At Your Service

Kwon's Service

Jessica belonged to one of the wealthiest family in Seoul, infact she was the daughter of Mr Jung of Jung Corp. She was also next in line to take over. 

She wasn't really keen on taking over, she had wished she wasnt the oldest out of the two of her siblings, Yoona and Krystal. She didn't want to end up as some boring old hag whos driven by power and money, but it looked like there was no escaping it. However, it wasn't the fact that she would have to take over the whole company at 24 yrs old, it was the fact that her parents had arranged plenty of suitors for her to choose from. She had first to get married in order to take over. 

She sat at a table which consisted of her close friends or future business partners and sisters, all her closest friends were the heirs of a huge company just like her, she wasn't allowed to befriend a "commoner" as her tutors said. 

Her father was holding an event for having a succesful year in getting a partnership in the US, an event would mean a huge get together of the Jungs family and friends more like business partners but atleast Jessica woud have been able to see her friends. 

The daughters of the Choi's Kim's Hwangs and the Lees. Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Tiff and Sunny were Jessicas closest and only friends. It was quite understandable since they were all in the same boat as Jessica.

Her father spoke at the front of the hall holding a wine glass, lifting it up in the air he gave a toast. 

"You guys have to help me! It'll only be a few months until i become the new president" Jessica whined to her group of friends. 

"Honey don't worry, im sure it wont be all that bad, we're all in the same boat honey so you're not alone." Tiffany said calming her bestfriend down. 

"Its not possible to pass it down to Yoona instead?" Sooyoung asked.

Jessica shook her head somberly, she had suggested this once to her parents but they only got more angry about the fact Jessica didn't want to take responsibility. 

"Its not like i wanted to be next in line" Jessica let her head fall onto the table. 

"Unnie, surely its not that much of a big a deal, you've been getting advanced business lessons since we were kids whats the problem?" Yoona finally spoke up. 

"Yeah you're like the most prepared person to run a company ever." Krystall added. 

"You guys don't get it. Theres something i have to do before i get to run a company i don't want." 

"And that's what?" They all asked in sync. 

"Get married." Jessica finally said. 

"Ohhh" They all said in sync again. 

They all knew that Jessica Jung was not the type to get married so easily, or get married in general. They knew her as a free spirit, someone who wanted to do more even though she was given everything. 

"Ive never even had anyone that was close to marriage material for me, ive only dated one guy and that was just Tyler and he seriously was not Mr right for me." 

They all nodded. 

"So are you saying you just need to 'get around' a little before settling down?" Taeyeon asked and quickly regretted it when Jessica shot her a glare. 

'Get around' Jessica was aslo not the type to 'Get around'.

"Experience? Is that what you want?" Sunny spoke up after putting her 3rd glass of wine down. 

Experience? what does that even mean Jessica thought. 

"Ohhh i see..."  Tiff joined in, "Experience huh? why didnt you just say so Jessi!" 

"What? What are you guys talking about, i dont want some escapade guys, im not saying im im just saying im not ready!" Jessica stood up from frustration. 

The guests gave her weird looks and she cleared and sat back down quietly. 

"Here." Tiffany held out what looked like a business card infront of her. The others gathered around to take a closer inspection. 


Need a fake date? Mad at your family? Or just want company?

Kwon Yuri is at your service. 23 yr old looking for some odd jobs to do to earn money. 

My services include:

'first dates'
'Cheater partner'
'Long term relationship'
'Long distant relationship
And more.


"How is this going to help Tiff?" Jessica looked at the business card, confused. 

"I don't know but it helped me." Tiffany said giving her a wink. 

Jessica looked at the card once again. 

I guess i could give it a try.



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Marionmarion #1
Chapter 3: It's 2020 and am still waiting so update authournim.
Chapter 3: La historia s genial y bien redactada, me encantaria poder leerla hasta el final
Kutu_Asem #3
Update this story please
zhaina28 #4
Chapter 2: please update soon author-ssi...
Chapter 3: this is interesting!
update soon author~ :)
lei0606 #6
Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaah love this story please update
Verbal-Crack #7
Even though this is just starting, I find the story line really interesting, i can't wait to see how this all turns out. Keep it up ^^
xkwonie #8
Nice story. ..hope u can update soon :-)
its interesting.... thanks for the fast update
Chapter 2: This story is interesting.. ^.^ thanks for the fast update.