Comforting him (not really)

The Boss

“Please inform Miss Park Yoonji to come to my office right now.”

“Yes sir.”

"Thanks" Sehun ended the call and rested his back on the chair. The nerves on his head were aching since a couple minutes ago when he decided to called off the meeting.

The new CEO of the Oh enterprise was not in a good condition lately, it’s not about the company problem but it’s about himself. Oh Sehun. The only heir of a big company that supervised five stars Hotels and Restaurants in Asia. The problem is not on his work, it’s all about himself. He was just twenty-two when he finished his education in the states and went back to South Korea to take over his father’s place as the CEO in Asia as the older man decided to spread his company to the Europe. You can’t blame his genius brain for this.

The thing that made him stress is not about his duty, but the people. The people underestimate him as the new CEO. Most of the investor doubted his potency to take care of his father’s company and the half of the employee didn’t respect him. They just scared of him, of his cold face and tone. They scared of him yet didn’t respect him.

He tried to endure it, but back to the nature of every human which is everyone has their limits. Sehun can be cold and bold outside, but inside he was still a boy who needs everyone to support him. Or at least someone to be on his side, which is happened to be a girl named Park Yoonji.

The employee of Oh Enterprises for two years slash the girlfriend of Oh Sehun for five years. They’ve been together since sophomore year yet no one in the company know about their relationship. All that they know was Sehun is too cold to love someone and for Yoonji, she was just an ordinary employer, no one really cares about her except her department friends who knew she was a single and happy girl.

Knock knock

“Come in” Sehun said while fixed his position.

The door opened and showed the girl in her black pencil skirt, peach blouse and dark brown loosely curled hair.

She stood in the front of Sehun’s desk. “Did you ask to see me, sir?”

Sehun didn’t say a word, he just stood up and lazily walked to Yoonji’s side and wrapped his arms around the girl’s waist and dropped his cheeks on her shoulder –side hugged her.

Yoonji just chuckled at her boyfriend’s behavior. A cold CEO in his Giorgio Armani’s suit can act like a little boy who needs a hug because he’s got a boo-boo and in this case, Sehun had a boo-boo inside his heart.

“I miss you.” Sehun said while buried his face on the crock of her neck, inhaled her soft scent as it was the only thing that can help him to survive.

“Are you hungry? Have you eaten yet?” Yoonji innocently asked.

Sehun just chuckled while turning her body to face his with both of his arm grabbed her shoulders. “I said: I,” peck on the left cheek “miss,” peck on the right cheek “you.” Smooch on the lips.

“Y-yah…” Yoonji could felt her cheeks were burning because of the sudden kisses.

“Don’t you miss me?” Sehun wrapped his arms on her waist and pulled her closer.

“It’s just a week, Sehun. It’s not a whole year.” Yoonji gave a flat face caused the boy’s eyebrows to frown and pouted his lips. Yes, this was the first time they met after a hectic week of works when Sehun had tons of overseas meetings and Yoonji, well, had to keep staying in her cubicals.

“Sometimes I’m wondering are you really loves me or not.” Sehun looked away yet still hugged her waist.

“Geez” Yoonji playfully slapped his chest. “If I’m not then why would I stay with a spoiled brat like you for all these years, huh?”

“Spoiled brat, huh? I thought I’m a cold son who’s not taking care of his dad’s company.” Sehun kept his eyes off her.

Then Yoonji finally understood. Her boyfriend had been through a hard time. She heard from many sources about the things that blew away lately but she didn’t make her own decision yet because she knew that the Oh Sehun that she knew for five years is strong enough and too cool to be affected of rubbish things like that.

But then she was wrong. The look on his eyes clearly said that he was tired. He just too tired of everything.

Yoonji raised up her right hand and caressed his cheek, made him looked at her eyes again. She looked deep into his eyes tried to find the sparkly cold gaze that made her fell in love with him. And yes, it was there even though it was buried inside his tiredness and stress but the spark was still made her fell in love with him over and over again.

Her other hand made its way to Sehun’s other cheek, caressing it softly and lovingly until she had an urge to pinch those cheeks and she did so.

“Aw!” Sehun yelled when Yoonji pinched both of his cheeks caused the girl to laugh.

“Cheer up! My Hunnie should not be sad” Yoonji smiled widely and somehow it affected Sehun and made the taller boy smiled too but then he changed his look.

“I told you so many times to not call me that.” He suddenly gave a stern look. “You should be punished.”


He didn’t wait for her to answer. Sehun lips just made its way to Yoonji’s and shut her before she can let out any protest. Their lips just locked perfectly and softly brushed each other. Sehun’s arms tightly hugged the girl’s waist pulled her closer while his lips kept kissing and nibbled on her lips hoped that it can brushed away the stress and the tired feeling off him.

Seconds later both of them pulled out, gasped for air with foreheads touched with each other’s.

“I love you” Sehun murmured and gave one last peck on Yoonji’s lips and made the girl smiled.

“Wanna stay over tonight? I think I’ll miss you because of what you just did. It’s not that I want to do it again, but I think I’ll just miss you then.” Yoonji blurted out and made Sehun chuckled at his girlfriend’s frankness –one of many things that he love about her.

Sehun let go of her waist and sat down at the chair near him. “Anything for you, baby.”

“Okay then, I’m going back to work.” She kissed Sehun’s cheek. “See you later”

“Ah, should I pick you up?” Sehun twirled on his chair and made Yoonji turned back to him.

“And let everyone know?” She gave him a questioned look. “Better do that when we’re married.” She jokingly added.

“Then just marry me!”

“Are you just proposing to me, Oh Sehun?” Yoonji raised an eyebrow.

Sehun smirked and rest his back on the chair. “Yeah. Take it or leave it.” He said casually.

“Aish” Yoonji just sighed and continued her way to the door.

“I’ll take it as a yes then! See you later my fiancée!” Sehun playfully shouted from his place did not care if anyone can hear him.



What the pumpkin is this -_____-

ha. ha. ha.

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Chapter 5: This is so cute
Chapter 5: Fighting for your exam author nim. Jiayou gambateh. Keke
Chapter 4: Awwwe so cute and sweet kekeke
Chapter 3: This is super cute!! Love this <3
Chapter 3: awwww kawaiii xD
Chapter 3: thanks for update! ^^
sweet moment ever! yoonji going with sehun! huuy :D
Chapter 3: Oh my gaish. How can they be so loving. How can sehun wanted to leave his beloved yoonji alone . Of course he will bring her too . Yayyyy so sweeet
Chapter 2: Kyaaaa love it so much such a cute couple yoonji and sehun.
Chapter 2: Thank's for update Authornim :D
Good Nayoung, bcause of you sehun take a step and started to show his feelings xD
Chapter 1: interesting! haha they're the funniest couple ever xD
update soon authornim :)