A Tough Day... Once Again

I Don't Wanna Learned Bad Things [Only Learned Bad Things]

Chapter 1: A Tough Day... Once Again Part 1

Author POV

It's been a lots of years, 1 year, after you and Baro has been an officially girlfriend & boyfriend. You expect him to change, not the cold Baro after dating you. But you were wrong. He kept cold and sometimes ignore you. You felt so sad. It's gonna be your birthday soon, 2 more days. and you are gonna invited him and his other friends. And of course your friend especially, Youngmin & Kwangmin, your best friends, or you could say childhood friend.

"Baro-oppa!" You called him, your boyfriend, Baro just look at you and wave, you expect something more but.. you can't argue with it, so you hide your sad expression

"Oppa do you know what day is after tomorrow?" You asked him

"Hmm... Saturday?"

"No oppa! try again" you whined


he think hard and mouthed the word "Dunno", you felt more sadder, when you want to tell him what day is it, his friends or whatever you can say

Min come to him and held his hand and drag him away

"Oppa where are you going?!" You shouted at Baro

"None of your business!" Min aswered instead of Baro

"What the heck" you mumbled, you were wondering, why Baro followed her, does he loves you or her? while you were lost in your thought someone pat your shoulder

"Wa!" you shouted

"Hey.. chill... it's only me..." Sandeul said to you

"Oh.. Sandeul" you mumbled

"Bu... called me oppa too" He whined and use his aegyo, you almost burst in laughter, but you hold it

"That's not gonna work" you tried to act like a boss, and that makes Sandeul pout, you couldn't hold it any more and you burst in laughter

"Hahahhaha o-o-omo! S-sandeul o-oppa! so funny!" you said between the laughter and that makes Sandeul pout more and you laughed again and again, until 5 minutes later you stopped laughing

"So what's up Sandeul?" you asked him as you rub your stomach, it's hurting because you laughed so hard

"Well, you were standing in the way and look like a lost child so i came near to you" you were touched by his words, he's caring and kind to you and care for you a lot.. rather than... Baro

"Well, thank you o-oppa" you mumbled the last part but it's enough for Sandeul to hear. His face brightened

"What did you said before?" he asked like if you said something shocking

"N-n-othing" you stuttered

"Aww... i hear you saying me 'Oppa'" he use his aegyo

"No i didn't" you replied as you walk away, you could still him saying 'Don't run away! Yah! Yunghee-ah!" and you giggled at your heart... then you met up with Jinyoung, Gongchan & CNU

"Sup!" they greet you and you just bow

"Hello, going somewhere? This cute lady here?" CNU asked you sweetly as he bow like a prince asking for a dance, you giggled at his action

"Yes" you said politely

"Where?" Gongchan asked you

"Hmm.. somewhere?"

"Running from something?" Jinyoung asked you, at that time you were thinking 'Mind reading!? OMO! o.O"

"Hahahaha" you just laughed fakely

"From who? CNU asked

"Oh... there" Gongchan pointed at Sandeul who was still talking and screaming, Jinyoung laughed and you follow him

"So... where's Baro?" Gongchan asked you fliched and Jinyoung whispered to him 'that was a quite bad move'

There was silence................................... until..

"Well, Somewhere... Min... grabbed him to... somewhere" You told them, you was thinking may be if you told them, your heart might be feeling more lighter and it's true

"Shessh that child" You could hear that CNU was mumbling, Jinyoung facepamled his face and Gongchan was just sigh

"Well well, i also want to ask you... i want to invite you to my birthday party to my house" you asked them

"Wah..  really!? I wanna come" Gongchan scream in happiness and you just laughed

"Sure, i would love to if you can come" You smiled sweetly at them and you could see they has a faint blush on their cheek

"Then... see you.. ah... please tell Sandeul too" you left

"Wait what about Baro!?" CNU Shouted

"Uh... Okay if you can please!" you shouted back at him then you go to the rooftop and saw Baro there. But then you stopped because you saw he was with Seohyun now. They were laughing and talking, you felt your heart in pain, as if you were stab by a knife. You ran away to somewhere far away, not knowing where you trip, you whinched in pain and then stood up and turned youself into a ball. You cried, cried and cried without no one know. Your mind if full of question that you don't know the answer 'How can he laugh like that with them? but not me?' 'does he love me' 'am i special' 'who am i to him' ? you were lost again... in your thought until someone called your name softly

"Yunghee-ah~ Yunghee-ah~" it was your childhood friend, Kwangmin & Youngmin, they sit near me and leaned their head to your shoulder

"Are you okay?" Youngmin asked you, you could hear there is a nervous and panick feelings when Youngin say that

"What happened?" Kwangmin asked you too

"No, it's nothing... i-it's alright" You tried to act tough

"Please... don't lie to us" they both said together

"I-i-it's really n-nothing" You said between your tears, you try to hold it but you can't, you just burried your face in Kwangmin's chest and cried in his chest

Author POV

Hello! How the first chapter? Hope you like it~ ^_^ Shessh.. Baro is a jerk right? LOL... Thank you for subscriber~ :) hope i got more~ :) Enjoy~


"He was with her... Laughing..."

"Please... I don't want you to be hurt"

"How  can i..."

End Preview

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awwwwwwwww is this finish???
zXRawrXz #2
Wah my birthday is 11 days after yours!! :D Hehe O Vote Youngmin!! XD Update soon when you can! :D And advanced birthday wishes as well. :3
so.. how old u'll be?<br />
:)<br />
advanced b'day greetings~