Chapter 1



Year 2081

“Halmeoni~” Saerin called.

“Oh you’re here.” She said with a smile.

“Look what my husband bought me for our anniversary!” She proudly shouted, showing her a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums.

“Wow~ You’re so lucky.” She said with a chuckle. “You know… those flowers remind me of someone.”

“Who?” Saerin asked.

“My first love.” _____ replied.

“Really? Can you tell me the story of your first love, halmeoni?” She asked.

“It’s a long story. You’ll get bored.”

“I’ll be here all day.” She giddily said, resting her chin on her palms. “And I never get bored by your stories.”

_____ laughed at her enthusiasm. “Okay then… back in 2015…”

YEAR 2015

The sound of sirens woke her up.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurry view of the fluorescent light above her.

A touch on her hand made her shift her attention.

“Everything will be okay.” Her father whimpered.

She saw her father’s worried face.

That… was the last thing she ever saw

At the hospital:

“May I talk to you outside, please?” A doctor asked her father.

Her father stepped outside of the room with the doctor.

It’s cold… She thought. Where am I?

Last night:

“Appa!” she shouted from her room.

“What?!” Her father replied from the living room.

“It’s flickering again!”


“Just come here!”

Her father stood up from the couch and approached his daughter’s room.

“What is it?” He asked as he opens the door.

She didn’t say anything and just pointed at the flickering light bulb on the ceiling.

Her father sighed as he watches the light bulb flicker. “Well you know what to do. I’ll go get a new one.”

“Okay.” She replied.

Her father exited her room and went to the storage room to find a new light bulb.

“AAAH!!” She shouted.

As quickly as possible, her father ran back to her room to check on his daughter.

“_____!! What happened?!” He shouted in worry, seeing his only daughter lying on the floor.

He knelt down to see if she was okay.

“_____!!” he called out again.

Back at the hospital:

“Her corneas got damaged by the glass shards.” The doctor said.

“Her cornea?”

“Yes. It’s a part of the eye that enables you to see.”

“Then… does that mean… she’ll be blind?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

Her father leaned his back on the wall and scratched his head. “I-Is there any chance for her to see again?”

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Chapter 40: Such a touching story ♥️♥️
Chapter 40: This is so beautifully written
seraphie97 #3
I cried so much :'( you did a really great job writing this. I loved every bit of it.
Chapter 39: I've finished the story, and I'll say this. This is the ONLY story that has made me cried. Like, it's so touching from every aspect. Kudos for this
audrey07 #5
asdfghj its soo goooddd
izzati61 #6
Chapter 23: hi autornim... I'm so in love with your story.. when you want to updating... i can't wait for the next... this story make me feel wowwww...