First Snow


25th December, the day that is Christmas.

Kyungsoo woke up the earliest, getting off his bed as quietly as possible to not wake his roommate, Baekhyun, up. He changed out of his pajamas into an oversized shirt and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Today's breakfast will be pancakes!" Kyungsoo exclaimed internally, while happily skipping to the kitchen. While making the batter for the pancakes, Baekhyun walked into the kitchen, still half-awaked.

"Baekhyunie, why did u wake up so early?!" Kyungsoo was shocked to see this sleepy head waking up so early. Normally he'll sleep till noon.

"I wanna help make breakfast together with you Soo!!" Baekhyun said. He was hugging Kyungsoo while snuggling his cheek onto his friend's cheek.

"Okie" Kyungsoo flushed.

It was a bit dark in the kitchen at that time because it was 6:15am, thus Kyungsoo went to open the curtains that were near the kitchen. Kyungsoo's eyes sparkled.

"BAEKHYUN-HYUNG! ITS SNOWING!!" Kyungsoo exclaimed in excitement upon seeing the snow.

"Really??" Baekhyun ran over to Kyungsoo in the speed of light.

"You're right!!"

Both of them stared at the snow in awe. It was the first time snowing in Korea and both of them were very excited.

"Let's get back to cooking before it gets too late" Kyungsoo told Baekhyun.

It was already 7am and the members are seated
at the dining table one by one. All of them staring at the snow with a smile on their faces.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo both came out of the kitchen with plates full of pancakes and placed it on the table.

The members all thanked them and dug into the pancakes. The members seemed to be ravenous as they wolfed down the pancakes.

"Its delicious!!" the maknae-line exclaimed in satisfactory, their faces filled with grins. The other members also had bright smiles on their faces.

All of a sudden, leader Suho stood up. "Since its Christmas, why don't we buy gifts for each other?" he suggested.

"That sounds awesome!!!" Baekhyun shouted.

"But how are we going to do it?" Lay asked.

"We'll draw lots, whoever is the person you have drawn, is the person you have to buy a gift for" Suho replied with excitement in his voice.

After breakfast, the members were all seated on the sofa at the living room. Suho then went to his drawer to get a few pieces of paper and a box. He wrote all of the members names, folded the pieces of paper and jumbled them up.

"Guys! come over and each one of you must pick a piece of paper" Suho called out.

The members all came over like lambs and picked a piece of paper.

"Y'all will unfold it and say out the person's name that you got" Suho said.

"I'll go first.. I got.. Xiumin-hyung" Suho announced.

The others all unfolded their pieces of paper and called out their 'soul mate'. Baekhyun unfolded his piece and much to his surprise, he got Kyungsoo's name.

"I GOT KYUNGSOO" Baekhyun shouted.

Kyungsoo got a shock when he heard his name being called out by Baekhyun. He unfolded his and he got another shock, he got Baekhyun's name.

"I got Baekhyunie" Kyungsoo told the rest.

"Ohhhh.. maybe you guys are fated for each other" Chanyeol smirked.

"hahahhahaha" Baekhyun laughed.

"NO WAY!" Kyungsoo shouted while hitting him.

It was 11am and the members all sat in the van, getting ready to go and get their gifts. After a few mins, the van drove off. The van was headed to Dongdaemun market; a shopping district in Seoul.

Once they reached, they scattered and went to buy their own gifts for their 'soul mates'.

"hmmm... what should i get for Kyungie..." Baekhyun thought as he wandered around the streets. He walked and passed a store and stopped infront of it. It has a gigantic Pororo plushie right infront of it and he laughed.

"It's decided. I'm gonna get this for him!! Because... Soo really looks like a penguin!!" Baekhyun thought.

Therefore he went in and picked the giant plushie up and went to the counter. To his surprise, it was expensive, but he didn't really care about the price because it was for Kyungsoo.

"I wonder what will his expression be when he see this!" Baekhyun smirked. Baekhyun then walked passed a store that sells beanies. He stood there and thought if he wanted to get one for his friend.

"Since its snowing, it's gonna be cold, and Kyungsoo doesn't have a beanie to keep his head warm. So why not.." Baekhyun was wandering.

Baekhyun then went in and looked around. He saw a beanie with wolf ears and that caught his attention. Baekhyun took it and tried it on, it looked cute on him and he really wanted to keep it for himself, but he also wanted Kyungsoo to have it.

"It will look really cute on him as well." Baekhyun smiled while thinking how cute Kyungsoo will look wearing the beanie. He went to the counter and paid for it.

The members all took different rides back to the dorm and Baekhyun reached the destination first. He took the giant plushie and the beanie to his room as he couldn't wrap the gigantic plushie up.

After around 10-15mins, the members all came home and assembled. The members all gave their gifts to each other and Baekhyun dragged Kyungsoo to the room.

Kyungsoo waited outside with a bag in his hand while Baekhyun got ready his gifts to Kyungsoo.

"Tada!!! Hope you like it Soo!!" Baekhyun exclaimed. Baekhyun held onto the giant plushie which was as big as both of them.

The doe eyed boy looked at the plushie with amaze and shock. He then took the plushie away from Baekhyun's hands and hugged it, his nose rubbing the plushie's beak.

Baekhyun was happy to see that Kyungsoo loved his gift, he then walked behind Kyungsoo and put on the beanie he got for him.

Baekhyun flushed upon seeing Kyungsoo with the beanie. It was cuteness overdose, he was too cute.

"Baekie thank you so much for the gifts!!!" Kyungsoo exclaimed while pulling Baekhyun into a bear hug.

"Then where is my gift?" Baekhyun smirked while questioning him.

Kyungsoo handed over the bag he had in his hand over to Baekhyun. Baekhyun opened the bag and saw a cap with dog ears, his eyes sparkled. He took it out and wore it.

"It suits you!" Kyungsoo chuckled. "I bought this because you really looked like a puppy!" Kyungsoo burst out in laughter.

"Thanks Soo!" Baekhyun thanked him while beaming. It seems that he really liked the gift.

Both of them were contented with the gifts they got. Kyungsoo suddenly kissed Baekhyun on the cheek, leaving Baekhyun speechless.

"Thanks again for the gifts Baekkie." Kyungsoo cooed.
SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG!!😣 i was busy with exams thats why and i was a little lazy :P but here is a new story and i hope y'all like it! it is a bit longer than the restπŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

word count: 1139


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exokimkyungsoo #1
Chapter 2: Its cuteeee

Omg!! >.<