I Like Your Bed

Knocking On Sungyeol's Door

Sungyeol is in his college dorm room. It’s very late but he is still working on a graphic design on his computer and the inspiration just keeps coming. There’s a knock on his door. He looks up from his computer but disregards the knocking to be somewhere else. He goes back to his work but the knocking is back. He looks at his clock; 1:27am. Sungyeol let out a sigh, there’s only one person who could be knocking at this hour. He stands up and opens the door. Waiting on the other side is his friend Myungsoo who looks like he’s been partying all night – again.


“You are here again?”


Myungsoo gives him a flirtatious smile and goes past him, throwing himself on the bed.


Luckily, Sungyeol lives alone. He has no roommate because all the rooms are divided as tiny singles. Myungsoo has been Sungyeol's friend for a long time now. They first met as college freshmen in a group assignment for a Statistics class. Sungyeol wasn’t sure why he even took that class but he would never regret it.




“Ok class, pick a partner and please do mind that person will be your partner for the remaining of the semester”.


College professors can be extremely evil. Sungyeol started looking around, not knowing anybody until his eyes met with Myungsoo’s. Myungsoo gave him the same flirtatious smile (his own signature smile) and crossed the room towards him. Sungyeol was a bit taken aback; Myungsoo was confident and extremely gorgeous.


“Hello partner”.


And that’s how they met. Turns out neither Sungyeol nor Myungsoo were really good at Statistics and it seems the universe wanted them to become close.


The first day they decided to meet and work on the assignment everything was full. The cafeteria was filled with people and the library was on full capacity. It was raining heavily and everyone was looking for shelter.


“Well, I have a motorcycle so going somewhere else or meeting in a car is out of the question”.


Sungyeol hesitated for a minute and then made the suggestion.


“I live in the dorm, we can go to my room”.


Myungsoo gave him his signature smile.


“Well, after you”.


When they arrived at the dorm, Minhee, Sungyeol’s prude neighbour was coming out of the kitchen and looked at them like they were the biggest sinners on Earth. Sungyeol notice her expression and quickly explained himself.


“He is my classmate, we are here to work for an assignment”.


Minhee gave them a doubtful look and they kept going towards Sungyeol’s room. When they passed by her Myungsoo have her a wink that made her run into her own room.


Sungyeol’s room was tiny. It had a bed, a desk and a small wooden closet. There wasn’t space for anything else. Myungsoo quickly sat on the bed.


“Why did you tell her that?”

“Well, she is my neighbour and I don’t want her to get the wrong idea”.

“The wrong idea how?”

“Never mind”.


Myungsoo was teasing Sungyeol. He looked really cute when he was flustered.



They managed to finish the piece for class and realized they worked very well together, even when their grade wasn’t the best.


“You should come and hang out with me”.

“Sure, I would like that!”



Myungsoo introduced Sungyeol to his friends. Hoya, Dongwoo and Woohyun were sitting at a table on a bar. They all welcomed him and treated him as if they knew each other for a while now. Sungyeol was not a party boy but he was having fun. He watched as Myungsoo just kept drinking and drinking. He saw him dance with girls, boys and nobody in particular. Strangely, Myungsoo looked like he was where he belonged. He stopped dancing and came to sit by Sungyeol.


“Are you not going to dance?”

“I rather not, I think I drank too much”.

“Thank you for coming. This is fun”.

“Yeah, it is…”


He couldn’t finish what he was saying because Myungsoo was holding his face and planting a kiss straight to his lips.


Myungsoo stopped and returned to the dance floor. Sungyeol was confused out of this world. He looked to the side at Woohyun who was now laughing.


“He just kissed me!”

“Don’t worry about that, that’s his drinking habit”.


Sungyeol didn’t know how to feel about that. He was just kissed and he didn’t know if he liked it or not, especially if it was some habit. So, he kept drinking.



