I Don't Wanna Learned Bad Things [Only Learned Bad Things]


Boyfriend, First Kiss, First Love & Last Love

For us girls. It's very important. But what about boys? do they think the same?

Will they..... see your feelings?

I wonder... WHY?

All Credits to:  ¶ HOT SHINing Paradise Shop ¶ ♦ Poster || Review || ♦

By: keep-the-faith


Summary: You always had this boyfriend who doesn't care about you, he loves himself better than you. You felt sad and such, and one day, when you invited him to your most precious birthday party, he rejected and at the same time on your birthday, you found out that he was with another girl.... what should you do? Silent your heart? or...... Give up?


You : Park Yung hee

Age: 15yrs old - Will be 16yrs old

Personality: Bubbly, cute and kind. Popular with boys but you and your boyfriend Baro didn't realize it. You loves to sacrfice yourself rather than making someone hurt. You loves Pikachu, same like your childhood friend Kwangmin. You hates thunder and blood much! and once you saw it... you will faint.

Your Boyfriend: B1A4 - Baro

Age: 16yrs old

Personality: He is truthly kind, but never show his feeling. He likes himself more than his girlfriend is what you will think. But really, he loves his girlfriend much that he can't express it. He sometimes can got too far saying bad things to people and hurt them and so that why that's his bad side. He loves Rapping and Gaming and He hates someone who annoy him

Other B1A4 Member - CNU, Jinyoung, Gongchan & Sandeul

They all act nice to you, and they treat you kindly. They look like brother and they treat you like a sister. Someone from them, loves you once, but since you already taken he has given up. Guess Who?

Childhood Friend : Jo Twins - Youngmin - Kwangmin

Age: 16

Personality: They are so childish that you can't really stand them much sometimes. They really caring and nice to you. Will do anything for you too. They are your helpers and you could say "Your Knight". They treat you like sister. But... may be one of them Not..

Will Be Update Soon! The Foreword will also changed a little bit, adding some more info~ Bye Bye! Ppyong!


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awwwwwwwww is this finish???
zXRawrXz #2
Wah my birthday is 11 days after yours!! :D Hehe O Vote Youngmin!! XD Update soon when you can! :D And advanced birthday wishes as well. :3
so.. how old u'll be?<br />
:)<br />
advanced b'day greetings~