Dream Come True Academy

Undeniable Love

(Prt 1)


"Look at this! Woahhh! It's really really enormous!" A girl exclaim as she clasp her hands dreamily while looking at the palace-like gate in front of her.


"I know right. *sigh* only rich kids and talented people are allowed to study there" another girl states as she pouted while crossing her arms dramatically


"No fair! I got a lots of talent tho!"



"Yes. But you have no... M.O.N.E.Y" she shakes her head. The girl beside her could only snort. "This is DCT Academy or alsDr her o known as 'Dream Come True Academy'. They say that it was almost like another city since it has a lot of boutique. There's a rumour that it also have a pool, for class A,B and C. A bar, mall and all you can ever imagine" She finished with a dreamily look.


"Wow! Wait. Did you just mentioned about the class A,B and C? What was that?" The other girl ask. 


"This kid! Tsk. Let's sit here and let me tell you about it. Since my feets are hurting" And they indian sits beside each others.





" Class C is for those people who are not that talented, who always fails exams, or what we called 'stupids , eventhough they are rich  but i tell you they are playing a fair games.'" 


"Wooah! Aren't that too harsh?" 



"Yup. But they are all still lucky since they got a chance to change and enter the class B" The girl suddenly looks at the girl beside her who almost got a mini heart attack.


"Woaah! What was that?" 


The girl smirk at her as she continued " Class B are for those who got a talent but not that rich." 


"I thought it was only for rich kids?" The girl frown but the hope in her eyes were slowly  getting bigger 


"Yes. But once you pass the audition. Then you got a chance to enter the Class B and if you are really that lucky and deserving. Then you have a chance to also enter the Class A,but its impossible tho since no one from class C and B  has enter the class A"  she nodded



"Really!!!!But you think i should try that?!" She ask as her eyes twinkle in excitement


"Try..." she shrugs. " But the audition is only once a year" she blow a cheek as she stood up.


"Wait!!!" She stood up and walk in front of hers. "What about Class A?" 


The girl looks at her as she gave her a bright smile " Class A are for those people who are willing to give up there personal life and so they can be an idol and show their talents to the whole world.But its not that easy since you also need to have a straight grade A and so you can enter the special Class." She nodded.


"And what is special class for?" She frown. 


"Special class is for those students who are surely would enter the entertainment company" The girl nodded as she tap her cheeks.


"You know what? Let's just watch them out from the social medias and go eat chicken feet!!!" She grin.


" right!!! Letchichigooo~"

(1 year later)

Park Chorong was busy writting something on her notes as she think hard on how to compose a song when suddenly a loud laughter echoed on the living room, leaving chorong in annoyance. She glance at the girl who was still laughing as she made her way to the couch opposite on Chorong's and take a sit.


Yes, they are Dormates and they are not that close since Chorong here is really pissed whenever Bomi is around. It irks her whenever Bomi's giggle is tickling her ears, whenever Bomi's grin is shown. FOr her, Without Bomi she's happier, for her, without Bomi, she's better. But what can she do? Bomi is her freakin' dorm mate. She's rich. Yes she is.From Class A. Check!! But Yoon Bomi? Bomi is from Class B who turns out to be first ever student who luckily entered the class A. And it annoyed her to the core even more.


Chorong grip her pen as she continued to look at the girl who is having a phone call to her best friend.


",Jung Eunji Buahahaha!! Really?!" Bomi exclaimed as she clap her hands together like a retard.




Chorong looks away as she tried to focus but then








Chorong's eyes were fiercing into hers and she turns even more red in anger 







Bomi immediately shut up as she muttered to the phone. "Call you later. Someone's pissed off"she hung up and gave chorong her wide grin she could ever give . "Hello there Chorong ah! I didn't notice you" she fake a gasp with her obvious fake wide eyes since she nearly let out a laugh at her own antics


"I am trying to do my assignments when you suddely appeared and nearly crack my ear drums by your ing laughters" she rolled her eyes. Bomi could only pout as she cross her legs and stare at the girl who was writting something on her notes.


"Can you leave me alone and go to your room? I don't want to be under your stare...i don't know whats with your bloody empty brain" she coldly states. 


Bomi snorts as she laid at the couch and put her foots in the air as if she's biking. " no. I won't make a noise. I promise" she grin as Chorong gave her a glare and make a disgusting face.


"You better" and she continued her doing's



"But you know. I can help you" Bomi offered but Chorong remain silent.Totally ignoring her.  " i got a straight 

A in musical subject--" Bomi was cut off when Chorong gave her a deathly glare. "Ok fine.just offering" she whispered yet loud enough for chorong to hear.







Chorong smiled as she finished her homework. "Finally" and she stretch. 






"Wooah! Park Chorong can actually smile??!" Bomi who was still watching Chorong's moves gasp seeing chorong smile for the first time.


Chorong could only gave her a glare before she stood up but then bomi who was feeling hyped since forever, stood up and run until she was now standing in front of chorong who was looking at her coldly. "What now"




"Let me hear your composition" she smiled and Chorong didn't like that 








Bomi pouted "please" and blink multiple times that earn a disgusting look from the latter



"No!" Chorong rolled her eyes and abput to walk pass her when Bomi block her




"Then should we grab an ice cream?" Bomi offered again. But the look on chorong's face were like telling her that it's a 'No'



"My treat?"



" You'll move aside or i'll kick your " Chorong states coldly 





" you can't just treat me like this! Come on! Let's grab a---OUCHHH! HOLY!!!" Bomi was holding her legs when she receive a kick from the girl who was looking at her down. 




" You grab your " and she made her way to her room.












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Chapter 3: starting off quite promising haha with a rude Chorong, but I know you'll care for your roommate eventually~ I'm sure they would be in for many adventures these two xD
Chapter 3: Hahahaha chorong so cute
nicz04 #3
Chapter 2: Cute Chomi fights..... update soon..
cheyuunwoo #4
Lol. It is really kinda remind me of kdrama. Update soon please
Chapter 1: Kinda remind me of some anime. Baka no test and assasination classroom if im not mistaken ? Just the class system though. And lol at chomi hating each other.
Chapter 2: Love it please update soon!!
Chapter 2: too much.. you make bomi look so a badass here.. and chorong too rude.. nope *shakemyhead
Chapter 1: They're true Tom & Jerry couple kkekeke
malina #9
Chapter 1: I love it ...
Please update it soon ... Cant wait for the next chapter :D