Chapter 7

Love can be Anywhere

"How long has it been?"

"Only a few days," Wonwoo lowered his head.

"AND YOU NEVER TOLD US?" Soonyoung threw the couch pillow harder than he expected it. The pillow hit Wonwoo in the face, making the boy let out a sound of pain. 

"Well, I knew," Hansol butted in. 

Chan put his hand on Hansol's shoulder and smiled at his friends. "So did I," he said, receiving a glare from everyone except Hansol. Wonwoo shook his head, winking at the two boys. Was something going on? Mingyu nudged him, turning his boyfriend's attention towards him. 'Innocent love,' the taller mouthed, making the two of them giggle. 

Wonwoo still couldn't believe he was now Mingyu's boyfriend. Heck, he couldn't believe Mingyu even liked him back. After the words Mingyu told him, Wonwoo kept asking if it was real. Yes, in front of Mingyu he kept it calm, but when he got home, Wonwoo was jumping all over the place. The first person he called was Hansol. Wonwoo started rambling to his friend how it went and how Mingyu said it and the way he looked into his eyes was just magic. The only thing Hansol understood was that Wonwoo was happy. From the first time in such a long time, Wonwoo was happy. And that made Hansol realize how much he has missed his old friend. 

Their conversation ended when they got interrupted by a new call Wonwoo had. He told Hansol he was sorry for leaving him, but his boyfriend (Wonwoo giggled at those words, making Hansol facepalm and laugh too) was calling him. 

Mingyu just wanted to be sure Wonwoo was doing well and be sure he got home safely. The fact that Mingyu was caring so much made Wonwoo's heart skip a beat. None of his exes has ever been like this with him. But Mingyu wasn't them. Mingyu wasn't dating Wonwoo for the fun. Mingyu was different. Mingyu was better than anyone. And Wonwoo was glad he has found someone like Mingyu because he knew his life will change with the boy in it. 

Their conversation ended shortly after, both of them agreeing they will see each other the next day at school. 

None of them wanted to rush things. They were just happy by being in each others presence and holding hands. They tried not to show it too much, but Mingyu couldn't help but ruffle Wonwoo's hair every time the older would say or do anything cute. Wonwoo has dropped the mysterious, bad boy mask. Why would he use it when he was now with the one he wanted by his side? 

They have decided, together, to gather the boys again, and tell all of them the news. Wonwoo was happy he had Mingyu by his side, he didn't know how his friends will react. At least, Mingyu will be there and help him with everything. 

And now here they are, trying to explain everything. 

"So if I understand clearly," Jihoon started. "You are dating this tower?" Wonwoo nodded and Mingyu pouted at the 'nickname' Jihoon gave him. Was he that tall? For Jihoon, maybe. But for Wonwoo, he was just perfect. 

"Cool," Jihoon stated before sitting back in his place, letting the others make the talk. He saw Seungcheol's eyes look towards him but turning away when he realized Jihoon caught him staring. Wasn't he too obvious? Jihoon smiled to himself, brushing it off right after. 

"But the real question is," Soonyoung started, heads turning towards him, "did you already kissed?" Everyone let out a sigh. They shouldn't have expected anything serious from the boy.

"No, we haven't," Wonwoo said. Mingyu was only nodding along. 

Wonwoo looked at his friends, eyes searching for anything from them. They all broke into smiles and started cheering for the two boys. 

"Mingyu, I have to warn you first," Soonyoung said, making the boy in question gulp. "Wonwoo loves video games, so don't bother him when he is playing if you still want to be alive."

"No, they are lying, I am not like that. Don't listen to them," Wonwoo said, turning his head towards Mingyu and placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. 

"You will see when time will come," Seokmin added, making everyone laugh. 

Was Mingyu nervous? A little bit. But he was enjoying this. He was glad no one was against it. Things will be okay between all of them, and everyone will be happy. He knew he wasn't the only one to find someone. Jeonghan has been talking about how amazing Jisoo is for the past few weeks. Well, if Mingyu thought about it, Jeonghan used to have a crush on Jisoo last year, but the boy never voiced it. From what he remembered, Jeonghan was too shy to talk with Jisoo. At least now things were working better. 

