Chapter 7: Dinner with Myungsoo

Meet My Crazy Ex!
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Woohyun is simply looking around the house searching for her. He sighed, throwing his coat away on the table in dining room and running up a glass of water. He gulped it fast and then putting the glass down inside the sink alone. His neck is slightly feeling a bit stiff with his head spinning around. He took a seat on the sofa and then lying down to rest for a while. His head is spinning around greater that he decided to take a nap first while waiting for her to come home. His overwork today is giving so much stress.






Myungsoo pulled out the chair and offered me to sit on it. I gave him a thanked smile for his manner. He smiled back genuinely that could make flowers bloom and form rainbow.



“I guess this is our first proper dinner.” He chuckled.



I nodded of agreement. I slightly grinned to see him a bit nervous but silently won’t tell him or he will get more nervous or even worst.



“Shall we eat now? Pretty sure you are hungry.” He joked.



I covered half of my lower face with my palm, pretended to be shy. He flicked his fingers calling the waiter to come and serve us. I thanked the waiter once he did his work well. He briefly flashed a smile and walked away after done.



-“How was your work?”



I asked, while busy chopping my meat into smaller pieces but then sends a glance to him in a while. He stopped doing his dish; expand his face to form his dimple thinking of his work. He held his chin; placing his spoon and fork down at the side dish. I laughed.



-“Is that something that you need to think hard?”



He laughed embarrassed. His cheeks are slightly blushed, adding the charm point of his beautiful skin.



“I’m actually working on something. But for tonight, I will give you a best dinner.”



I raised my brows up, participating on his plan.



“What is it?” My eyes started to sparkle of excitement. My heart is bouncing; can’t wait for his special event.



“Let’s eat first.”



Once we finished eating, the waiter did their job again by taking away our plates and serving the deserts. I blankly looked at Myungsoo preparing his guitar out on his thighs. He flashed me a confident smile more to ask me to watch him. He started to pick the guitar by every note softly meeting its tune. One chord after chords is forming a very sweet melody of a song sung by him. I gawked amazedly with his hidden talent that I just discover.



“I love you, neoreul saranghae.


The words that I can’t bear anymore,


My trembling heart, the words that I kept hiding in my heart.”


< L // Love you Like you >



The way he sings with a sincere heart almost got me in tears. He focused his singing and plays his guitar without doing any mistakes. Somehow, my memories with Woohyun before are also played back inside my brain. The last person who sang a song for me was also… Nam Woohyun.



“I got something for you.” Woohyun grinned, looking directly into my eyes. He was like a star that shines on my eyes, bling the brightest.



I shrugged my shoulder up, swinging our hands front to the back lightly. “What is it? Don’t prank me anymore.” I warned him at the first place made him to giggle of enjoyment to have a tease on me. His naughty side sometimes gets me headache but still love it.



“No, this time I won’t play prank. I’m serious.” He put his hand up same level with his shoulder. I smiled.



“If you do a prank again, I swear I will kill you!”



He giggled soundlessly. “Okay, okay, I won’t.” He cleared his throat, inhaling some oxygen to his heart. “Listen. This song is for you.”



I rounded

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ndreeanny #1
Chapter 15: Yeah finally! ♡♡♡
Miss you already. Just like I miss Infinite comeback. Fighting!
Chapter 14: Sunggyu as a doctor? Gosh, why am I laughing kkk~
noshidae #3
This looks interesting! Imma start reading ^^
Chapter 13: Ugh finally another update hahaha
Aii u leave me hanging there, i cant wait for another new chapter kk
Please update soon<3
Chapter 13: Finally an update! Me too, I want a happy ending... Update soon, authornim :)
kailmursiliII #6
i really love this story ♥ plz make her and woohyun have a happy ending no matter what happen T_T plzzz authornim !! update soon ! :)
Chapter 12: Update soon! Make her have a happy ending with Woohyun!
Chapter 12: update soon ... TT
Chapter 12: omg woohyun........:( ! please update soon <3