Drowning; Part 2

The Lollipop Guild; Prologue Series

Part 2.

“You’ve had enough V. I’m cutting you off. Go home and get some sleep.” The bartender tells me when I try to order another drink.

“Dude, I’m fine.” I say, my voice coming out slurred.

The bartender just shakes his head and walks away from me.

“Hey, come back here!” I yell at him over the music, slamming my fist on the table.

I stand up angrily but instantly regret it when the club start spinning around me. My hand finds the bar to steady myself and I take a deep breath. I look around panically, the club’s atmosphere become suffocating and too closed in for me to handle. I quickly push past all the barely clothed people towards the door, although my foggy vision makes this fairly difficult.

Finally I emerge to the other side. I rush up the stairs, pushing past several more people. I push through the dust covered building and through the creaking door. I fall to my hands and knees outside, gasping for breath like my life depended on it. The world is still spinning.The street is empty and quiet aside from my gasping. I hear the door open again and a short boy with blonde hair walks out. I turn and sit on the concrete, looking up at the boy. He looks down at me with concern.

“What's your name.” He asks.

“T-Taehyung.” I stutter out, leaning forward slightly.

He crouches down in front of me.

“How old are you.” He asks.

“17." I tell him, not thinking to lie.

“And you're wasted, great.” He mutters, more to himself than me, “Do you have somewhere I can take you, like your parents?”

“My parents are dead.” I slur, “What your name?”

“Yoongi," He says, “and you have nowhere to go?”

“Nope,” I slur again, I look up and study his face coming to a quick conclusion, “You're very white, like Sugar. That's it, I'll call you Suga!”

     He smiles at this, pulling out his phone. He dials and number and holds it to his ear.

            “Hey, yeah I found the kid. I'm going to take him back to my place.” He tells the person on the other line, “What else am I supposed to do! He has nowhere else to go. I'm not just going to leave him on the streets.”

             He stops and listens to the person on the other line for a moment. He sighs, hanging up on him.

            “C'mon let's go. My apartment is only a few blocks this way.”

            I put my hand out and he takes it to hoist me to my feet. I stand unsteadily. Suga puts his hands on my shoulders to steady me. He keep one arm around my shoulder to keep me from falling as we walk. I drift in and out of consciousness, leaning all of my weight on him. Somehow we make it home without me passing out completely. He leans me against the wall outside of his apartment and unlocks the door. He manages to drag me inside and I pass out as soon as I hit his couch.

           A/N Part 2 is up early because I had a lot of time to write because my house flooded leaving me with no internet for like 6 hours. Writing time, lol. Remember to subscribe and comment!

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