The boys decided, now that everyone knew, to go back to their lives. Everyone left Mingyu's house, only Wonwoo stayed behind to help clean up. Ten boys sure were messy. 

"See, everything went well," Mingyu said after the little cleaning was over. He took Wonwoo in his arms and placed his chin on the shorter's head. 

Wonwoo hummed, leaning his figure into Mingyu's and they boys felt in a calm silence. There was no one bothering them. 

"In the end," Wonwoo started, making Mingyu open his eyes. "How it went between Minghao and Jun?" 

The question made Mingyu laugh. "After I did want to give Minghao's number to Jun, he came to our school, waited for the poor boy to finish his classes, and asked for it. Plus, later that day, Minghao told me it was cute how Jun took matters into his hands." 

Wonwoo was in awe to Jun's straightforwardness. Maybe the two of them weren't that different. 

"Right now, that Jun got home, they must be texting or something," Mingyu continued. 

"Tell him not to rush things. Minghao doesn't look like the type of person that is adventurous. He is more calm and reserved." Wonwoo remembered when the boy first came into their class. He thought Minghao mixed his classes. He looked young for their year. 

"Well you seem as calm and reserved, but look at you," Mingyu lowered his head so he could see his boyfriend face. 

"Are you telling me Minghao might be a flirt that could make Jun blush? Don't forget, we are talking about Jun here," Wonwoo rolled his eyes. 

"Wow, my boyfriend is more intelligent than I thought." Mingyu statement made Wonwoo slap his arm and leave his embrace. 

"Hey hey hey, don't run away from my love," Mingyu yelled after him, the two of them starting a mouse and cat game around the house. 

While the two boys were having fun, two others were walking in the chilly night. 

Jeonghan hugged his jacket closer to his body and Jihoon put his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. Since they didn't live far away, they decided to walk together after leaving Mingyu's house. The entire walk, they've been talking about random things. 

"So, Jisoo huh?" Jihoon said, making Jeonghan laugh. 

"I know, right? Who would have guessed it will pass the crush stage? I should've spoken to him last year." Jeonghan said.

"Can I say it now?" Jihoon asked, receiving another laugh from Jeonghan. The older nodded, already knowing what will come out of his friend's mouth. 

"I told you," Jihoon said. He still remembers trying to make Jeonghan talk to Jisoo, but his friend was too shy to do it. He remembers from the time he used to go to their school, how he tried to become friends with Jisoo for Jeonghan. But the boy was just too kind for Jihoon. Plus, in the end, Jihoon changed schools. Well, at least, he was safe now. 

"How about you?" Jeonghan asked, waking Jihoon up from his dreams. "You haven't found anyone? I am sure you told me something about this one person." 

"Let's say things might work out. If not, I will try everything to make it work," Jihoon said. There was only one person in his mind. 

"Never saw you like this before. I am sure this person is important. And I hope they know it. Because getting Jihoon's heart isn't easy," Jeonghan started teasing Jihoon. 

"Yeah, they are pretty special."

"Do I know them?" Jeonghan asked. 

"Well, you met them recently." Jihoon smiled at the thought of that person. 

"Another couple will blossom between our group and Wonwoo's group from what I can see," Jeonghan said, already knowing who they were talking. He was sure he was right. There was only one person that could be it. 

The two boys continued their walk in silence. It wasn't awkward. It was more to let everything sink in. They have been friends for some time now, so seeing each other grow that much was something hard to take in. It seemed like only yesterday Jeonghan moved next to Jihoon. But that was a long time ago. Both of them were now old enough to pass the street without needing to hold their hands. They were old enough to wake up in the morning without each others help. Things have changed, but they knew their friendship wouldn't.

"Jihoon." Jeonghan stopped in the middle of the street, making Jihoon stop too. "I know you said things will work out, but I still want you to be sure. Please take care of you. I don't want you to be heartbroken after that." 

Jihoon smiled towards Jeonghan. He was glad the boy was caring about him like that. "Don't worry, I will. And if anything bad happens, I can count on your, right?" Jihoon walked closer to Jeonghan. 

