Chapter 2

Living Together

The next day, you put on your uniform and socks. "I hate Mondays, why did the weekend pass so fast?" Groaning, you walked downstairs, holding your bag. "Morning." Wonwoo smiled at you, taking another mouthful of his breakfast. You smiled back and sat down, beginning to eat. "Sis, let's walk to school together~" Jeonghan said, as he walked out of the kitchen, holding another plate of pancakes. "Sure, we should probably go soon though."

As you and Jeonghan walked to school together (you left Wonwoo behind), Jeonghan peppered you with questions. "How was your date last night? Did he pay? Did you pay? Where did you go? What did you do?" You held your hands up in defense, trying to comprehend what he just asked. "It wasn't a date, he paid, I sort of paid, we went to a restaurant and got kicked out, so we went to a convenience store." "YOU GOT KICKED OUT? WHY I OUGHTA-"

Shoving books into your locker, you sighed. Hopefully today would be nice and peaceful and- "Hey there!" A hand ruffled your hair, and you turned around to glare at the person. "Wonwoo, stop messing up my hair again!" You attempted to fix it, but he messed it up again. "Stupid pancake." "Is that a pet name? I think I'll call you my waffle~"


After school, you were walking home by yourself when you felt someone grab your arm from behind. "Let go of me!" Having taken judo classes a couple of time, you threw the person to the ground and backed up. Holding a proper fighting stance, you looked down. "Wonwoo?" He was groaning in pain, and you quickly pulled him up. "Wonwoo, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" "Yeah, just give me a hand." Wonwoo rested his head on your shoulder, grimacing. "It was worth being flipped to rest here." Your face turning pink, you slowly dragged him towards your house. "Shut up, pancake."

When you reached your house, you struggled to open the door while holding onto Wonwoo. After finally getting in and dumping him on the couch, you went to turn on the air conditioning. "Wonwoo, are you hungry? I'll cook something!" You yelled, pulling out some kimchi from your fridge. "I want kimchi soup, make it for meeee." He was whining on the couch, and you started preparing the soup.

A while later, you carried a tray of rice and soup over for Wonwoo. "It might not be too tasty, but here you go." You put the tray down in front of him, and handed him the spoon. "I want you to feed me." He blinked at you, pushing the spoon back towards you. "No, Wonwoo. You can feed yourself." "I'll just have to tell your parents that some lovely girl decided to flip me today." "...That's blackmail." "Now feed me, peasant."

Wonwoo finished his food, and you started cleaning up. "Pancake, I'll bring you upstairs when I'm done here." "Okay, waffle~" You nearly slapped your forehead. Cleaning quickly, you put all the utensils and bowls in the drying rack. Running over and lifting Wonwoo back onto your shoulders, you pulled him up the stairs. Dumping him on his bed, you sighed. "You're so hard to take care of."

"Waffle, come here." "What is it, Jeon?" You shuffled closer, and he pulled you down into his embrace. "Let go, Wonwoo!" You attempted to struggle, but he hugged you tightly. "Nah, waffle. Spend some time with your pancake." Burying his face into the crook of your neck, he slowly fell asleep. Sighing again, you tried to get out of his grip, but he locked his arms tightly. "Don't go, waffle." You blushed a light pink, but eventually fell asleep too.

"Hello, Misun? We're going to be in laws! Yes, I found them cuddling in Wonwoo's bed here. Isn't that great? I can't wait to plan the wedding!" You tried to sit up, hearing the commotion, but Wonwoo pulled you back down. "Hello, waffle~ Did you sleep well?" "With you hugging me so tight and my mom talking, I wonder." You yawned, as Wonwoo smiled. "Cute. What was your mom saying?" "Talking to Misun about something.. Me and someone? She mentioned in laws." Wonwoo sat up, letting go of you. "Ow, I asked you to let go of me like what, 3 hours ago? And you only do it now?"

"Sorry waffle, I wanted to hold onto you longer."

When you went down for dinner with Wonwoo, your mom squealed. "I hope you two get married! Make me nice grandkids, okay?" She patted Wonwoo on the back, and he nearly choked. "B-babies? But Mrs Yoon, it's too early.." "Nonsense, never too early to start making me grandkids!" You grimaced and sat down, picking up your chopsticks. "My child isn't even denying, how nice. So, dear. I want 5 grandkids, don't you, hubby?" You choked on the spoon of rice you put into your mouth, and grabbed a tissue, coughing into it. Your father ran over and patted your back, "Dear, I think that's enough teasing."

"After all, we want our child to be alive and give us grandkids, don't we?" "DAD!"

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Chapter 3: So cute. I ship it.
Chapter 3: Practically leapt WHAT?!
kyungprot #3