Chapter 15



With a disheartened look painted on her face, _____ walked away hand-in-hand with Kai.

 “Where are you taking me?” She asked him while they walk through the breezy weather.

“Somewhere fun” He said with a grin. “I really want to see that beautiful smile of yours again.”

_____ pursed her lips at his embarrassing compliment.

As they walked along the pavement, Kai dragged _____ towards something that caught his attention.

“Wa~ I haven’t seen one of these for years!”

“What is it?”

“It’s a claw machine.” He gladly replied and released _____‘s hand to scrutinize the machine.

“hmm… what do you want me to get you? Dooly? Pororo? Crong? ”

_____ giggled at how excited Kai was over a child’s game. “I’m fine with any.”

“Okay! I will get you the one that’s as cute as you.”

After several minutes of concentration and putting 8,000 won down the drain, Kai finally got the pororo doll he was eying on.

When he looked back to give _____ his gift, she was gone.

Several minutes later

“_____! _____!!” He shouted. But no response came.

“_____! --…” He called softer as he found a familiar silhouette in front of a crying little girl

“_____?” He called again to see if his vision was right.

The woman turned around to find out who called her.

“Kai?” She asked as she stands up.

Relieved to see her unharmed, Kai ran to her and embraced her.

“Ya!” He shouted, pulling away from the hug. “Don’t you know how much I worried about you? Why are you here?” He scolded.

“Sorry… This girl…” She replied, holding her hand out to the child. “She’s lost. I was trying to help her find her mom.”

“Idiot. Did you think that you could find her mom in your condi--” Kai stopped himself before he completely insulted her. “[clears throat] you should’ve told me.” He continued in a calmer tone. “We can find her together.”

Kai knelt down to match the kid’s level. “Hi~” he cutely greeted her. “What’s your name?”

“Hye-hyejin…” She shyly replied, still sniffing from crying.

“Hyejinie~” He called her with a bright smile. “Do you remember where you last saw umma?”


“hmm… how about we go to the kind police men to help us find her? Is that okay with you?” He asked her.


“Okay then. Hyejinie, are you tired of walking? Do you want oppa to carry you?”

The shy Hyejin nodded at thoughtful Kai’s offer.

“Ja~” He grunted as he stands up with the little girl sitting on his left arm.

“Thank you.” _____ told Kai. “I should buy you a meal next time.” She added with a chuckle.

“It’s okay. I like kids anyway.” He replied and held _____‘s hand. “Now don’t let go this time. Okay?”

_____ chuckled at Kai’s father-like command. “Ung.” She replied and closed her fingers around Kai’s.

“Rock paper scissors!” _____ and the kid shouted in unison.

“Did I win?” _____ asked.

“Nope. Hyejin won again.” Kai replied.

“For the 9th time?!” She exclaimed. “Waa… she must be a pro.” She said with a giggle to make her laugh.

“HYEJIN!” A woman shouted as she enters the police department.

“Umma!” Hyejin shouted back and ran to her worried mother’s arms.

“Hyejin...” She whimpered.

“I’m sorry, baby. I'm so sorry”

“Umma… I missed you.” Hyejin replied, forgiving her mother’s negligence.

Hyejin’s mom approached _____ and held both of her hands. “Thank you so much for bringing my baby back to me. I was too busy taking care of her oppa that I didn’t notice she left…”

“It’s okay, omonim.” She replied with a smile.

“Is there anything I can give or do for you in return?” The mother asked

“Just take good care of Hyejin and make sure she grows up well.”

“Of course… but are you sure you don’t want anything?”

_____ shook her head. “I’m fine, omonim.”

“Aigoo… thank you so much again.”

“You are a very lucky man to have such a wonderful girlfriend.” The mother told Kai.

Kai hooked his arm around _____‘s shoulders. “I know, omonim.” He said with a grin.

Flustered, _____ shook Kai’s arm off her and retorted, “We’re not together…”

“Oh? Then you should hurry and propose to her before another man takes her away.” Hyejin’s mother said to Kai with a teasing chuckle.

“Ye, omonim.” Kai giddily replied.

_____, on the other hand, pursed her lips and turned away from the embarrassing situation.

 “Say bye bye to your heroes, Hyejin.” She said as she opens the door.

“Unni, bye bye~”

“Ung. Take care, Hyejinie~” _____ replied and waved goodbye.

“Oppa!” She called Kai.

“Yea!” Kai replied, mimicking Hyejin’s high tone.

“Hwaiting!” She shouted and exited the building with her mom.

“What’s that for?” She asked.

“I don’t know either.” He replied laughing.

 “What time is it?” She asked him, still facing the other side

“8:27pm” He replied.

“Omo!” She shouted and stood up from shock. “He must be going crazy now!”

“Who?” He asked.

“My dad.”

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Chapter 40: Such a touching story ♥️♥️
Chapter 40: This is so beautifully written
seraphie97 #3
I cried so much :'( you did a really great job writing this. I loved every bit of it.
Chapter 39: I've finished the story, and I'll say this. This is the ONLY story that has made me cried. Like, it's so touching from every aspect. Kudos for this
audrey07 #5
asdfghj its soo goooddd
izzati61 #6
Chapter 23: hi autornim... I'm so in love with your story.. when you want to updating... i can't wait for the next... this story make me feel wowwww...