
Everything I Did For You

Hello :D I would like to thank those people who subscribed to this story. Kamsahamnida for your support! :D And also, this chapter is dedicated to candyredhearts, a very loyal reader of mine :D Hope you like it :D


[Yoona's POV]

'Im Yoona! You better get down this instant! Stop lazing around! You don't want to be late for your first day back in school right?' Umma shouted.

'Araso araso. I'm awake already.' I shouted back,

'Sheesh.' I muttered.

I hurried into the bathroom and washed up, after which, I searched for something to wear from my wardrobe.

*Hmm... what to wear? I want to make a good impression today.*

'Omo! This is perfect!' I squealed as I pulled out a pink boyfriend tee paired with black denim shorts.

I hurriedly put it on and rush down for breakfast.

'What took you so long? Taecyeon's already outside waiting for you.' umma said.

'Chincha? Crap.' I said as I ran out of the house without eating breakfast.

'Hi Oppa!' I shouted with glee once I saw him.

It has been ages since I last saw Taecyeon oppa. We couldn't meet up during the holidays because he went to Europe for two months with his family. We could only call or sms each other occassionally and nothing is better than seeing him in person. When he told me he was going to walk me to school on the first day back, you can practically imagine how happy I was.

'I miss you so much, oppa!' I said as I hugged him tightly.

'Me too.' he replied and kissed me on the forehead.

'Yah! People can mistake us for a couple, you know?' I said.

'Who cares?' Taec oppa replied.

[Taecyeon's POV]

'I missed you so much, oppa!' Yoona said as she hugged me.

*Me too, Yoona. You don't know how bad.*

'Me too.' I replied and kissed her on the forehead.

'Yah! People can mistake us for a couple, you know?' Yoona said.

*If only it was the truth. I like you so much, Yoona. Ever since we were young. If only you know how I feel about you...*

'Who cares?' I replied dismissively.

Yoona just pouted and didn't say anything.

'Aigoo. If it bothers you so much, I'll try to do it less, araso?' I said.

'Neh. Kamsahamnida oppa!' she replied, smiling this time round.

'No problem.' I said and together, we made our way to school.

We reached school not long after and were immediately greeted by our friends.

Being best friends with Yoona since young, our friends were practically the same. My guy friends were close to her and vice versa.

'Hey Yoona! How are you?' Junho asked as he put an arm around her waist.

At that very sight, I grew red with anger. All my guy friends know that I have a major crush on Yoona and they love to tease me about it-- especially Junho.

*Get your hands off her, Junho!*

'Taecyeon ah, why is your face all red and why are your hands shaking?' Junho asked not-so-innocently.

*Screw you, Junho*

'It's nothing.' I replied.

'Are you sure?' Yoona asked as she left Junho's side and came to me. At this, I gave a sideward smirk to Junho.

'Yeah.' I said happily. My mood just experienced a 180 degree change.

'Super sure?' Yoona asked again.

'Neh. Don't worry too much.' I replied.

Just then, the first bell rang. We bid goodbye to our friends and made our way to our individual classes.

'I'll see you at lunch ok?' I said to Yoona once we were outside her class.

'Neh oppa! Annyeong!' Yoona said and turned away.

Once I saw that Yoona was in her seat, I turned away and made my way to class. This has been our routine for years. I would always walk Yoona to her class, ensure that's she safe, then make my way to class just before second bell.

[Yoona's POV]

'Aren't you a lucky girl?' my seatmate said once I sat down.

'Huh? What are you talking about?' I asked, confused.

'Oh please. Don't tell me you don't know. Taecyeon-sshi walks you to school and to class everyday. Hangs around you everyday and walk you home everyday. He protects you and ensures that nothing happens to you. His whole life practically revolves around you. If you aren't lucky, then what are you?' she said.

*This again.*

I mentally rolled my eyes and answered, 'I'm his best friend. That's what I am.'

'Oh sure...and you're the one that practically every girl hates. Many of them want to hurt you but they're scared of offending Taecyeon-sshi.' she said. I just ignored her and she went back to doing what she was doing before I came in.

Everyone in this school thinks that Taecyeon oppa and I are dating and that we are too shy to admit it. Because of that, more than half of the girl's population in this school hates me, with the exception of my girlfriends. Taecyeon oppa was the most handsome guy in school and many girls have a huge crush on him, especially when he has such a nice personality, which is an added bonus, and because they thought we were going out, they blamed me for taking him off the 'single market', thus hating me.

*When will they ever understand that I only love Taecyeon as a friend and nothing more?*


How's the first chapter? I hope you like it! PLEASE COMMENT! Comments are motivation :D and also, *_____* stands for thoughts :)

Kamsahamnida :D

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update please
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
Annyeong^^ new reader here~ i SUPER AGREE with MuzikMaster T__T when?! Anywhoo~ update soon =3
youknowthegirls #4
updatee soon!
Update soon ! (:
WAAAAH! Continue this story PLEASE! XD Poor Taec :(
love_kpops #7
is this the last chapter?i want to noe the ending!
Here I am reading another one of your fics featuring mostly main characters (people) that I'm familiar with. When I started reading the first chapter, I got confused with the colorcoded dialogue and then realized that those are the characters' thoughts. It would've been easier on the readers if you inclde an author's note before each chapter to let them know something before they continue to read the chapter so that they won't get confused.<br />
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Yoona and Taecyeon seem to have a very good relationship except that his feelings for her are one-sided. They seem to be close like brother and sister. Taemin usually seems to be more of the bubbly one while Minho is the cool, collected one. This is my first time reading a fic where Taemin is this cold and Minho's the openly friendly and outgoing one. It's odd, especially this early, for Yoona to go for someone like Taemin with the attitude he has now because of his past with that one girl. It must be the "opposites attract" thing and the mystery aura about him must've drawn her. Poor Taecyeon having to suffer heartbreak. It doesn't look like their usually close relationship will ever be the same. I'd like to read on to see what happens if you ever get around to continuing this. <br />
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^^ Feel free to post on my wall if you want. That's how you can reach me easily. <br />
Chapter 2 mistake:<br />
<br />
'Yoona ah, I won't be able to walk you back hiome today.<br />
* It looks like you accidentally misspelled "home" from typing fast. xD Pronouncing it "hee-om" sounds foreign to me. <br />
<br />
Chapter 3 mistake:<br />
<br />
1. 'I hope they're good looking ones.'<br />
* good-looking<br />
<br />
2. This two guys are really contrasting and Lee Taemin...<br />
* "these" two guys<br />
<br />
Chapter 4 mistakes: <br />
<br />
1. I notice that you repeated this one sentence twice at the beginning of this chapter.<br />
<br />
2. You're sitting on my seat.<br />
* "in" my seat (There are a few senteces after this sentence with this same mistake.)
WaiYeing #10
ahhh! is this gonna be a taecyoon story? :D