er Punch


Soonyoung wants to survive. Jihoon wants to live


** Very loosely based off of the actual er Punch (Not much semblance)+ MA

* Warning: Violence, Explicit Language


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Chapter 1: This is so interesting IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT ♥
orangepumpkins #2
Chapter 1: I am indeed slightly confused but this premise seems really cool and I'm super intrigued! I shall excitedly await the next chapter if you're still working on it :)
kastro #3
Chapter 1: this is one of my favorite fics.... its rly well written and i rly rly look forward to new updates uwu
Chapter 1: Wooow
This is totally so cool
DrinkCoffeeBeHappy #5
!! Omfg this is so interesting and you're such a great writer! You have an amazing style of writing and it fits perfectly with this story ;v;
This story is probably going to kiLL ME PLS
Chapter 1: this sounds veryyyyy interesting actually
update soon and im really looking forward to the next chapter(s)! :) fightinggg
Chapter 1: OMG this sounds very interesting even tho I don't really read these kinds of stuff and I have no clue what er Punch is lmao (gonna google it now) but I love all ur descriptions and ur writing is damn good so I'm anticipating bc I'm also Soonhoon trash.