Who am I?

What if?

What do I remember you ask?

I don’t remember anything! Why are you doing this to me? Just tell me who I am! Stop asking me stupid questions if YOU ALREADY KNOW I DON’T KNOW ANYTHING! Baekhyun screamed in the hospital bed waking up all the patients in the room.

“Please quite down, we just need to know who you are so we can contact your family member or relative.” Assured the doctor sitting next to him.

Baekhyun nearly busting with tears and rolled himself into a small ball and covered himself with the beds sheet blocking all the unknown people around him. He didn’t knew no one… he didn’t knew himself. He felt so alone and depressed. His body shanking with fear barely able to breathe properly.

“Let him go, doc he lost his mind, just send him back where you found him!” a patient shouted from far back of the room. This make Baekhyun feel more useless and scared in this unknown place. He just closed his eyes shut and wished that this was all a dream.

“Shut your face, you retarded !” a deep voice person shouted from the door way. The room was silence for some second Baekhyun’s body was stiff as ever after hearing that voice. He knew that voice from somewhere. He knew that person; maybe he knew who he was? … now he could hear a heavy footstep coming towards him getting closer and closer. He was just right next to him now, standing next to him waiting for him to show his swollen face. The person suddenly said something to the doctor but I couldn’t hear it clearly as they were whispering.

Baekhyun got a shock when he suddenly felt a warm presence next to his face. He could feel the person’s warm breath moving the thin sheets covering his face. Baekhyun didn’t know what to do, the person was right next to him now he could hear the nurses and doctors talking about something… were they talking about me? Someone closed the curtain around my bed and left just us two alone.

“Baekhyun” he said with a soft voice near my face. Was that my name? Baekhyun I couldn’t talk back because my face was covered in tears with happiness. At least a person knew him and his voice felt familiar to him to. His throat was so tight with the tears that he was trying to hold back but it suddenly came out! He could hear his voice echoing around the room. He couldn’t stop himself from crying aloud. I bet the person thought he was a crazy too just like the patience.  He was hiccupping again and again, not knowing when it would stop he let all the tears flow still covering his whole body inside the bed sheet. Baekhyun was too embarrassed now, he will definitely not show his face.

Just then Baekhyun was left up in a sitting position in the bed and a warm body was around his. Still letting me cover my face and body with white bed sheet. He hugged me tightly but carefully around his big, long hand. He let himself in the bed letting me rest my head on his wide chest which felt kind a nice and cosy. Why was this person so nice to me? Is he my relative or one of my family member? Why can’t I remember? This question made me swirl with anger and stress which make my head spin in pain.

“Baekhyun?” he said this time with more concerned tone then before.

I finally caught some breathe and said “is that my name?”

“Huh? Ya, that’s your name.” he paused for a second and then continued “ it’s alright puppy I found you now, just take a nap”. His voice full of confident and hints of pain.

“Do you know me? What happened to me…I don’t remember anything not even a single bit” I said covering my face with both of my hand. Trying to stop myself crying again. My body flinched when he grabbed my two hand with just one of his hand and covering my face with another. He smelled nice, he smelled like smoke? But not cigarettes but burned woods and sticks maybe?

“Don’t hold back” he whispered in my ears. This made me burst in tears again! I wanted to hide my face but he wouldn’t let go of my hands and his other hand was covering my face was all soaked with my tears.

“What are you doing? Your hand will get dirty” I shouted through the sheets which was covering my mouth but he still didn’t let go of my hands so I gave up and let him hold me tighter. “Please… tell me everything. Who am I? Why am I in this hospital and mostly…” I felt rude asking him who he was because without knowing he comforted me.

“aahhh” he signed loudly in my ears and said “ Your name is Byun Baek-hyun, your age is 23.You are a teacher in a college of Art and English literature and you just got married to a woman called Kim Tae-yeon but…” He went silent all of a sudden.

“but..?” I said with some hesitation. “ what is it?”

“You picked up your wife from work and were heading back home but it was stormy night with heavy rain and you crashed with a lorry which can in front of you.” He finally said without even taking a break to take breath. A sharp pain rain through my bones from top to toe.  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Where is she?” I whispered without noticing. Quiet filled the room, again I felt alone again no one answering my question. Leaving me out. “ …answer me, where is my wife?” I said in a louder voice. He still kept quiet, not even moving away. He kept hugging me tightly without saying anything.

“Where is my wife!!??” I shouted louder turning my head towards him and grabbing his shirt collar tightly. He let go of his hand from my body and twisted his head at the side. Trying not to meet my eye contact. His dark brown hair long enough to cover his eyes.  I noticed that he was wearing a college uniform. Still younger then me so maybe my brother? His shirt said Art and Literature College… then a sharp pain hit my chest. Is he one of my student?

“ She died in the car accident.” He finally said in a low voice.

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