The First Write

He Fell in Love with My Handwriting

Taemin's Pov:

They're out again. They said they would only be a couple of hours, but it's already been 5. How could they like to do that every night? They know they're breaking some hearts, they know they'll get a huge headache the next morning and they know it could ruin our image. It used to be a 'once-every-2 months thing', but now it's a 'once-every-2 days thing'. I have no idea why the like going to clubs. Getting rubbed on by barely clothed girls, drinking burning drinks, it's hot and stuffy. Don't ask how I know that, hyungs tell me every morning after, when they're hung over.

It's like they're neglecting me. They have inside jokes about the clubs, that I am clueless about, they lookout for new clubs and they sing songs from the club that I can sing too. All the other bands are busy with schedule, so I have nothing to do or no one to talk to. I could sms someone, but who? I could phone someone, but who? What else?...Writing?...a a pen pal?...seems fun. Key-hyung told me about those in one of the romantic dramas he likes to watch. I'll see in the People magazine who I can write to. ual predator, ual predator, ual predator, Naomi, u-. Naomi - 16, California USA, looking for someone fun to write to...sounds nice. I'll write her a letter, wonder if she knows about K-Pop.

Naomi's POV:

'Mom, I'm home,' I shouted.

'Hi sweetie, there's an letter for you!'

Letter? Oh yeah the pen pal thing I put in the magazine. I hope its not a ual predator.

'Thanks mom.'

'So, how was school?'

'It was good.'

Lie, it was terrible. My classmates teased me in gym today and in music class, that's the reason I started this whole pen pal thing. To get friends. If the person doesn't know what I look like, then he or she might be my friend. Specifically why I chose someone from the other side of the world. Maybe people are nicer there. Anyways, I opened up the envelope and here I read:

Dear Naomi,

Hihi, I'm Lee Taemin. I'm from South Korea and would like to be pen pals. My english is no great haha. I am 17, how are you? I'm new to this, hope this is fun!

I smiled. Wow South Korea, surely is from the other side of the world and he/she...wait I'm pretty sure its a guy is nice. Ok Lee Taemin let's be pen pals. So, I wrote a reply.

Wait. Maybe I seem to desperate. Eh, whatever, its just a letter. Let me talk just a bit about myself. Ever since grade 5 school life turned for the worse. I am and I'm pretty sure I never will be the skinniest or the prettiest girl. I go to a high school where image is everything, in California. While everyone was eating those stay slim snack bars for lunch, I was still enjoying cookies and biscuits. Well everyone stayed slim, and I stayed not-so-slim. I'm the outlier in the school and I'm bullied a lot for that. For years I haven't had a friend in this school and for years I've been quite miserable. Why didn't I move, you ask? Because schools like those equal an instant spot in top universities and into the fabulous world. Also, my looks are different. I'm not blonde, blue eyed nor fair skinned. I'm a dark haired, dark eyed, tanned skinned puerto rican girl that hasn't inherited the stunning hispanic genes.

I've considered suicide, but my father, who left to who knows where, used told me the night before he left when I was 8, 'Miga, you're special, you're a precious girl, I know people will not see that know, but just wait, you will be world class, te amo carina.' So, I'm just waiting for that time to happen, it brings me to tears when I remember those lines when I'm being kicked around, when food is being stuffed in my face, or when I'm being pushed into mud because "pigs belong there". I thought if someone didn't know what I looked like, and thought I was beautiful, they would be my friend, make me feel special, precious or world class. My mother is beautiful, my father was handsome the last time I saw him, so why aren't I?

Taemin's POV:

'Taemin-ah mail for you'

'Thanks hyung'

I hope it's from Naomi. I've been waiting a whole week for her reply. I hope I didn't freak her out. What if she knew who I was? She's gonna know where I live. Aish, I didn't think about it. I opened up the letter:

Dear Lee Taemin,

Hi! I would love to be pen pals with you. Don't worry my Korean isn't good haha. That's so cool that you're from South Korea, I'd love to go there one day. I'm great thank and you? Let's get to know each other. What do you look like? What's your family like? Do you like apples? Haha this is fun, hope to hear from you soon!

Wow, cute! Haha this is fun...funner than clubbing I'm sure. I want to know what she looks like. Apples? Psh, no. Bananas all the way! I can't wait to get her next reply, I'll start writing now!

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cinnddymoo #1
this story is actually really cute, i love how you caame up with the idea of writing to penpals~ and its only the beginning ! :D
vanessachuaa #2
Please update soon! Your story is so interesting :DD