"Of course, you will always have me." Jeonghan put his arm around Jihoon's shoulders. "And if Seungcheol hurts you, he will have to deal with my rage." Jeonghan words made the two boys laugh. Friendship. The thing Jihoo was sure he could always turn towards for help.

But somewhere else in their city, someone wasn't as happy as the others. 

With a long sigh, Seungcheol let himself fall on his bed. Seokmin shook his head and sat next to him, his hands playing with the blanket. Soonyoung closed the door, making sure no one could hear them. 

"What are you going to do?" Soonyoung asked, crossing his arm over his chest. 

"Do I look like I know?" Seungcheol scoffed. 

"Hyung, this is important. We want you to be happy too." Seokmin placed his hand on top of Seungcheol's knee. His friend was going through a hard time, and it hurt Seokmin to see Seungcheol like that. 

"I know, but I can't do anything about it. And have you seen how he looked at me today? I melted. I needed to turn my head away because I started turning pink." Seungcheol still remembers the events from earlier. 

"Seungcheol, get your head in the game. Talk things out with him. You never know what can happen." Soonyoung's words made Seungcheol shake his head. 

"Nothing can happen. I am too late for this. I should've tried something before." Seungcheol could feel the tears in his eyes. 

"Seungcheol, don't say that. Think in a positive way. If you say it, you will get over with it and move on." Seokmin could feel Seungcheol's body tense. 

Seungcheol let Seokmin's thoughts travel his mind. Was the boy right? Could he do it? Was he strong enough to do it?

"Or," Soonyoung started, "Things could go another way too."

"Stop saying that. It will never happen. He will just brush it off. And the three of us know it too well." Seungcheol stood up, walking towards his desk. He leaned over it, another sigh leaving his lips. 

Seokmin looked over Soonyoung, having a silenced conversation with the boy. Seungcheol's situation was too complicated. They didn't know how much they could help him. It was too hard, and they couldn't ask for anyone's help. Hansol and Chan wouldn't know what to do either, and Wonwoo...Wonwoo was out of the talk. 

Soonyoung walked closer to Seungcheol, touching the boy's shoulder. "Are you sure you don't want to talk with him? Like I said, things might turn-"

"Soonyoung, you don't understand," Seungcheol said, turning around. Soonyoug, startled, took a step back. Seokmin stood up, placing a hand on Soonyoung's hip. Seungcheol's burst made the two boys confused. 

"Wonwoo will never break up with Mingyu just because I love him." 









 Is it a good time to say sorry? Because I am really sorry for making things like this OTL Don't get me wrong, I love jicheol, I live for jicheol, so of course I will make jicheol happen. But not for the moment. 

And sorry for the late update, school is thinking that even if we have one week left, we still are down to do exams. Well I am not. But don't worry, I only have 1 week and 2 days left, and after that I can update a lot^^ So again, jicheol WILL happen, but later on. And i don't know when....If you liked this chapter, please leave a comment^^ It helps me to know how to do things in the future!! thank you<33 Till next time, byebye love you:3

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Hi guys! Just letting you know that i will try and update twice this week because the last one I didnèt updated at all, school was in my way T-T


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ajexastxsvt #1
Chapter 7: Ohmygosh! Are you seriouss?! Hahahaa! Need an update! Hahahahaha! Yeah. Wonwoo will never break up with Mingyu no matter what.... Hahahaha! Anyway, what a great storyy! Keep it up author-nim! Fighting! :))
kyungheart13 #2
kyungheart13 #3
Chapter 7: I ship JeongCheol tho but I ship JiCheol more lol
kyungheart13 #4
Chapter 7: So the thing is, he loves Wonwoo? ;-;
kyungheart13 #5
kyungheart13 #6
asianmomo #7
Chapter 7: Hi , i know u've been busy with school and exams but the demanding me want an update plis ( ̄∀ ̄)
kiraboshi #8
Chapter 7: Seungcheol likes..... Mingyu????
Superdbskjunior #9
Chapter 7: Or is it that scoups has feelings for Jihoon but really likes wonwoo? I'm confused with the last sentence that scoups said ><
Superdbskjunior #10
Chapter 7: I'm confused here, so in this chapter is it scoups that likes wonwoo right ?