A very bright light and excessive noise informed Sungyeol that it was daytime. He opened his eyes slowly and painfully. A throbbing headache welcomed him. He moved a bit towards his left and fell off the bed. He then noticed the other person that was now occupying the other half of his small bed. Myungsoo was waking up due to Sungyeol’s noise when he fell.


Like a dizzying rush, memories of last night came flashing back. A kiss and many, many drinks.


“What happened?”

“You were really drunk so I brought you home”.

“And you slept here?”

“I was really drunk too”.


Sungyeol nodded.


“You sort of kissed me last night”.

“I did? Sorry, they tell me that’s my drunken habit”.

“It’s ok”.


Besides the terrible headache Sungyeol didn’t feel any different so he was sure his virtue was not taken from him.


“Do you want to get some breakfast?”



They came out of the room and once again bumped in to Minhee whose eyes were about to come out from their sockets. She ran into her room, locking the door behind her.


“I don’t think she likes you very much”.


Myungsoo said and Sungyeol sighed, resigned.




 “You are here again?”


Myungsoo gives him a flirtatious smile and goes past him, throwing himself on the bed.


“You know I like your bed best”.


Myungsoo had a habit of coming to sleep at Sungyeol’s room. The older one was resigned by now. They weren’t a couple but they often shared the tiny bed.


At first Sungyeol liked Myungsoo, he even hoped for them to be something more but by now he knew the other too well and Sungyeol was sure Myungsoo would break his heart. Myungsoo liked girls, and boys and parties. Sungyeol, well, he didn’t share all of Myungsoo’s tastes. So, Sungyeol decided to be friends with Myungsoo and enjoy his company. However, he wouldn’t admit to sometimes watch him sleep (he couldn’t help it much, his room is so tiny!) and enjoy the smell of Myungsoo on his pillow.


“And here I thought you came because you liked my company”.


Sungyeol said as he rolled his eyes.


“That too, and your ramyun”. “What are you doing there?”

“Ah, it’s an entry for a competition. Its still unfinished”.


Myungsoo got up from the bed and leaned nearly on top of Sungyeol to watch the computer screen. Sungyeol could feel Myungsoo breathing next to him.


“It’s really impressive!”

“Yeah? But I still haven’t finish it”.

“Well I’m sure that once you do you’ll win that contest”.


Myungsoo gave him his best smile.


“I’m going to take a shower. You have more towels here right? Or I can just use yours”.


Myungsoo started taking off his clothes. First his leather jacket then his black t-shirt.


“Yah! Could you take your clothes off in the bathroom? My neighbours are going to think I’m some kind of addict ert.”

“I’m afraid they might already have that impression”.


Myungsoo winked at him as he made his way out to the shared bathroom carrying Sungyeol’s towel and soap.


This had happened many times before but seeing Myungsoo taking off his clothes still made Sungyeol a bit nervous. 

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Chapter 7: Adorable.❤
khasabat #2
Chapter 7: Sweet scene! Hahaha i like that!
SinKyuuu #3
Chapter 7: I really liked the ending, I thought it was abrupt, but it still fit.
myungyeolfab #4
Chapter 7: They're so cute! Poor Sungyeol thinking that his neighbour will assume that he's a addict
Chapter 7: This was really cute and perfect :3 Myungsoo changed for Sungyeol~ and LOL that date he went on...i couldnt help but picture Woozi from svt. XD
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh, this whole story was an adorable adventure. The neighbor at the beginning was funny xD thanks for writing such a heartwarming story
Chapter 7: ahhh i love this <3 i love you writing style ;;u;; myungyeol<3
Nayama #8
Chapter 7: ohh and i really like the idea how myungsoo can't sleep without sungyeol! because you can sleep better and faster when you sleep with someone you love!
Nayama #9
Chapter 7: why i just read this now??
i really really really like andgt-myungyeol-with-happy-ending!
myungsoo being a real jerk at first but he show how much he regret it and you make it slow and nice and i love it to te bits!
thank you for writing this i hope you will write a loooooot of myungyeol!