What? What? What?

Madness of Love
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Seulgi was gazing her reflection in the mirror. Black tight pants, simple white blouse, a red jacket and her light brown hair loose with subtle curls at the ends, leaving a y touch with her heavy eye makeup. The girl was beautiful, anyone could have a nosebleed looking at Seulgi in that moment.

“Good, good…”

The beautiful girl, didn’t care about the cold weather, went out of her dormitory and walked towards the party. When she as close to the place, Seulgi was stopped by the person that she didn't wanted to see.

“S-Seul… Wow.. W-where are you going?” Seulgi bit her lips seeing her friend surprised. “Wait… Are you going to the party? Why you didn’t tell me?”

“I decided n-now. Sorry, Wan-ah.” With the quick answer, Wendy narrowed her eyes making Seulgi look away at the ground.

“Aish, okay. If you are saying, I won’t complain.” Wendy held the tallest one hand. “Just be careful. You know, the voice can-“

“The voice disappeared.” Seulgi cut Wendy sentence.

Wendy didn’t move any muscle and Seulgi wondered if was something wrong with that. The older seems to ramble in her mind, while the other girl just watched curious.

“Oh, I just remembered I have something to do. Bye.” Wendy said without looking at Seulgi and before she could say bye, the oldest girl was already gone.

Seul resumed walking and when entered the place, starting to analyze it. The song was extremely loud and people were dancing and drinking like crazy. Seulgi was afraid, the situation was different from what she imagined, so the best option was drink something before any bad thing happened.

“Give me the strongest drink that you have.” She told the barmen without taking her eyes from the dance floor.

Some guys came to talk to her, but she ignored, the last thing she wanted was a problem, so she stayed all the time sitting and drink while she watched people interactions. The girl discovered that she liked that, look how people act and let their feelings go out. Why wasn’t she like that?

In the middle of the party, Seulgi’s vision began to blur. She pressed her eyes harder and when opened them, the place seemed to changed. Everything was the same, but she felt nostalgic and in some kind of deja vu.


She turned her head slowly listening to someone calling her, blinking two times when saw a beauty and cute girl staring her.

“Bear, let’s dance!”

The girl continued to talk and Seulgi just gazed at her. Maybe was the alcohol effect.

“I d-don’t know w-who are you, sowrry.”

“Yaaah~ Bear, how can you say that?” The girl pouted looking like a bunny.

A small pain comes to Seulgi’s head.

“My girlfriend forgot me? I told you not to drink.”

Seulgi shakes her head and look away from the stranger trying to make her stop to say no senses, but when her eyes meet the dance floor, her eyes twist and the place turned in a park. There were two girls sitting, talking and hugging each other.

“What the heck?” Seulgi whispered and walked some steps towards the girls.

She could listen the music, she was still in the party, but what was happening? She was drunk or someone put drugs in her drink?

“Bear, why you are so serious?”

“I feel like someone is staring me…”

Seulgi could listen the strangers conversation.

“But is just us here.”

One of the girls turned and Seulgi almost fell when she saw herself.

“W-Who are you?” Seulgi tried to step back.

“Ar, I think I’m crazy, Hyun-ah.” The fake Seulgi spoke turned back to her girlfriend.

“Is my presence that make you rave” The other girl said laughing.

The young girl, in panic, looked around searching for the exit. Suddenly, the party come back and she was in the middle of the crowd. Seulgi couldn’t see the girls anymore, so she decided to go back to her dormitory, the only answer for all events was the alcohol.

Party alone, what she was thinking when she decided that? Seulgi wonder while she walking kind of crooked to her dormitory direction.

-Pow- Seulgi closed the door of her room strongly, leaning on the wood.


For some reason, probably the alcohol, Seulgi wanted to see the voice.

“You can come back now…” She laid in her bed. “Plea-“ Her voice stopped when her body became dense.

‘Where were you?’ the voice sounded angry.

Seulgi didn’t answer , she was too scary at how Irene could react. Since she entered in her teenage years, she never did anything wrong because of the presence of Irene. Drink, parties, boys… No way! She just stayed in her home or with Wendy.


Another pain hit her mind, but this time worse.

‘Why did you do that? Do you know how this can harm you?’ Irene was act calm, but Seulgi knows how angry she was.

“But I didn’t do nothing, I swear…”

Seulgi sat massaging her temples, the pain got stronger at every second.

‘You could- forgot. Just sleep.’

“I could what?” The youngest asked curious.

‘Forget it… Go to sleep’

A heavy pain like a punch made Seulgi faint and with that the silence filled the room. No more questions and answers again.



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Chapter 3: It's little bizarre kekeke but in a good way
patotie #2
Chapter 2: The plot is totally new for me huh! It's unique and cool. I'm getting more curious for the next chapters! This is so interesting already. Update soon please~
Chapter 1: tbh I came into this story expecting it to be pretty mundane, but dare I say that you actually made it really good. Can't wait to read more