
Adore Me



These monks hoard some weird stuff, thought Wonwoo.

Among the objects on the altar were a skull, a flattened squirrel, an orange (fresh), a bottle of champagne, an ornamental saber, an orange (dry), a trashy romance novel from 1986 and more.

Were any of these the artifact? Was he supposed to arrange them somehow? Had he reached the part were puzzles weren’t self-explanatory anymore?

It wasn’t as if everything was garbage. Some items were valuable. The sword for example. And there was a crown, and a belt full of gems. Then there was a purse of antique coins and-

Wonwoo squinted. Was that a beanie?

A simple, gray beanie, right there in the heap. Now that he thought about it, the room was a bit chilly. He’d put it back after he was done.

Without thinking, the boy pulled the headwear over his hair, still trying to make sense of the pile in front of him.

“He Who Is Prophesized Has Chosen.”

The face in the stone looked at Wonwoo with eyes made of shining diamonds, its rocky lips moving.

“As The Scrolls Have Foretold, The Boy With The Emo Shirt Has Elected the Artifact.”

“Hey, I’m not emo,” Wonwoo said, instinctively covering his shirt with his slender arms.

The wooden panels along the sides opened, revealing themselves to be hidden doors. Monks streamed into the hall. So anyone could just walk in here whenever they felt like it? At least he wouldn’t have to go back the way he came.

The original monk who had guided Wonwoo into this mess stepped forward. “The chosen one has arrived.”

“Please stop that and I’m not emo.”

Monk number one spread his arms. “By choosing the artifact from the mountain of treasures-“

Mountain? Treasures? Were they seeing the same thing?

“-you have proven yourself,” the bald man continued, “worthy to be the wielder of the beanie of power. Now continue your journey and spread the joy your gift can bestow on others.”

“Um, how exactly?”

“Rub it.”


“Rub the beanie.”


For several minutes Wonwoo was forced to stay and receive awkward hugs from the monks who seemed overjoyed that the chosen one had arrived, before he could allow himself to say goodbye. Not without subscribing to the temple’s electronic newsletter, but that was a small price for his freedom.

He-who-isn’t-emo was able to leave at long last, the magical beanie warming his ears on the bus ride home.




Jeonghan was back, but Seungcheol was still sulking. Not that Jun had much of an idea what to do about that situation. Not when he was still busy trying to get Seungkwan engaged in the most tedious game of monopoly the school had ever seen.

Seokmin and Hansol did their part, but nothing seemed to distract the flightless boy from his perceived disability. He didn’t want to sing, play or even eat. Jun was getting seriously worried.

Hansol landed on a field with a hotel and groaned, counting the money he’d have to pay Jun.

Jeonghan walked by, likely on the way to the kitchen. Jun intercepted him with his superhuman reflexes. “Do you have a minute to brighten someone’s day? Seungkwan has been a bit depressed lately.”

“I see,” the angel said, “I’m going to pay a visit to heaven. Don’t know how long exactly. But I have a moment. What can I do?”

“Well, now that you’re in front of me, I remember that your wings are freshly polished.”

“They sure are.”

Jeonghan spread his celestial appendices that somehow went right through the fabric of his clothes without breaking it. He fluttered timidly, as to now blow the monopoly money off the table. Seungkwan looked on with unconcealed envy.

Jun leaned in, whispering conspiratorially. “Boo is sad because he can’t fly. The whole bird thing, you know. Take him for a few rounds maybe?”

The angel chuckled. “I can do even better.”

Winking at Jun, Jeonghan stepped up to Seungkwan and took the younger boy’s hand into his. “Stand up my friend. I won’t need these while I’m in heaven. It’s a loan for a day or two.”

Putting his other hand on Boo’s shoulder, the angel enveloped them both in ethereal light, making the other mundanes avert their eyes.

When the charm was completed and the lights had faded, the wings had switched their owner. On their new host they looked quite different. Gone was the dove-like appearance of homogenous purity, exchanged for all the colors of a peacock’s tail.

Laughter returned to Seungkwan’s face, who shed a tear of joy, thanking Jeonghan profusely. The rest of the group only stared in awe as Seungkwan ran out the door, swinging his new limbs with curious vigor.

All monopoly money made it to the floor. Hansol sighed in relief.

