
Adore Me



From the time displayed on his phone Wonwoo could surmise that the sun must have risen by now. He had wasted his entire night in this wannabe dungeon-style cavern below whatever monastery this was.

Ready to fall to the stone ground and nap for a while, the boy turned around a corner, expecting yet another mind-numbing “challenge” or a trivial “puzzle”. Whoever had designed these tests either played too much Dungeons & Dragons or not enough.

To his bemusement the next room was notably different. Stone pillars lined the walls, separating wooden wall panels to the left and right. Up ahead was a block of marble, looking more ancient than its surroundings. The block bore the oversized face of a beardy man with his eyes closed.

Wonwoo stepped in farther, inspecting the altar-like table below the face. Several items were presented on it.

Was he finally at the end? Wonwoo looked around. No exit. So he had to do whatever his task in this room was and then… leave the same way he came? What a hassle.




Unable to contain his excitement, Mingyu had gotten up as soon as he had awoken. His bed was comfy, but the prospect of seducing Wonwoo was a thousand times more delightful.

He walked around Pledis School searching for his best friend, but came up empty. With a flask of totally-not-love-potion tucked away in a pocket of his sand colored robe, he peaked into every room. All he found was emptiness and sleeping boys. None of them Wonwoo.

The only ones already up were Jun (slurping tomato juice that might actually be blood), Seungkwan (forlornly starring out the window), Jeonghan (waxing the feathers of his shimmering white wings in the soft morning sunlight) and Seungcheol (stealing glances at Jeonghan, while pretending to sort out administrative papers).

Jisoo was missing from the dorm complex as well, but likely in morning service, or bible study. Or buying more rosaries.

“Has anyone here seen Wonwoo?”

All four boys expressed their astonishment that Mingyu of all people should have lost track of the boy with the deep voice, but couldn’t help with locating him in any way.

About to leave, the tall wizard stopped in his tracks. Once again he was struck by small doubts. But rather than considering the implications of his planned actions as he had done previously, he realized a very practical concern.

The like-me-a-lot-potion was experimental. And magic in general had a tendency to go awry and backfire – at least when used by a student from Pledis, or at the very least from their dorm. He wanted Wonwoo to like him much more than ever before, but not at the potential price of causing damage. The side effects of misapplied potions Mingyu had observed previously included tentacle growth, whole body shrinkage, uncontrollable levitation and smelly feet.

He remembered that one time when he confused his coffee with one of Jihoon’s creations and spent the day stuck to the ceiling.

Clearly, he needed to test his brew. But who was a possible guinea pig? Well, who was already infatuated and only needed a little - magical - push?

“Say, hardworking prefect Seungcheol, aren’t you tired from all the paperwork?” he asked as innocently as his acting skills allowed.

The dorm leader looked up, blushing with a coy smile as he realized that his eyes had been glued to the angel rather than his documents.

“Yes, it really is a lot of work. Demon attacks and such. And now we have to renew the enchantments on the lightning rods after yesterday’s… Did anyone already tell you what happened yesterday?”

“No, hyung. But I’d love to hear it from you. Let me just make you a delicious coffee to wake you up.”

“That would be great. You’re really looking out for me.”

“Yes, yes… that’s what I’m doing,” said Mingyu, trying his best not to sound ominous.

With a flick of his wand he sent a cup under the coffee machine and began to pour the powder. It was nerve-racking to “spice” the beverage. The fear of being found out made Mingyu sweat. But no one took particular interest in observing the brewing process in the corner.

With one Americano for himself and a “special ingredient” one for his elder, the wizard returned.

Seungcheol held his cup until the coffee was down to drinking temperature, telling the tale of Boo’s extravagant rescue. Meanwhile Mingyu’s eyes were fixed on the smoking cup, unsuccessfully willing his friend to take a sip.

As soon as the prefect was finished recalling the ritual he downed the entire drink. Mingyu had to stop himself from yelling out in triumph. He thanked his leader and took both their cups back, intending to observe from afar.

The change was subtle at first. Seungcheol stole more glances, smiled more brightly at the oblivious angel and sat more upright, his own arms.

