Start Again

Knocking On Sungyeol's Door

Sungyeol was living well. He enjoyed his new classes and had even made a few friends.


One day he heard a knock on his door. He opened up and found Myungsoo standing there. His time stopped for a moment and he felt a pang in his stomach. Myungsoo was there as if no time or distance ever came between them.


“What are you doing here?”

“I came to talk to you and to apologize”.

“How did you find me?”

“Aren’t you going to let me in?”


Myungsoo ducked under Sungyeol’s arm and entered the room. This room was bigger. It even had its own little kitchen and bathroom in it.


“This place is nice. Still, you left without saying goodbye”.


Sungyeol’s disbelief turned to anger.


“I don’t know how you found me but I want you to leave”.

“Sungyeol, I’m sorry…”

“I don’t want to hear about it”.


Sungyeol turned to open the door for Myungsoo to leave but Myungsoo was faster and closed the door with one arm, pinning Sungyeol in between him and the exit.


“I know I’m an , but you deserve an apology and I traveled a lot for it, please hear me out”.


Sungyeol managed to get out from the compromising position and retreated into the room.


“I was an idiot. Sungyeol, when you left I wasn’t able to sleep or eat or anything. I just kept thinking about you and how I ruined everything. Sungyeol, before meeting you I always had trouble sleeping and trying to sleep at other’s people places was even worst but with you it was natural. At first I foolishly thought it was the bed, but then – too late – I realized that it was you. I was able to sleep at peace because I was with you. Because you felt like home. I made a big mistake after that night and then realized that I was running away and that made me lose the most important person in my life, which is you. I miss you, I need you, I… I love you”.


Sungyeol couldn’t find words at first. This was everything that he ever wanted to hear from Myungsoo but it was too late.


“I’m sorry. It’s too late”.


Myungsoo looked devastated but he just nodded and left the room.



Sungyeol was sitting in his favorite café, typing on his computer when someone came next to him and put down food on his table.


“Mocha latte and cheesecake, on the house”.


Myungsoo winked at Sungyeol as he put the food down. Myungsoo was wearing a uniform and he watched him as he returned back to the counter. Sungyeol considered leaving but his classmates arrived and sat next to him. Later on, one of his classmates spoke.


“Sungyeol, the guy on the counter won’t stop looking at you! I think he likes you”.

“You should go talk to him, he is really cute”.


Said the other girl.


Sungyeol looked towards the counter and there was Myungsoo looking at him intensely, giving him his best signature smile.




Sungyeol decided to spend less time in the café and some more in the library. That way he wouldn’t bump into Myungsoo. He was sitting on a long table typing on his computer when someone dropped a book in the seat right in front of him. Seriously? There’s space left in the rest of the table. Sungyeol looked up and there was Myungsoo ‘casually’ reading a book. Sungyeol could not believe his luck or lack of it.


“Excuse me, this place is for students only”.


Myungsoo looked up amused and started rummaging thru his pocket. He took out an id. He was now a student of this University.


“Seriously? And who still reads books anyways?”


Sungyeol mumbled the last part. He started picking up his things to leave. On his way out he noticed Myungsoo was following him.


“What now? Just stop following me!”

“Who says I’m following you?”


Myungsoo finished the distance and stood very close to Sungyeol smirking.


WE just happen to go in the same direction”.

“Yeah right!”


Myungsoo signaled with his finger as he went past Sungyeol and entered the Student Union shop.


Sungyeol just stood there at first but then turned around leaving Myungsoo behind.



Sungyeol was out of the library waiting for the rain to stop. Normally he would have made a run for it, but he had his laptop and the rain was just too strong. He felt an umbrella open on top of him.


He looked to the side and Myungsoo was there holding it. Gosh he looked so y.


“Take it”.

“I don’t want it”.

“Well, I don’t either. I guess I’ll just leave it here”.


Myungsoo put the umbrella on the floor and ran into the rain. He turned to smile at Sungyeol.


Sungyeol didn’t take the umbrella at first. When he could no longer see Myungsoo he took it reluctantly and braved the rain.


Seeing Myungsoo brought so many memories. Like that time Myungsoo got to his room all wet from the rain and started taking his clothes off and…


He still felt nervous whenever he thought of the night they had . He shouldn’t but he did felt flustered. No matter how much he tried to deny it, he missed Myungsoo too. He missed him like crazy. 

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Chapter 7: Adorable.❤
khasabat #2
Chapter 7: Sweet scene! Hahaha i like that!
SinKyuuu #3
Chapter 7: I really liked the ending, I thought it was abrupt, but it still fit.
myungyeolfab #4
Chapter 7: They're so cute! Poor Sungyeol thinking that his neighbour will assume that he's a addict
Chapter 7: This was really cute and perfect :3 Myungsoo changed for Sungyeol~ and LOL that date he went on...i couldnt help but picture Woozi from svt. XD
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh, this whole story was an adorable adventure. The neighbor at the beginning was funny xD thanks for writing such a heartwarming story
Chapter 7: ahhh i love this <3 i love you writing style ;;u;; myungyeol<3
Nayama #8
Chapter 7: ohh and i really like the idea how myungsoo can't sleep without sungyeol! because you can sleep better and faster when you sleep with someone you love!
Nayama #9
Chapter 7: why i just read this now??
i really really really like andgt-myungyeol-with-happy-ending!
myungsoo being a real jerk at first but he show how much he regret it and you make it slow and nice and i love it to te bits!
thank you for writing this i hope you will write a loooooot of myungyeol!