Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"Well...I didn't expect to see you guys here. Obviously." Sora retorted.

The orphanage is a rather isolated place. There's a playground in front and no other buildings around it. And it's late. There's nobody here.

"Neither do we." Baekhyun smirked. "Well, I shouldn't have given you guys the gifts. It's like a bad omen or something." Sora groaned. "One of them is still alive just so you know." Suho said.

"I know. He spat on my face. That bastard. And I decided to just beat him up and let him die slowly. It's what I do anyway. He's not going to live you know. I've detroyed everything in his body." Sora said. "Tell your friend to put his hands up or I'll shoot." Sehun said.

"Oh, him? No can do. But he can." Sora jerked her head to the person behind them. Dongho is holding a gun towards them. "It's my first time meeting you. Nice to finally meet you guys. I've heard so much about you." Dongho said, smiling.

"I thought you went to get the money ready?" Sora asked, like the police isn't here. "I was, but I saw a car parked at the side and got curious. And it took me awhile to realise who they are. From the pictures, I suppose these are Suho, Baekhyun, Luhan and Sehun?" Dongho asked.

"Who is that?" Suho asked, glaring at Sora. Sora smiled and shrug. "He's Yoseob isn't he?" Suho asked. "Who knows?" Sora said, amused. "Put down your guns." Dongho said. "Who the hell are you? What makes you think that we would listen to you?" Luhan asked.

"Me? You don't have to know who am I." "He's Yoseob, isn't he?" Suho asked, looking past Sora. Yoseob's back. "Who knows?" Sora repeated. "Ask him to turn." Baekhyun commanded. "What is all this c-" The door opened, revealing the old hag that the 3 of them talked about.

Yoseob choked her, and pushed her to the door. "Put your guns down." Dongho repeated. "Or, she'll die. Of course, I would be happy if she dies." Sora said. "Y-y-yoseob." The caretaker, aka, Ajumma, aka, the old hag, managed to choke out.

"So..He IS Yoseob." Baekhyun smiled in satisfaction. Sora glared at Suho and said, "I told you. I would rather die than turn my back against Yoseob."

"We fully understand that. We've read the notes that you wrote when you both were young. We know what you've been through and we understand why you're doing all this things. Why the both of you are doing this things. If you would let us help you, your life, and Yoseob's life, would be better." Suho said.

"Understand?" Sora scoffed. "You guys will never understand us, or me. Don't joke around with me." Sora glared, her voice cold and hard. "You can get a new life, why are you doing this?" Suho asked.

"A life without anyone beside you is meaningless. Do you want me to kill every single person in your family to make you understand what I mean?" Sora smirked. "Sora...We've seen you do good things. You can join us and work with us." Suho suggested and Sora scoffed.

"The kids are awake." Dongho said, jerking his head to the house. "Let's just put our guns down. We don't exactly want to scare the kids do we?" Dongho suggested. Sora let out a deep breath and put her gun back to the back of her jeans.

"I'm here to settle some business, not to kill anyone." Sora told the 4 officers. "And we're here to settle some business as well." Suho smiled. "Of course you are." Sora scoffed and turn her back towards them. "Oppa." Sora called out to Yoseob and he let go of the old hag's neck.

"I'll transfer you 10 billion won in 10 minutes. This orphanage is mine, as well as the kids here. Leave." Yoseob told the old hag and she nodded before running out of the house, not before stumbling. Yoseob made an eye contact to Dongho and he nodded before texting someone.

"W-w-who are you??" One boy, around the age of 12 asked. "Are you the oldest here?" Sora asked, her voice and eyes soften. The boy nodded slowly. Sora smiled and went into the orphanage. She ruffled the boy's hair and asked, "Did the Ajumma hit you? You can tell me."

The boy was hesitant. "I was from here too. You see this hyung and the hyung outside, they were from here too. And the Ajumma was scary. She would hit us every day." Sora said and the boy looked at her, since she bent down to his eye level.

"She...Doesn't give us food if we don't do what she says..." The boy stated and Sora gave a warm smile. "I know. Let's get all of you to bed. I'm sorry that I've disturbed you guys. Want me to read a bedtime story?" Sora asked.

"But...We don't know you..." The boy said. "Of course you don't. I don't know you either." Sora chuckled and said. Sora turned to the police officers who were rather frozen in place.

"Look. I'm sure you guys wouldn't leave when I ask you to, since there are basically 2 people from the top of your wanted list here. Dongho-ah, you can leave. We'll handle things here." Sora looked past them and at Dongho. Dongho nodded and ran before the police could even turn around to stop him.

"Your business here is with me, and Yoseob Oppa. Not with the other ga

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Dygkumira #1
I'm here for the third time!!! Sorry i just realised i didn't upvote but there u goooo i love this fic so so much btw
NoraMyFics #2
Chapter 2: This is actually feels like a remake of Blood Brother of Xiumin with reverse verison
Chapter 31: Awwwwwwwwwww the ending was so cute!!!!!!! I'm glad the Big 3 were best friends. This is an interesting story line (: great brain author-nim!
Veckyx #4
Im re-reading for the 4time i think(?) .. And every single time i fall in love with it alll over again! It's so goood! It's so in my Top5 ever!!!! ^^
sazuka #5
Chapter 31: Your story is amazing author nim♥♥ I love it so much ♥♥:3
nazhoney900105 #6
Chapter 17: Your story is looking forward to read the next chapter everyday..and your fast update was a fantastic job more..cant wait to know the next chappie..☺
Chapter 11: Sora really is such a nice person.. ^-^
Chapter 7: This is interesting and kinda disturbing haha but I give it 2 thumbs up!!!! :D