The last thing they all heard was the re-birdified boy humming pop songs. Even Jun and his explosive reflexes took a moment to catch up. Seconds of silent stares later the boys burst up from the table and ran after the mood switched singer.

It wasn’t every day you got to see someone learn to fly – and maybe fall on his face hilariously.




Wonwoo arrived back home wishing he could go to bed right away, but it was early in the morning and he didn’t want people to think he was a sloth. Of course he was a sloth and people knew, but you could only be so charming before everyone told you to stop being lazy. He intended to do the bare minimum of interaction necessary and then start a series of naps, strategically distributed across the day and building to appear not above average lazy to any one particular person.

Did you think being a charismatic sloth was easy? No, it was all about careful calculations and cunning schemes. Wonwoo had it all figured out.

A group of boys ran past him making excited boy noises. There were some feathers and game money floating after them.

Around the corner sat Seungcheol, being miserable.

“Hyung, what’s going on?”

The leader looked up with empty eyes. “What am I doing wrong? Am I unlovable?”


That was heavy. Wonwoo considered what to say but soon face palmed on the inside. The beanie! But how was he supposed to use it on anybody? Rub the beanie while wearing it? While the other person wore it? Take the thing off and rub it on the other guy?

In the end he decided to simply plop the headwear over Seungcheol’s head and ruffle his hair as if he was drying it with a towel.

The prefect forgot his sorrows for a moment and was loudly perplexed.

“Stop it, Wonwoo! Wonwhat are you doing? Wonwho gave you permission? I wonwon’t let you ruin my hair.”

“Still making puns, huh?” the younger boy said while continuing to mess up his elder’s mop. If this didn’t work as intended at least the leader was smiling again.

Eventually Wonwoo let off, his attacks ceasing. He sat next to Seungcheol and waited for anything indicating that a change had taken place. The older boy was sulking again. And they call me emo, Wonwoo thought.

Seconds later Jeonghan appeared.

“Hey Wonwoo, could you leave us alone for a moment?”


Putting his beanie back on, Wonwoo walked around the corner - but not further - fully intending to hear what was coming next.

“Listen, Cheollie…”

“Jeonghan, I’m sorry if-“

“No, no. It’s fine. I thought about that I said earlier and… I realized I may have been a bit harsh.”

Wonwoo was dying to see their expressions, but didn’t dare to look. He didn’t even dare to breathe. Seungcheol must still be sitting on the ground, he thought, arms around himself. Or perhaps now leaning upright against the wall. The angel was likely leaning on the opposite side of the corridor.

“Cheollie, I just realized seconds ago that I… I’d like to spend some time with you. Since I’m going to heaven for a little while I thought… I mean, if you want, why not come with?”


The angel chuckled quietly but said nothing. Wonwoo assumed he had made a gesture since “Cheollie” rose to his feet.

They went in the opposite direction together, away from Wonwoo’s position and so the boy risked a glance around the corner. He saw their hands brush up against each other just as they slipped through a door.

Resounding success.

Wonwoo jumped with every alternate step on the way to his first nap location in an untypically joyous manner.

Chan came the same way.

“Hey Channie.”

“Oh, hyung. You’re back?”

“Yes, I was in... it’s complicated, but I got a cool beanie out of it.”

“I’m going outside. Seungkwan is trying to fly and he already smashed into two trees and a lamp post. I can’t miss that.”

“Be on your way then. Oh, and Seungcheol is visiting heaven with Jeonghan, so he won’t be here for a while. Ask me if you need anything. But not now, I’m going to take a nap until it’s time for my next nap.”

“Seungcheol is gone?”

“Yes. Why are you grinning like that? You’re scaring me.”

“No reason. See you later.”

“Bye… wait that’s not the way outside. Where are you going?”

“Summon- …Ritual- …I mean, I just forgot something in my room. Later.”

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Chapter 1: Chicken heals our hearts
Chapter 16: Just best friends? Yeah right. Anyway, thanks for writing this awesome masterpiece. I love it!
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 5: Ohjisoos.. were you high when you write this? XD This fic is a pool of weirdness. The good kind of weirdness that leaves my mind boggles everytime. I cant even guess what's going to happen, it has surprises in every corner. You got me good authornim.
DumaTrz #5
Chapter 16: I loved it! ( i love all of your fics actually)
Hm, i dunno, but I loved every detail of it, and I laughee so many times. Thank you for your amazing stories ;;))