Not long after that, the effect translated into action. The oldest boy in the dorm rose from the seat and made his way to Jeonghan’s improvised workstation.

“Do- do you need any help? I mean I can hold your wing up, or- or preheat the wax or-“

The mundane boy swallowed hard.

Jeonghan looked up without ceasing to the stick across his feathers, making them glisten silvery through the orange glow that drew his silhouette as the sun grew in incandescence behind him.

The radiant creature smiled a genuinely amused but judgmental smile. “I’m alright, thank you, hyung.”

Seungcheol didn’t know where to put his hands, moving them back and forth between his pockets, crossed arms and a disingenuous attempt at a relaxed pose.

“I was just thinking…”


“Since you’re an angel and all…”


“How do you…Don’t you…Could…If you wanted…I never thought I’d-“

“Spit it out, boy!”

“WouldYouPleaseGoOutWithMe!” [deep breath] “I’veAlwaysWantedToAsk” [deep breath] “IfYouMightWantToDateMe.” [deep breath] “WeCouldGoForDrinksAt-“





That’s what Jeonghan had said.


That’s what Seungcheol thought.


The heavenly boy had said no to him after all that. After the years of painful pining. After finally gathering the courage from who knew where. A single casually spoken syllable and an infinity of dreams were shattered.

“Okay,” said Seungcheol way too late to save face, feeling very small.

“You’re cute and all, but I have other plans for now.”


Jisoo entered the room, stayed in the doorframe and waved at the present company. Dropping his wax stick, Jeonghan got up, walked past the leader while flexing his wings and grabbed his coat from the table.

“Ready for our rendezvous, love?”


With one sweeping look back, the angel nodded goodbye to the schoolmates in the room. The inseparable duo left.

“Nice rosary,” came Jeonghan’s voice from the corridor.

“Thank you,” Jisoo said, as their steps faded into the distance. “I just bought it.”

Mingyu cheered on the inside. The operation was a resounding success. Not for everybody in the room, but if Wonwoo asked him out like that he would be the happiest boy in earth. With just a pang of guilt he looked over to where Seungcheol had sunken to the floor, repeatedly whispering “Okay”.

Maybe he should go over and… Eh, the effect would fade quickly. A single drop only lasted for a moment. It wasn’t as if the leader had been madly in love to begin with, right?

Now, back to searching for Wonwoo.




Jun had followed the unfolding events with some interests, but was more concerned about former bird-boy Seungkwan. The younger boy had been staring at the trees outside the whole morning, occasionally turning his head up to the sky.

When the sad second year student left for his room, Jun followed. He wasn’t being sneaky but as a vampiric being he moved naturally soundless if he wasn’t actively trying to draw attention.

He stopped by the door after Seungkwan had gone inside, torn between listening in and respecting his friend’s privacy.

Hansol’s voice came from within. “Morning Boo. Is it time to get up? Any plans today?”

The other boy’s voice was inaudible, even to Jun’s heightened senses. Hansol responded “But you’re glad to be back, right? To be yourself again. … Hm, but you couldn’t actually fly, you just thought… Yeah, I guess if I was convinced I could fly I would feel some sense of loss too.”

So Seungkwan truly didn’t think he was a bird anymore but apparently remembered what it had felt like to have the ability of flight. Or at least be convinced of having it. Jun wondered if he could leave it to Hansol to lighten up his current roommate’s disposition.

With little knowledge of mind altering magic and the dorm prefect incapacitated after being devastatingly ditched, Jun wasn’t sure how to be of help. Maybe someone with an infectious smile could do something about Seungkwan’s gloomy mood.

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Chapter 1: Chicken heals our hearts
Chapter 16: Just best friends? Yeah right. Anyway, thanks for writing this awesome masterpiece. I love it!
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 5: Ohjisoos.. were you high when you write this? XD This fic is a pool of weirdness. The good kind of weirdness that leaves my mind boggles everytime. I cant even guess what's going to happen, it has surprises in every corner. You got me good authornim.
DumaTrz #5
Chapter 16: I loved it! ( i love all of your fics actually)
Hm, i dunno, but I loved every detail of it, and I laughee so many times. Thank you for your amazing stories ;;))