Chapter 4

Love can be Anywhere

Days have passed by, and it was now the day of the presentation. Of course, Mingyu was confident in himself. He knew the amazing grade he will get, especially after all the good work him and Wonwoo have done.

Wonwoo. The definition of the boy has changed in Mingyu's head. He used to be that really quiet guy in the back of the class. He used to be the only person Mingyu disliked. He used to be, what Mingyu liked to call, his enemy. But now, Mingyu could see how stupid his words were. How could he consider someone he never got the chance to properly meet, his enemy? How could he dislike someone so much when he never knew their real self? 

He has now learned his mistake. Mingyu knows not to dislike Wonwoo. In fact, he hates him. Every time he sees Wonwoo, he wants to run away. He wouldn't call that scared. He would just say he doesn't like when the boy plays around so much. How can someone so calm, quiet and reserved have such a loud mouth, and be such a flirt? They had those little meetings for only a few times and each time, Wonwoo kept making Mingyu lose his words or line of thought. And he could do it only by one look. Those eyes were making Mingyu melt every day. 

"Mingyu, are you ready?" the boy heard his name being called. He turned around, seeing Jeonghan with a concerned look on his face.

Mingyu shook his head, making all his thoughts about Wonwoo disappear. "Yeah, of course." No, he wasn't. He just wants everything to over so he and Wonwoo can part ways. This will be the last time he will be paired with Wonwoo, and he will make sure of it.

"Before starting the presentations, I have an announcement," the teacher's voice resonated through the room. "Starting today, you will have a new classmate," she said, turning her head towards the opened door. 

A boy with curly, blonde hair walked inside, making the girls whisper to each other. He looked like a prince that you could only see and hear about in fairy tales. His soft eyes traveled across the room, trying to get as many details as he could. Even if it was only his first day, the boy wanted to get along with the others. But he wouldn't have much trouble with the girls since they were all falling under his charm already. 

 He presented himself as Xu Minghao. Even his voice made the girl squeal. He was given the place next to Hong Jisoo. Minghao could now try and make his very first friend. 

"Now, who wants to go first?" Mrs. Hwang asked, making the class silent. Of course, no one wanted to pass first. Yet, Wonwoo shot his hand in the air, making Mingyu regret his choice for telling the boy he doesn't want to pass first. He should have never believed Wonwoo when he said 'I promise we will not be the first team.'

They stepped in the front of the class, Mingyu flashing his signature smile, trying to calm down, and Wonwoo having his normal blank face on. Mingyu was the first to talk, starting by the past of their chosen historian. Wonwoo went after him, continuing with their accomplishment and their present. It didn't last too long, and it wasn't too short either. Just good so they could get a good grade. 

The other teams passed, finishing everything rather fast. Jeonghan and Jisoo weren't too bad, but the only thing Mingyu could remember from their presentation was Jeonghan's blush every time Jisoo would talk. To Mingyu, it looked really cute. He was sure Jeonghan had something for the boy, it seemed too real to be just a joke. He was sure Jeonghan wasn't playing around. Not like someone else. 

Wonwoo saw it. After all, how could you miss it? He was sure something was going on. You don't blush like that just because someone is talking. 

The day ended quickly, making it finally the weekend. Right when the bell rang and the teacher left the room, an unknown person to most of the class entered in. Mingyu looked at them, recognizing his best friend Jun. 

Jun waved at his friends, making his way next tot hem. He only stopped in his track when the new boy passed next to him, making Jun look at him until he was out of his vision camp. 

"He's cute," Mingyu heard Jun say. 

"Oh, that's the new guy Minghao," Jeonghan answered. 

"If one day you become friends with him, I need to meet him too." Jun's words made Jeonghan laugh and Mingyu roll his eyes. "Now," Jun continued, "who is this famous Wonwoo?" he asked, not so quietly. 

At the hearing of his name, Wonwoo looked around and spotted the 3 boys talking about him. Mingyu tried to avoid Wonwoo's look and lightly punched Jun. Couldn't he be more...subtle? 

Wonwoo got closer to them and put his arm around Mingyu's shoulders. "You said that didn't count as a date. Should we review that?" Wonwoo's voice made Mingyu shiver. He was on it again and in front of his friends. Jeonghan widened his eyes, his mouth slightly open. Just like Mingyu, he could believe Wonwoo was so bold. And when did all of this happen? Since when was so much skinship between those two? 

Jun could only laugh. To be honest, he didn't think Wonwoo looked that bad. He had his charm. But he couldn't lie, him and Mingyu looked really well together. Like they were made for each other. But Mingyu didn't have the same opinion.

"Jeonghan, they look really well together, right?" Jun asked, making Wonwoo nod to himself. 

"Wait, what? No, that isn't true." Mingyu's face turned all pink, making the boy around him laugh. 

Jun nudged Jeonghan, winking at him. Jeonghan picked the idea right after, smiling at the idea. "Wonwoo," he started, getting his and Mingyu's attention. "Why don't you and your friends come over at my place? We would be glad to have you over," he said, pointing at his friends. 

"Sure, it would be fun," Wonwoo said, not giving Mingyu the time to say anything. 

It all happened so fast, the taller couldn't follow at all. Jeonghan gave Wonwoo the address after deciding they should meet Sunday. Wonwoo left and called his friends, letting them now about their plans in advance. 

"You know I hate both of you?" Mingyu said on their way to his home. He couldn't believe his friends settled everything up without even asking him. He didn't want to spend his day with Wonwoo. He didn't want to see him outside of the school too. Who said it was a good idea to do that? Him and Jeon Wonwoo didn't need to have any interactions anymore. It was supposed to end. Him and Wonwoo weren't supposed to happen. Ever







A/N: wow chapter 4 already up!!!! I should start on the others right now ahahaha! I am sorry for this filter kinda chapter, i know it's pretty lame, but i hope you liked it. I will try to update as soon as I can^^ Until then, have a nice time<3

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Hi guys! Just letting you know that i will try and update twice this week because the last one I didnèt updated at all, school was in my way T-T


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ajexastxsvt #1
Chapter 7: Ohmygosh! Are you seriouss?! Hahahaa! Need an update! Hahahahaha! Yeah. Wonwoo will never break up with Mingyu no matter what.... Hahahaha! Anyway, what a great storyy! Keep it up author-nim! Fighting! :))
kyungheart13 #2
kyungheart13 #3
Chapter 7: I ship JeongCheol tho but I ship JiCheol more lol
kyungheart13 #4
Chapter 7: So the thing is, he loves Wonwoo? ;-;
kyungheart13 #5
kyungheart13 #6
asianmomo #7
Chapter 7: Hi , i know u've been busy with school and exams but the demanding me want an update plis ( ̄∀ ̄)
kiraboshi #8
Chapter 7: Seungcheol likes..... Mingyu????
Superdbskjunior #9
Chapter 7: Or is it that scoups has feelings for Jihoon but really likes wonwoo? I'm confused with the last sentence that scoups said ><
Superdbskjunior #10
Chapter 7: I'm confused here, so in this chapter is it scoups that likes wonwoo right ?