Not With You

Knocking On Sungyeol's Door

Sungyeol’s mobile chimed as a message came in:


Myungsoo: What are you doing?

Myungsoo: Do you want to come hang out at the bar?


Sungyeol: No, I have to watch a film for class so I’m

Sungyeol: just staying home.


Myungsoo: Ok


A few minutes later his mobile chimed again:


Myungsoo: Do you want nachos or doughnuts?


Sungyeol was a bit confused; maybe it was a wrong message.


Sungyeol: What?


Myungsoo: Nevermind.


Just when Sungyeol was getting ready to watch the film he heard a familiar knock on the door. When he opened Myungsoo came in with two plastic bags.


“I brought beer, nachos, doughnuts and a few chocolate bars. But you have to prepare the nachos”.

“I thought you were going to the bar”.

“But you said you were staying here”.

“Well, I’m flattered. But the movie will probably be boring”.

“That’s why I brought beer”.


Sungyeol and Myungsoo went to the kitchen to prepare the nachos. When Sungyeol put the plate in the microwave he felt Myungsoo’s hand running through his hair. He came closer very slowly.


“What are you doing?”

“Stay still”.


Their faces were barely an inch apart from each other. Then Sungyeol heard a loud bang of a door being closed and Myungsoo burst out laughing.


“Yah! Stop doing that! She doesn’t even look at me and I think she sprinkled some holy water on my door”.

“I’m sorry I can’t help, it's too funny”.


Myungsoo was laughing so hard that Sungyeol ended up laughing along.


They went back to the room.


At first they were just drinking and eating, not paying much attention to the film, which had too much melodrama and too much dialogue.


When they finished eating Myungsoo rested his head on Sungyeol’s lap.


Then a scene started playing in the movie. Both of them stayed still and the room felt warmer. Then Myungsoo broke the tension laughing.


“Well, that’s not a bad idea. We should try it some time”.

“Ha, I won’t have with you”.

“Why not?”


Myungsoo sat down looking at Sungyeol.


“Are you seriously asking me to have with you?”

“No, I don’t mean that but you declined too quickly”.


Sungyeol looked at Myungsoo incredulous.


“Myungsoo, I know you too well. It wouldn’t be right. And I’m not going to have with you just because”.

“You are probably right”.


Myungsoo returned to his previous position and they finished the movie.


“It’s still early. You want to go out now?”

“I still have to write the paper on the movie”.

“You are no fun. I’m going out”.


Myungsoo opened the door wide and practically shouted at Sungyeol, with the intention of everyone (especially the prude neighbor) to hear.


“I’m leaving since you don’t want to have with me tonight!”


“What? I’m helping you”.


Myungsoo winked as he turned to leave.



The next night Myungsoo returned to sleep on Sungyeol’s bed.


“Did you have fun last night?”

“I went here and there but I didn’t get to sleep much, that’s why I’m here now”.


There were so many implied things in that statement.


“Then, sleep well tonight because I’m going on a trip and I will be out for three nights”.

“What?! Where are you going?”

“My class has that competition and we are going to the University that is hosting it”.

“And where am I supposed to sleep?”

“You do have a house don’t you?”

“Yes, but I like your bed best”.

“You will have to do without it for a few nights”.

“Can’t you leave me your key?”

“No. I’m surprised I haven’t got in trouble for having another guest in this tiny room every night. It’s weird if you are here without me”.


Myungsoo started whining but this would not make Sungyeol change his mind.



Sungyeol went on his school trip. They won third place so he was quite happy about it. That also meant they qualified for another competition the next month. When he reached his room Myungsoo was sitting in front of his door.


“What are you doing here?”

“Why are you here until now? I’ve been waiting for a long time.”


Sungyeol opened the door and noticed the dark circles under Myungsoo’s eyes.


“You look like hell!”

“Yeah, well I haven’t been able to sleep for three days”.

“You can’t be serious”.


Myungsoo dropped in the bed and arranged himself so he could look up at Sungyeol.


“How was the competition?”

“Good, we made it to third place”.

“I bet you deserved to win”.

“Well they were others really good so I think it was fair…”


Sungyeol, who was putting some of his clothes away turned to face Myungsoo and he noticed the younger boy was already asleep.


He was also very tired from the trip so he lay down in the bed next to Myungsoo. He could hear the even breathing of the other and started drowsing out himself. Myungsoo turned and cuddled Sungyeol making the space between them disappear. Today, Sungyeol didn’t move away. He let himself go on with the moment and fell asleep on Myungsoo’s arms. 

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Chapter 7: Adorable.❤
khasabat #2
Chapter 7: Sweet scene! Hahaha i like that!
SinKyuuu #3
Chapter 7: I really liked the ending, I thought it was abrupt, but it still fit.
myungyeolfab #4
Chapter 7: They're so cute! Poor Sungyeol thinking that his neighbour will assume that he's a addict
Chapter 7: This was really cute and perfect :3 Myungsoo changed for Sungyeol~ and LOL that date he went on...i couldnt help but picture Woozi from svt. XD
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh, this whole story was an adorable adventure. The neighbor at the beginning was funny xD thanks for writing such a heartwarming story
Chapter 7: ahhh i love this <3 i love you writing style ;;u;; myungyeol<3
Nayama #8
Chapter 7: ohh and i really like the idea how myungsoo can't sleep without sungyeol! because you can sleep better and faster when you sleep with someone you love!
Nayama #9
Chapter 7: why i just read this now??
i really really really like andgt-myungyeol-with-happy-ending!
myungsoo being a real jerk at first but he show how much he regret it and you make it slow and nice and i love it to te bits!
thank you for writing this i hope you will write a loooooot of myungyeol!