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Pretty Boys
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Purple is Kim EunA Red is Sungjong Green is Jeonghan Orange is Taemin Yellow is Ren Teal is Kevin Gray is Chunji Blue is Choi Soyeon Lime is Park Hwayoung Salmon is Lee Eunji Black is Other People

First Day At My New School

Kim EunA's P.O.V

It's my first day at my new school and I live with my best friend, Sungjong. I was sleeping when all of a sudden my door flung opened. "Yah! EunA wake up!" "I don't want to!" I grabbed a random pillow and through it threw it at him. "It's your first day at school. Do you want to be late?" "I don't care about school." I pulled my blanket over my head. All of a sudden I felt the coldness hit me. I opened my eyes. "What the hell?!" "You wouldn't wake up so I have to wake you up." Sungjong oppa threw my blanket across my room. "Oppa!" "What?" I stood up. "I hate you." I walked out of my room. "Love you too!!!" "Breakfast better be ready when I come out!" "It's been ready!" After doing my daily routine I went into the kitchen. "Where's breakfast?" "Fridge." I opened the fridge and I found some cut up fruits. "Is the fruits my breakfast?!" "If you have gotten up the first time I called you then you would have pancakes for breakfast." I sat down and ate my fruits quickly. 

When I finished I put my bowl in the sink. "Yah! Pretty Boy! Let's go!" "Coming~" I could hear Sungjong oppa running upstairs. "Oppa!" "I'm here!" I got up. "Good. Let's go." I opened the door and walked out. We went to the bus stop together. When the bus came we went onto the bus. "Are you nervous?" I nodded my head slowly. "You won't leave me will you?" "Depends. If I see my friends then I might." "But you don't have any friends." Sungjong oppa smacked my head. "Rude." Once we got to our school we got off.  "You better show me around." I heard Sungjong oppa groaning. "Come on pretty boy." I grabbed his hand and started to walk. "Where's the office?" Sungjong oppa pointed to the door on my left. I dragged Sungjong oppa with me. While we were walking I saw a group of girls? I wasn't sure because they don't have you know. s. I poked Sungjong oppa. "What?" "Are they girls or boys?" I pointed to the group at the corner. "They are guys and they are my friends." "Really?" I was so surprised. 

"Why are you so surprised that they are boys?" "I'm not surprised that they are boys. I'm surprised because you really have friends." Sungjong oppa smacked me again. "Ow! Stop hitting with your bony hand!" We went to the office and got my schedule. Once we got out of the office Sungjong oppa dragged me over to his friends. "Hi, hyung!" A guy with a blonde ponytail walked up to us. OMG! He's prettier than Sungjong oppa! "Who is she?"He pointed at me. "She's my best friend, Kim EunA." I bowed. "It's nice to meet you." I smiled and stuck my hand out. "My name is Choi Minki. You can call me Ren." He shook my hand and smiled. I looked at Sungjong oppa. "He's prettier than you. I'm so jealous!" Sungjong oppa smiled. "Come on~" Sungjong oppa grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the rest of his friends. They stopped

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daejae0008 #1
Nice foreword (Y)
melzmpm #2
Chapter 3: please update....
Yes! Thank you for update!
Wow!All of them is my biases..oh my god..
5 of my biases... uh oh XD
Can't wait!
AnimeFreak1524 #7
What show is the Jeonghan GIF from???!?!?!?