The Memory Back Then... Part 1

I Don't Wanna Learned Bad Things [Only Learned Bad Things]

Chapter 3: The Memory Back Then... Part 1

Author POV

"Kekekek Catch me if you can~" Youngmin said playfully and Kwangmin who were panting hard cathing for Youngmin

How come did it turn like this? Let's go back~

When Youngmin hopped on your shoulder Kwangmin snapped and now~ it's like this~

"Yah~ Youngmin-Ah~, Kwangminnie~ stop cathing each other..." You said as you do your aegyo

"Look at Kwangminnie? See? He's in pain~" You said to Youngmin

" Aigoo... Okay~" Youngmmin agree and stop

"Y-yah... Y-y-youngmin..." Kwangmin said as now his breath almost over...

"Kwangmin... are you okay?" You come to him and pat his back

"Y-yeah..." he replied as he put a fake smile

"You're not..." You said to him pouting and take your handkerchief out and wipe off his sweat. The thing that you don't know that he is... Blushing...

"T-thank you Yunghee" he smiled at you hiding his blushing and red face

"Uhuh..." You replied his smile

"Yah... What about me?" Youngmin come to you and clung to you like a monkey

"No" you shook your head and you can see Youngmin is pouting. You tried to hide and hold your laughter

"Why? Why? Why?" he keep asking that and spin around you until he's tired

"Gah! Give up" he said as he put and wave a white flag [From where?! Magic!? LOL]. It was too funny and you can't hold it longer. Youngmin see you laughing hard and ask

"Why the hell are you la-" you cut him off by wiping his sweat

"Sheesh... Youngmin-ah... you are too hyper" you said softly

at that time you were thinking... It was when you.... and them... doing the same like now

Author Note

Hello! Short chaptie i see? kekekke hope you like it anyway.... now i'm confused .. which one you would like to be in a love triangle? Youngmin or Kwangmin? Comment if you can~

And i also want to inform you that i WILL NOT BE ON from 9th - 15th of December.... Kkekek Also... since 16th is my Birthday and the day after my exam... i decide to somehow make a one shot... or Extra chapter~ which story would you like me to make an Extra with?


~I Wish


? ^_^ Hope you enjoy~

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awwwwwwwww is this finish???
zXRawrXz #2
Wah my birthday is 11 days after yours!! :D Hehe O Vote Youngmin!! XD Update soon when you can! :D And advanced birthday wishes as well. :3
so.. how old u'll be?<br />
:)<br />
advanced b'day greetings~