically the hottest guy in school and you like Kyungsoo.

Chanyeol: So...?

Jongin: Kyungsoo is kind of fugly

Chanyeol: Take that back.

     Kyungsoo was not ugly. Not at all. Chanyeol sprung up from his bed and walked toward the stairs that lead back to the living room. He peeked down at Kyungsoo who was still reading on the couch, but this time he had his glasses on. Chanyeol quickly snapped a picture and ran back to his room to send it to Jongin.

Chanyeol: Say something now

Jongin: ://

Chanyeol: Hmm?

Jongin: He looks hot with glasses on.


Jongin: Are you okay there, bud? You didn't spas out on me or anything, right?

Chanyeol: You don't understand how much I love coming home to Kyungsoo in glasses.

Jongin: Can you please shut up???

Chanyeol: Never.

      Jongin didn't respond to him after that yet Chanyeol kept sending an abundance of pictures of Kyungsoo that he had saved on his phone previously. He had almost had about a hundred pictures of Kyungsoo, not that he'd admit that to anyone else except Jongin.

     Chanyeol was soon getting bored with Jongin's lack of response so he sat on the top step looking down at Kyungsoo. His sitting position changed. Kyungsoo was now leaning against the arm of the sofa as he flipped the page of his book. This is why Chanyeol liked Kyungsoo. The way he read was so captivating. Even the way he flipped the page made Chanyeol's heart race. The way he'd his lips when something became interesting or when he let out a chuckle when something amused him was what led Chanyeol to be in this state. Chanyeol didn't like liking people but Kyungsoo made it so hard not to. 

     "Oh, ," Kyungsoo said under his breath. He shifted again. Now he sat with both of his knees curled up on the couch with one of his arms around them.

     "Interesting?" Chanyeol said smiling. This might've been the tenth time Chanyeol had spoken to Kyungsoo. Three of those times being today and the first time being when he greeted Kyungsoo with a "hello" the first time they met. Each of those times Kyungsoo had been annoyed with him. Chanyeol had basically thrown his sense of embarrassment out the door along with his pride, which he lost today at lunch.

     Kyungsoo looked up to Chanyeol, "Yeah, it is." Chanyeol was surprised that Kyungsoo had answered him. Given that the same man punched him in the face today.

      In short, Chanyeol's conversation with Kyungsoo ended pretty quickly. Yesterday, Chanyeol had gone to sit next to him, only to have Kyungsoo ignore him. Kyungsoo was driving Chanyeol insane. Why do I have to like him? He just couldn't stay away from his bookworm neighbor. 

     School didn't go as bad as he thought it would. Although he did get some guys looking at him in a way that made him feel less than comfortable. It felt strange to Chanyeol because girls were usually exhibiting that kind of behavior. What was driving Chanyeol over the edge at the moment was Jongin.

     "I'm so ing excited," Jongin groaned as he slung his arm around Chanyeol. They were both walking to Chanyeol's place.

     "Excited for what? There's nothing to be excited about. It's Tuesday," Chanyeol retorted.

     "To hang out with you. To talk to Kyungsoo," spoke Jongin.

     "I swear if you do anything to embarrass me I'll kill you,” Chanyeol said. “I hope he's not at my house already," He wanted to keep Jongin locked in his room until Kyungsoo left. He knew that Jongin was going to something up with his presence.

     "He probably is. When I was walking to your locker I saw him rushing out the building. The bell didn't even finish ringing," Jongin informed. A smile formed on Chanyeol’s lips; he chuckled at this information as he imagined Kyungsoo sprinting through the doors with his short legs. Jongin eyed his friend and smiled. "You genuinely like him, don't you?" Chanyeol blushed then nodded. "Then tell him... Genuinely. Unlike whatever the you did yesterday. 'You. Me. Date.’ " He mimicked, "That was so primitive."

     "I didn't say that," Chanyeol rebutted as he fumbled with his keys. They had already reached his house. After a few moments, Chanyeol finally found the key he was looking for and slid it in.

     "You basically did," said Jongin, rolling his eyes as he stepped into the house. Kyungsoo glanced up to look at Chanyeol like he had everyday he came home. To Kyungsoo's surprise, Jongin was with him. Kyungsoo's eyes widened and he whipped his eyes back to his book, pretending to read.

     A few moments later a  "Hey, Kyungsoo," was whispered in his ear. It sent a shiver down Kyungsoo's spine. "I thought you would jump or something," Jongin said as he hopped over the couch to sit next to Kyungsoo, "I guess you're not easily scared. I'm Jongin by the way."

"I already knew that," Kyungsoo said curtly. He didn't want this conversation to last long.

     "Great, so I guess we can skip introductions and straight get to the point," told Jongin. "Why did you reject Kyungsoo yesterday?" The reaction to this question was exactly what Jongin was hoping for. Kyungsoo's eyes were so wide Jongin thought they could roll out of his head.

     "I-I don't have to answer that," Kyungsoo stammered. That was the first time Chanyeol had ever heard him stutter. It was also the first time Chanyeol wanted to throw Jongin off a cliff.

     "Jongin, he doesn't have to answer that. Let's just go upstairs and leave him alone," Chanyeol suggested but to no avail. Jongin had his mind set on getting answer out of Kyungsoo. "Is it because he's too handsome? Do you feel intimidated?"

     "No, it's not that."

     "Then what is it? Huh? Tell me," Jongin said as he leaned toward Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's ears felt like they were set on fire and his cheeks felt like the fiery pits of hell.      "Do you think Chanyeol's not good enough because he has the worst grades in the entire school?"

     "Jongin! Shut up and stop it!" Chanyeol exclaimed. He was going to fling Jongin into the sun.

     "It's not that either."

     "Please, tell me. I'm dying here. The entire student body basically wants to bone him yet you rejected him. Do you like someone else or something?" Jongin asked. 

     "You do! You do!" Jongin cried. He glanced over at Chanyeol and leaned into Kyungsoo's ear. "I shouldn't have said that, Chanyeol's gonna get depressed. Tell me who it is later. I can hook you guys up."

     Jongin was right, Chanyeol was depressed.

     He already knew who Kyungsoo liked.

(A/N) This fic is so bad I want to cry. I feel like it's too short but at the same time I feel like it's too long. I'll try to update once a week but if I'm not able to make the deadline I'll tell you guys. Thank you so so so much for reading. :)



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Chapter 2: Authornim please update!!!!
Chapter 2: OMG!!!! Please update! This story is so good i just want to read more! >×< ♡♥♡
chansoobaekyeol #3
Chapter 2: Omfg is kyungsoo using chanyeol now
Chapter 1: why kyungsoo? why? why? why?
<///3 good luck chanyeol!!! xD
LOL xoxo!
leonha #5
Chapter 1: kaisoo? good
chansoo? good
kaisoo AND chansoo? yeesssss pleaaaaaaaaase

i like this, the first chapter is fun, i'll definitely be looking out for more
do you know yet whether this will be endgame kaisoo or chansoo (though i'll be happy either way :'') ) ?
chansoobaekyeol #6
Chapter 1: Omg kyungsoo Limes jongin nooooooooooo poor chanyeol nur i hope kyungsoo is going to Fall in love with chanie