Drowning, Chapter 1; Part 1

The Lollipop Guild; Prologue Series

Part 1 Taehyung

          I kick an abandoned can as I walk aimlessly down the sidewalk, sending it flying down an empty alley. I stop and stare into the darkness for a few moments before snapping back to reality. I shuffle my feet forward again down the dark road. A dim streetlamp illuminates everything in an eerie glow. I look around the still unfamiliar area. I finally spot what I'm looking for, an abandoned video store, or at least that's what most people thought it was. I knew better though, that things are not always as they seem.

          I pull open the door, the rusty hinges cause it to let out a loud screeching sound that echoes down the entire street. This makes me look around nervously for anyone walking by, even though there never was. After making sure the coast was clear, I step inside. I flip on the switch inside, dousing the room in dim artificial lighting from an old light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Dust covered boxes fill the room, making the air smell stale and musky. I can feel the muffled bass pumping through the floor.

          I walk to the back of the room and open another old door, revealing a stairwell illuminated by the neon lights from downstairs. I start to descend, the loud bass getting louder with every step. Soon the music is so loud that it's impossible for me to think of anything at all. I welcome the sight of gyrating bodies and the smell of sweat and alcohol that is ever present on almost every club I go to. The neon lights are almost as blinding as the music is defending.

    I start to push my way through the people, pushing towards the bar. By the time my hands finally land on the front of the bar I'm out of breath. Someone immediately pops up behind the bar, screaming over the music to ask me what I want to drink.

           "Jack and Coke, please." I yell to him, finding an empty bar stool to sit on.

    He quickly begins making the drink, placing it in front of me in a few seconds. I pull a few bills out of my pocket and slam them on the counter. I lift the drink to my lips and tip it back. The drink burns as it slides down the my throat, igniting a fire in the pit of my stomach. It feels like waking up. I finish the drink so fast that it makes me light headed. I ask for another, this time with more Jack than Coke.


A/N The first part is up! I might update this again this weekend because I like writing it so much. Make sure you watch for The Lollipop Guild update tomorrow or Sunday! Also thank you to my friend Morgan for making the cover photo's for me! Subscribe and comment if you like it!

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