An adaption of Mulan

Jong Kook and Ji Hyo

* An adaption of Mulan. sorry for the lousy title but I couldnt think of one better one. If you have any, please suggest, but till then, this will do. BTW, this is an extrremely long chapter and I could not find a logical way to break into two parts after I written, very sorry :) *


Ji Hyo took a deep breath, ”Here goes nothing”, she prayed and stepped into the enrolment area. The emperor had requested a male from each household to be enlisted. Her father had fallen sick, he had been sick since his return from the last war and her brother was too young. She had overheard the conversation between her parents, her father had hoped she was a male instead and the problem would have been solved. She knew her father meant that she could have taken up the enlistment instead of her young brother, she had agreed to her father’s view.


She was trained by her father since young, her father often commented she was a nature and talented. She was well verse in sword, archery, horse riding, bare hand combat and of course military tactics. Her mum often sighed with depression, citing that she had failed as a mother, her daughter knew neither sewing or cooking, things women should know.

The father and daughter often ran away whenever the mother started her nagging.


She had decided to steal the enlistment letter and took the place for her brother and father. She had bought some men clothing and tied her hair up in men’s style. Thank goodness for her past training and her height, she look almost like a man, a softer version of it.


The person in charge looked at her letter and quickly dismissed her to a group of recruit like her, they were handed uniforms that didn't smell too cleanly washed. A man barked an order for them to change and gathered near the field to test their skill. This was going to be a problem, how was she going to change in front of so many men.


She circled to behind the group and tried to hide behind a few large size men. She quickly put on the clothes on top of her own and moved to the field. The tests given were fairly simple and her results had made her a lead for a team of 10. They self-introduced themselves after they were assigned a sleeping tent. As a lead, she had the privilege of having a small bed in a corner, she signed with relief. She also found out they were under the command of a young captain, Kim Jong Kook.


The captain was strict, he demanded his men to be fit, both mentally and physically. They had to be trained for 9-10 hours every day.  They were taught skill of all sorts plus different military tactics deployment. Every night, she was too tired to even think of bathing and feel asleep on the bed immediately. But as she and her men stamina got better, by the end of 2 weeks, they were totally adapted to the training. She even managed to sneak out at night for a bathe.


After 2 months of training, they moved out nearer to the battle ground, they were going to prevent an invading from the north. Most of them were out there for the first time and the air grew tenser nearer to the battle ground. For some, they might not be able to make it back. The captain sensed the tension and tried to lesser the stress. He planned for small singing session for his men. He also met with the leads to help him build more confidence with the troops. That night, they were served with meat and the captain and his leads sang a few encouragement songs. With good food, songs and dance, the men relaxed, as well as mentally prepared for the war.


Jong Kook had found her to be one of his best lead, her knowledge of military tactics had impressed him. He had loved to have sessions to discuss the art of warfare with her during their private times together. Besides being good colleagues, they were also great friends. Both knew they can count on each other to protect their backs.


War was brutal and ugly, the army although was winning, it's men were also reducing. Finally, they had gained advantage and won the war. But the army had to stay behind and guard the border. Both she and Jong Kook had managed to prove themselves time after time and they were promoted in ranks over the years.


Five years passed quickly, day after day, they were either fighting or training. They hardly had time to rest and laughter. Any moment of relaxation could cause them their lives. Sometimes, alone at night, she marvelled at herself able to hide her gender in the army. With the promotion of rank, she was entitled with more privacy, but yet, she had to try harder to hide, her room mates were getting smarter too.


Her relationship with Jong Kook was something she was thankful about, he was also there to offer solid advices. He always treated her as his equal. She knew Jong Kook had treated her as his best friend and advisor but more often she just lent him her ears and he could sort out his issues himself.


On the sixth year, the two of them were selected for a secret mission, to protect the princess who will be marrying a prince of the country at war with. The marriage will offer peace to the border and some people didn't want it to happen. Two teams, one with the real princess, the other with a fake one will leave the army camp; they were selected to protect the real princess. The group was a small one and they left the camp quietly. She was chosen to be the lady that sat in the carriage with the princess, due to her build. She had missed dressing as a woman yet it felt alien too. She saw Jong Kook's eyes rested on her for a long while, before he realized and snapped his glance away. 


In the carriage, the princess was shy and reserved; sighs could often be heard from her. Ji Hyo had pitied the young princess, but there nothing she can do. She had noticed the young princess stealing glances at Jong Kook and blushed when he happened to glance their way. Something burned inside her, she didn't know the feeling and tried to will it away. Jong Kook had not spoken to her since she put on the dress, at times, when he needed to, he had kept it short and to the point. She didn't know what the problem was and why had he distant himself from her, although sometimes she noticed he will stare at her.


