Jungkook Gets Deflowered


Jungkook yawned, his face making a sleepy frown until Jimin took his hand, pulling him along with a happy smile.


This is a short piece about what happens when Jimin drags Jungkook into the woods.



Title: Jungkook Gets Deflowered


Pairing: Jikook

Disclaimer: This is definitely a boy in luv with another boy story. So if that makes you butthurt, the irony is not lost, but clearly you are so please hit the back button now. I don't own any rights to BTS, Jimin or Jungkook, only to my own written fantasies about them. <3



Author's Note:

We'll I actually wrote this a while ago. One morning a muse decided to whisper in my ear and this piece was created. I decided to wait to post this until after my chaptered jikook fic Officially Yours, was up and running, so here it is. I hope you enjoy the story.

Special Thanks:

To Shandcorn: For teaching me how to use photoshop, so I could make this banner.

To MissMaize: For planting the initial seeds for this fic and for proofing the story.


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Chapter 1: The title drew me in and I had to read. Such a sweet fluff!!
Kim_Marin #2
Chapter 1: That's funny because I actually read it because of the title xDDDD
Chapter 1: kkkkkkkkk
Chapter 1: This is really cute! I agree, I don't like the word "deflower", but I admit, the title still caught my attention. ;)
Minseokie1 #5
Chapter 1: I loved this! It was really cute, even though it was short!
Chapter 1: Don't worry, Jungkook! If Jimin deflowers you, he can always plant more ~seed~, thus allowing you to grow a new one! Looooooooots and loooooooooots of seeeeeeeeed! Plant lots and lots of seed so that Jungkook's flower may grow again...But you must water it every day, and that takes lots of extra love and care! You can do him, Jimin!

Errrrr...*it*. You can do it, Jimin! XP

~Summer breeze makes me feel fiiiiiiiine, blowing through the jasmine in my miiiiiiind~

I really like how you wrote this, though...I imagine the meadow is very pretty & sparkly, hehe!^0^

*blows glitter into the wind*
Chiyogalaxy #7
Chapter 1: Ah It's very prettily written; short and cute.
rocksolidpanda #8
Chapter 1: This could have only been better if jungkook had grown a flower on his head and was freaking out about it and then jimin just came up and planted a kiss on him and plucked the flower and then was like "haha I deflowered you" and jungkook was speechless and I died at a young age because I couldn't deal. I think I'm losing it (@_@)
Blue82 #9
Chapter 1: I love the sweetness to it and I'm always up for a good pun. Unless it's sad or omega verse (I dislike omega verse) I read most anything an author I follow posts.