
the ineffable man

“Good Morning!” BamBam was cheerful as he walked into the meeting room. “It’s a nice day, today!”

“BamBam!” Youngjae patted the seat next to his. “You’re finally here.”

“I’m not late am I?”

Youngjae shook his head as he waited for the man to take a seat. Upon coming closer, BamBam soon realised that there were still a couple of faces missing and the man had looked on awkwardly to his companion.

“Something’s… a little off.” He whispered.

“Oh yeah. Irene will be joining us for the meeting.” Youngjae nodded towards the beauty. ”Said something about the new designs?”

“I already knew she would be coming. After all, I did overheard-”

“What have you overheard, BamBam?” Jaebum suddenly came out from nowhere. “Is it something I’m supposed to know?”

“J-Jaebum!” BamBam stammered. “You’re… awfully in a good mood today.”

“Yeah.” The man then took a seat beside Irene. “It’s a beautiful morning. What’s there not to like?”

“Something’s definitely off.” Youngjae whispered to BamBam who narrowed his eyes at the man.

Right opposite them, Yugyeom was already slouching in his seat; the dark circles under his eyes were evident. He yawned a few times and started to switch on his laptop for the meeting later on.

“Rough night?” Irene asked the man and he nodded his head sleepily.

“I went bike riding with Joy the whole night.”

“I heard.” The former chuckled. “She was supposed to come for the meeting today, but I told her I’ll be fine alone. Gave her the day off too.”

“Lucky her.” Yugyeom stifled in a yawn. “Unlike you, my boss happens to be a misunderstood dem- no – person.”

Irene nodded her head in sympathy. She too understood how terrible Mark could be when it came to rushing deadlines; especially during the major fashion shows.

“Okay! It’s 8!” Jinyoung’s voice rang out amidst the small room. “We’ll be starting our meeting now. Seulgi, if you can kindly see that everyone’s here.”

“Yes, Jin-Mr. Park.”

“What’s up with them?” BamBam murmured towards Youngjae. “They look even worse than Yugyeom. Is this some panda-like fashion trend or something?”

“Uh, I don’t think so.” Youngjae whispered back. “I was the earliest today and came in at 7.30 but they were already in the room. They’ve also had 6 cups of coffee each for the past half hour or so. Definitely not a fashion trend.”

“Everyone’s here…” Seulgi clapped her hands in delight, but then frowned quickly. “Wait, Wendy isn’t here.”

“And neither is Mark.” Jinyoung looked towards the empty seat where the President always seated at. “Are they running late?”

“Wendy’s never late.” Youngjae looked on thoughtfully.

“Neither is Mr. Tuan.” BamBam took out his phone to call him. “Maybe he’s stuck in traffic?”

“It can’t be…” Jinyoung laughed mockingly. To think they spent an all-nighter drafting the paperwork and yet the President was absent from the meeting! “Mark can’t be caught in traffic because his car….”

A thought seemed to pass him and the man panicked. “Because his car is with me! Oh my god!”

“Someone call him quick!” Seulgi started flailing BamBam about. “Call him! The deadline for the papers are by today evening!”

“I’m calling, I’m calling, geez.”

The dial ringed a few times, but no one seemed to pick up the phone. He tried another time, and it still proved to be unsuccessful.

“He’s not picking up.” BamBam muttered at last. “Do you think he’s in trouble?”

“No, definitely not.” Jinyoung pursed his lips together. “Someone try calling Wendy. I’m sure she’ll pick up.”

“I guess things did get a little spicy huh.” Jaebum chuckled at which Jinyoung glared. “Just saying, man.”

“She picked up!” BamBam screeched and the whole room turned quiet. “Hello? Wendy?”

The rest stood around with bated breath, anxious if the demon – cold, heartless jerk of a boss – Mark did actually spent the night at Wendy’s.

And not at the fast food restaurant of course; the legit Wendy’s.

Wendy Son’s house.

“M-Mr. Tuan?!” BamBam widened his eyes with disbelief. “Uh… you want me to put you on speaker?”

He followed instructions before placing the phone in the middle of the table. “Uh, you’re on.”

“Can you guys hear me?” Mark’s voice rang throughout the room.

“Mark!” Jaebum chuckled. “Things did get spicy huh!”

“Oh, you guys could definitely hear me. I hear an obvious nuisance speaking.” Mark joked, leaving the others surprised that he was in a good mood in the early morning. “Anyway, as you all know, I’m not in the office right now.”

He continued. “And I thought it wouldn’t be fair if I’m the only one not attending the meeting… I mean with Wendy, of course. So, I’ve thought about it and decided to give you guys an off day. Have an early weekend guys!”

“We need you here.” Jinyoung grabbed the phone off the table. “The deadline to send in our applications for the fashion show is today evening. Come quickly.”

“I can’t.” One could just feel Mark smirking over the line. “My car’s not with me if I recalled properly.”

“Take the subway!”

“Wendy’s broke.” The man laughed. “Don’t be too anxious, Jinyoung. You can always settle the application for me. I trust you. You’re the Senior Executive Director anyway. You’re practically the second boss.”


“Hey! I finished showering!” The room heard Wendy’s voice over the phone. “Wait, are you on my cell right now?”

“Yeah babe.” They also heard Mark replying back to the girl. “They’re already at the meeting.”

“Oh my god!” Wendy shrieked. “Are we late?! Tell them we’ll be there right away. We’ll take a cab!”

“Wendy!” Jinyoung shouted over the phone. “You do just that, Wendy! Get a cab and come to work!”

“asdfghjkl.” Weird stuttering noises started sounding through the phone. “Hey, the signal’s bad right now. Talk you to on Monday. Bye.”

It went as quick as lightning; the man had hung up.