Before the night the princess was supposed to reach her destination, the princess mustered her courage and asked Ji Hyo about Jong Kook. Ji Hyo tried to answer her questions, it was like giving the last meal to the dying. The princess drank in all the information as if it was the last thing she were given to eat. Jong Kook seeked his first and last audience with the princess to inform her of the plan and warn her of the danger and things she should take note. Ji Hyo wondered how much the princess had heard, she was dazzled with him. Ji Hyo reminded the princess again after Jong Kook left. She was also disturbed by the fact that Jong Kook had totally ignored her.


As a precaution, Ji Hyo wore the same as the princess on the last day, they secretly merged back the main procession and Ji Hyo sat on the main coach with her face hidden by the veal. Suddenly, she saw a series of arrows flow towards her and managed to dodge most of them except two that hit both her shoulders. She pulled them out and saw they contained no poison, she was relief. Jong Kook had been anxious when he saw that she was under attack, he had been the first to counter and seek out the assassins hiding places and ended their life ruthlessly. The princess was changed back before the wedding took place and all ended well.


Jong Kook was feeling frustrated, since he first laid eyes on Ji Hyo wearing the woman clothing. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her and his heart beat hasten. He couldn’t control his eyes and his heart. He was both thankful and irritated by the interruption of his man asking his permission to go ahead. He found that he couldn’t think of Ji Hyo without feeling heat on his face or his heart beating overtime. He couldn’t even bring himself to speak to her. He knew it appeared as if he was ignored her but he couldn’t help it. All this were too unfamiliar for him. However, he would steal glances of her whenever he rode beside the carriage. She was so beautiful, he would forget to breathe. When he saw the arrows flying towards her, his heart stopped. He knew she could take care of herself but people trying to kill her didn’t go well with him. He had sought the assassins and finished them ruthlessly. He finished his mission for the princess to her prince, while worrying about her. He had heard she was injured but it was not serious. He went straight to her room to look for her after his mission.


Ji Hyo was in her room trying to apply medication on herself. It was difficult when she couldn’t raise her hand, she cursed the assassins. Suddenly she heard a knock and her door were pushed opened. She heard Jong Kook voice, before she could react, she was face to face with Jong Kook. Both of them froze, neither knew how to react, she was down to her inner wear and he could plainly saw she was a woman, true and true.


He was first to react, he turned around. “Sorry, I didn’t know” He face was red.


“I … I  … “ Ji Hyo didn’t know how to continue. “I had some difficulty putting on her medicine.” She pointed out the obvious. She didn’t know what else to say.


He gave it a thought and move closer to her, back facing. “Let me help, then we will talk. It will be faster” He suggested.


She agreed. “Yes, it will be faster”. He picked up a blanket and passed it to her and she covered the rest of body, less the injure area.


He stared at her snow white skin, and then cursed himself, for god sake, she was injured. He quickly applied the medicine and stepped out of the room. He only entered when she opened the door for him. Both of them sat on the table, and wondered how to begin the conversation.


The truth seemed to be the best, she decided. She started to tell him why she joined the army. He understood her perfectly. The question was how to carry on from here. He knew her secret, as her friend, he had to help her and as a colleague, she was a valuable asset. He decided that with her continue staying where she was would definitely increase the chance of exposure, she had been extremely lucky but luck was not something you could count on. He proposed that she will move in with him, giving the excuse that he needed to take care of her injury, and since he was living on his own, it shouldn’t pose too big an issue.


She blushed at the suggestion, her heart had skipped a few beats. But he was just helping a friend, she sighed inwardly. He felt his ears brunt and heart beat raced at his own suggestion but he couldn’t allow her living among other men anymore. He also took it as his responsibility to help her change medicine until she was well.


The arrangement went well and they started their living together. He had segregated the room so that she could have her own personal space. He even tried to setup a small bathe area for her. She was touched and impression at his thoughtfulness. She found he was also his old self when he was with her, more at ease and treated her equal. Although at times, she will catch him looking at her.


Jong Kook had gotten over the fact she was a woman once she was dressed in men clothing. He was just happy that she was with him and well protected under his wings. He frustrated feeling left him once he knew she was a woman but he didn’t analyse the fact.


They now would be with each other almost every minute of the day, they would train together, eat together and now even sleep together, of course, on different beds. Their relationship had processed to a different level but neither of them discovered the fact.


The wedding of the princess to the crown prince had brought along peace and harmony. The emperor had decided there is no need for the army to be stationed at the border and dismissed most of the men back to their home town. Ji Hyo took the opportunity to resign from her post, promising to return if the country needed her. Jong Kook had agreed to the resignation yet at the same time felt saddened by the news that she would leave him.  He had grew accustom to her constant companionship the last three months. He would surely miss her.


He had decided to send her back to her hometown since he was granted leave. He was an orphan and there were no where for him to go anyway. His uncle that took him provided for his education and that all to it. Ji Hyo was happy been able to spend more time with him.


On the way back, they were casually talking on the road. He asked “What will you do when you are back?” He was curious about her plan.


