You're a girl?!

Kwon's Service

Again and again Jessica looked at the business card, she walked back and forth in the hall in her house trying to find the confidence to give the call a ring. 

"Unnie why are you just stupidly walking around getting in the way" Krystal the angry 18 yr old came out of her room. Krystal had surely gotten more bossy and sarcastic as she grew up, Jessica knew when she was a teenager herself that she wasn't going to look forward to Krystal going through it. She had witnessed Yoona going through it, and it was enough. 

Jessica didn't answer back she was too busy going through the pros and cons of calling the number. 

"Oh is that the business card Tiffany unnie gave you?" Yoona came from one side of the hall. 

"Unnie i didn't think you'd be so " Krystal laughed. 

Jessica had stopped and shot a deathly glare at her dongsaeng. Yoona was trying hard not to laugh and kept a poker face, Krystal always tried to push her older sisters limits.

Jessica exhaled. She was getting too old at shouting at her youngest sister. Krystal stared at her expecting Hellsica but instead Jessica looked calm. 

"I don't have enough time." Jessica simply said. 

It suddenly got icey cold. Her sisters didnt know what was worst Hellsica or serious Jessica. 

"So make the call unnie." Yoona said. 

Jessica sighed, and started to dial the number.

"yoboseyo?" A husky but high pitched voice came to the phone. This guy had a high pitched voice for a guy. 

"u-uh De annyeong" Jessica answered back, she had forgotten about her sisters watching there so she moved into her bedroom. But it wasn't successful as her sisters just followed her anyway. 

"Ahh, i see so what services do you require mam?" The voice said.

"Well, its sort of hard to explain." Jessica said trying to figure out how to explain the situation. 

"Would it help to talk to me in person Ms..." 

"Jung. And yes actually if you wouldn't mind, and i'll pay." 

"That can be arranged. But just know Ms Jung i dont take backsies." 

How old is this guy?



7:25 Pm. Thats the time the guy on the phone told her to meet him. 

She looked around the shopping district in hopes to find him. She had guessed due to his feminine voice that he would be a sweet looking guy, surely. But it made her question as to why a sweet guy would hold a 'dating' service.

"Ms Jung?" A voice called out and Jessica turned to the owner. 

"Yes?" Jessica looked at the tall attractive tanned girl, confused. "What is it?" 

"It's me, Kwon Yuri." 



Tiffany Hwang! You are so dead.

"Ms Jung?" Yuri has asked her again. 

Jessica stared blankly at her trying to find some sense in this situation. 

"I'm sorry but i need to make a quick phonecall." Jessica said as she punched the number into her phone.

"TIFFANY HWANG! what do you take me for?! Are you crazy?!" She shouted down the phone. Yuri stood there with a straight face awkwardly watching the woman. 

"Listen Honey forget that she's a girl you'll enjoy it either way." 

"What kind of help did you need exactly Tiffany." Jessica said seriously. 

Yuri looked around whistling trying to survive the awkward tension. 

"We'll talk more later Hwang." Jessica had hung up, she slowly turned to Yuri faking a smile. 

"I'm sorry i think ive been mistaken, it was a pleasure meeting you Ms Kwon." She said and quickly walked away. 

"Listen, Ms Jung. I  don't hold that type of business, im not exactly sure if i swing that way either, but i can offer help, whatever the problem may be." 

Jessica had stopped,she heard the sincerity in the girls voice. She was desperate. She needed to get out of the arranged marriage. 

They both sat down at a table at the nearby coffee shop. 

"So what services did Tiffany ask for exactly?" Jessica said as she sipped her tea. 

"Ms Hwang? well... we mostly just had fake dates together, she said she had nothing else to do and that i was perfect for passing time by."

So she used you for her own entertainment.

Jessica had explained her situation to the curious Yuri, it seemed that it had somehow turned into some counselling session.

"I can't believe im talking to the future president of Jung Corps." Yuri was more interested in her as a president than her actual problem.

"So how do you think you can help me?" Jessica asked straightforwardly. 

"Well, i dont think i have a solution for your actual problem. But Tiffany did say you wanted to...well... experience..."

"What?! No! i dont need those types of services!" Jessica jumped up.

"Oh no! ms Jung its not what you think. I mean as in dating, i dont mean ually im aware we're both girls ms Jung, but you did say you wanted to experience a normal relationship and even Love. and before you say anything ms Jung im not saying that you'll fall in love with me persay but i hope to give you the experience of what it would be like." Yuri said. 

After hearing Yuri's speech Jessica thought about it carefully. There was this one big problem but somehow another problem had been created. What if Jessica never encounters love? that was far more bigger than not wanting to be the president  of a huge company, this was an actual life problem. 

She didnt have time to find someone else most preferably a guy to play date with, not a alot would agree to it in the first place, but here she had someone who was offering to be her pretend girlfriend. 

"Ms Jung...?" Yuri started to worry for Jessica had not said anything for the past 5 minutes. 

"Okay." Jessica finally said. 


"I'll be you girlfriend but it will be strictly business." Jessica said. 

Strictly business? What does that even mean Jessica? 

"Yes of course ms Jung, i am just looking for a pay, and to help of course." Yuri bowed "Call me anytime ms Jung." 




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Marionmarion #1
Chapter 3: It's 2020 and am still waiting so update authournim.
Chapter 3: La historia s genial y bien redactada, me encantaria poder leerla hasta el final
Kutu_Asem #3
Update this story please
zhaina28 #4
Chapter 2: please update soon author-ssi...
Chapter 3: this is interesting!
update soon author~ :)
lei0606 #6
Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaah love this story please update
Verbal-Crack #7
Even though this is just starting, I find the story line really interesting, i can't wait to see how this all turns out. Keep it up ^^
xkwonie #8
Nice story. ..hope u can update soon :-)
its interesting.... thanks for the fast update
Chapter 2: This story is interesting.. ^.^ thanks for the fast update.