“He didn’t even bother to act as though the line was really cutting off.” Seulgi widened her eyes with disbelief.

“He’s always been the lousy actor.” Jaebum added in. “So I guess the meeting’s over?”


“I guess I can show off the designs on Monday.” Irene started standing up. “Lucky us, Jaebum. We both get off days.”

“Shall we go?” The man escorted her out of the room.

“Guys! The meeting, proposals?!  They still need to be sent.” Jinyoung paced about nervously.

Yugyeom snapped his laptop close. “You heard the man. You’re the one doing it. Bye.”

“Kim Yugyeom!”

“Hey BamBam.” Youngjae too started walking out. “Wanna grab breakfast at that new place down the road? I heard they hired new pretty waitresses.”

“Really? Then let’s go!” BamBam practically rushed out of the office. “I’m starving.”

“BamBam! Youngjae!” Jinyoung grabbed onto them. “Don’t tell me you guys are going as well?!”

“Well, Mr. Tuan did say that we get the off day.” Youngjae contemplated in staying. “But since you’re in dire needs…”

“Nope, not happening.” BamBam dragged him off before Jinyoung could lock them inside the meeting room. Nobody wanted a second coming of a Mark and Wendy being stuck in an office. “The boss says we get the day off. No offence to you, Jinyoung, but you’re only the second boss. Bye.”

One by one they started clearing out the room, leaving a distressed Jinyoung and Seulgi who was still frozen in her spot. They wondered if the scene really did just happened, or if it was just a dream from the lack of sleep they had.

“Uh, Seulgi?” Jinyoung scratched his head sheepishly. “Did I ever tell you that you’re the best girlfriend ever?”

“Oh, Jinyoung.” Seulgi frowned and went to hug him. “This is not happening, is it?”

“It is.” He sighed. “Let’s just get the application in and head home, okay, Seulgi?”

Before Seulgi could say no, the man had started opening his emails to send the applications for the fashion show. She started doing the same, but her mind wasn’t really on the applications before her.

We’ll get you back, Mark and Wendy. Just you wait.

Somewhere deep inside Jinyoung’s mind, he too, plotted for another way to make sure Mark and Wendy get their well deserves for leaving them stranded with the huge workload.

Maybe this time we tear Mark’s pants instead.

a/n we've come to the real ending of the ineffable man.

i don't think i'm ever writing another office au again lol T_T it was really hard to keep everyone's character as real as possible while setting it in an office au.

got7 and redvelvet aren't exactly the most "office-like" people haha!

it's been a fun ride, and I thank you so much for reading this! I honestly didn't expect much from writing an office AU, especially with a less popular straight pairing.

But it's been really nice to see so many people liking the same ships as I do! (yay I'm not so delusional)

anyway, i hope it wasn't disappointing or anything! :D

i'll definitely be lurking around to read more MarkDy/JinSeul/JaeRene stuffs ><

and if you're interested in a Ghost A.U, please do read my newest MarkDy piece that I'll be concetrating on;

dead boy: should stay dead :D

again, thank you so much for reading! :D <3 xoxo

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Erika22 #1
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: This is the Best Markdy story I've read, HUHOHUHO I really hope there will be continuation or anything
Best writer ever the humor is there, everything is perfect keep writing
cassiemarie #2
Chapter 8: Really love it, I appreciate your work. Thank you for playing with my imagination!
Chapter 1: aye, this is interesting!

this fic totally caught my attention <3
Chapter 8: Aww, your story is so cute and hilarious at the same time! ^^ It was an extremely enjoyable read! Mark was so cheeky and sly, he exactly knew how to embarrass poor Wendy and she was so shy yet adorable. I loved their interactions, the way he was really funny. I loved the other couples as well. Jinyoung and Seulgi were the fluffy, cute couple while Jaebum and Irene were those who just loved bickering. Still, I liked them this way. :) Also, I was happy about Yugyeom and Joy, such young love, right? ^^ I was fond of Jackson and Sana's appearance, they were lovely! The epilogue was so funny, Youngjae and BamBam were my favourites. :D
Thank you for sharing this story with us! ^^ It was a wonderful one! <3
steakjib #5
Chapter 8: Love mark and wendy..this story so sweet
sfnslsbl #6
Chapter 8: I just finished reading this and freaking love this! Keep writing another story, Author-nim~ Fighting!
Okayluhan #7
Chapter 8: I love this fanfic so much oh my god, you're amazing reaaaaaaallly
Chapter 2: i ship jb and seulgi tho. but jinyoung and seulgi's fine i guess ahhaha
Chapter 8: omg this fic is finally finished but why am i feeling so sad? ㅠㅠ i just love this fic so much huhuhu it's been like 10mins after i finished reading this but my heart is still beating so fast i'm not even lying!! this fic is so awesome i'm going to reread it million times! i'm just so markdy af u know and i'm so grateful with every markdy fics out there, like, how do ppl ship this crackship too they haven't even had legit moments??? ㅠㅠ i thought i was being delusional but like you said we're not so delusional about this ship!! ok i need to stop

anyway thanks for writing this fic, and thanks for including my other fav ships too beside markdy lol. i'm definitely going to read your next fic!! good luck and keep up the great work!!
Chapter 8: Oh Cass!! If you could only see my face right now. Lmao. I'll be on a viral video if ever I made a reaction video while reading this. You know what I mean, right? Hahaha. Anyways, thank you so much for this. My feels just died, and is now burried deeper than 6 feet under. LOL. A sequel would be very nice, but I understand that you're busy so I'll just make a sequel in my mind, about what happened 5-10 years after, maybe? Hahaha. Okay, i need to stop. That epilogue was a cliffhanger though. Okay, goodnight. Hahaha asdfghjkl!!!!