“I don’t know, teach some of what I learnt to my younger brother and maybe other villagers’ kids, maybe my mum will force me to marry off to someone, since she will think I am too old” she said jokingly. But of course, she could disagree, she could not imagine marry someone else instead of Jong Kook. Her heart skipped a beat, marry Jong Kook, how could she think of that, he don’t even love her. She sighed.


He felt someone seized his heart and he could not breathe. Marry, she would marry someone else, someone that is not him. He was startled at the conclusion, maybe just maybe, he had felt for her all this while and he didn’t know. She will not be married anyone but him, he thought jealously. He will go find the first matchmaker when they reached her hometown and ask her parents for her hands in marriage.


For the next few days, Jong Kook secretly made his plan. One day, he was admiring her fanciful horse riding skills, and congratulated himself able to find such a wife when he realised he didn’t ask for her permission for marriage. He and she had always been able to communicate without words on the battle ground and he had forgotten to seek the most important permission of all, what if she just treated him as a friend, or at best, her best friend, and there is no intention for her to marry him. He had always pride himself for been meticulous and he had forgotten the most important detail, her! His smile turned into a frown.


Ji Hyo was happily showing off her riding skills when she noticed his frown. She rode to his side and asked him in concern, “Is there anything wrong?”


He nodded sub consciously, of course there is something wrong.


She was surprised at the reply, “What is wrong?”


“I have forgotten to ask her whether she wanted to marry me or not” Jong Kook absent-mindedly reply, still deep in his thought.


“What?  He indeed had someone he fancied” though Ji Hyo as heart sunk. She wanted to know who she lost to and so she asked “Who is she”


Jong Kook was so lost that he just spoke his mind “Song Ji Hyo. I had planned to ask her parents for her hand in marriage, but I forgotten to ask her whether she wanted to marry me plain old me.” Jong Kook replied out of habit, he had always been this way when he discussed his problems with Ji Hyo.


Ji Hyo was stunned. He wanted to marry her! But wait, did he love her. She tried asking again, “So you love her?”


“Of course, I do love her, or else why should I marry her but I just don’t know how to let her know” he replied.


This was too much for Ji Hyo, although she was happy that he loved her as she loved him, he was simply too adorable, he had just confessed to her unknowingly. She giggled uncontrollably. That snapped Jong Kook out of his trance, he looked at her in confusion, what had he said.


This had only made Ji Hyo laugh even louder, her husband-to-be can be so smart yet so blur sometimes. She refused to tell him what transpired during his trance. He was annoyed, here he was worrying about his confession to her, and she was not even helping!


Jong Kook stayed in his worried state for 2 days, the longest Ji Hyo had seen, she was touched by his sincerity. She decided to go soft on him. She chose the night the moon was roundest and asked him to meet her by the lake.


“Jong Kook,” she spoke his name softly, her hand cupped his face. He was dazed by the gentleness and love in her voice. “Dear, I am sorry that I had tortured you for the past few days, you had already confessed to me so you don’t need to worry about it anymore.”


Jong Kook was dumbfounded. He had confessed? When did he do that! Why didn’t he know it!! He was bewildered. Ji Hyo look at him lovingly, she was happy that she had caused him to be a fool, her fool. “You did” she confirmed “You told me about your worry when you realised it”


Jong Kook was startled, did he, sighed he must have. He had this habit of telling Ji Hyo his problem whenever she asked. He smiled foolishly. Since she knew, and she had called him dear, she must have approved of his love and she had loved him too. He took a deep breathe “Ji Hyo, I love you, I think I love you before I knew you are a woman, before I saw you dressed as a woman, but I don’t know when I started to love you, just that, I love you now. Will you marry me?”


Ji Hyo was amazed at his simple words, she was moved. “Jong Kook, I love you. I think I love you before you knew I am a woman, before you saw me dressed as one, but I also don’t know when I fell in love with you. I love you too. I will marry you” she said shyly.


Both of them glanced into each other eyes, he hugged her and he bend down to kiss her, a promising kiss of their future together.






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Chapter 20: I love the oneshots! :)
love__kjk76 #2
Chapter 1: I really agree with this chapter,, everyone will be under his spell for well hehehe
summerblue #3
Chapter 3: so jaesuk is like miss cupid in here for make they to be together. Push jungkook esp to confess his feeling.
summerblue #4
Chapter 2: awww so sweeeeeeeetttttttttttttt *sobs*
summerblue #5
Chapter 1: you such a something who can take all of the things beside you ro close with you... Really can't reject your charm jung kook.
Chapter 20: Love the confession and the plan...
kangjungah #7
Chapter 20: What are loving confession<3 so sweet...
372 streak #8
Chapter 20: so the confession cute n brave jihyo be...update soon..thank you..
spartace_suki #9
Chapter 20: Kyaaaa.... i'm squeaking and blushing cause joy and happiness :D if only this is what happen in real life
Chapter 20: soooooooooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet im happy :)
update soon