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Baekhyun was eating his lunch slowly while his eyes were switching over from one guy to another. Don't get him wrong. He finds the atmosphere very intense despite the silence on their table. His tiwn brother Chen, knew what was running on his mind. He rolled his eyes and decided to break the silence. 

Chen cleare his throat to get everyone's attention.

"So, Kai-ssi, I thought your dad had you take care of your business abroad?" Chen asked.

Dara, Sehun, Chen, Baekhyun, and Kai were sitting on one of the tables inside the school cafetteria. Baekhyun didn't know what was with Kai and Sehun that they were almnost plotting each other's deaths on their minds. He can almost hear their minds working.

Dara was clueless the whole time but she felt nervous but didn't know why she was feeling that way. He thanked Chen yet again for saving her. If it was Baekhyun who spoke,the two might have fought.

Kai smiled, more like teasinbg Sehun. the latter  almost broke the canned drink he was holding the whole time.

"Well, I convinced appa to that to be a better man fit as his heir, I need to learn and learning happens in school. to add, this school is the best  in business. So I enrolled here." 

"Daebak! So, your dad actually believes that a smart-as$ like you still need to study?!" Baekhyun said and chew his sandwich.

Kai chuckled. 'You still speak your mind just like before. Nobody can stop your mouth from moving, Byun Baekhyun."

"he he he..." Baekhyun smiled showing his teeth.

"so you're taknig up business? That means.." Chen was not even able to finish his words since his brother finished it form him.


Sehun raised his brow and rested his back on the backrest of his chair. 

"This will be fun. I can sense it." Chrn whispered to Baekhyun while the two watched the awkward silence between the three.

"I call dibs on Sehun winning this." 

Chen looked at his brother. "Yah, don't make everything as a bet. Why don't we just both enjoy this?"

"Tsk. You just can't get over the fact that you lost your car when we had our last bet."

" Not another word, stupid."

"Yah, I'm your TWIN. So if I'm stupid, you stupid,to. " Baekhyun bit his sandwich again and smiled to his brother.

Chen just can't believe the fact that almost all their genes are the same.


After lunch ,Sehun decided to ditch his next class. He really doesn't need any of those lectures. He's smarter than anyone in the school. He just doesn't want to show it because he promised to himself that he won't be the same as his brother.

Sehun decided to spend some time inside the dance studio. Good thing no one was there. He needed time for himself. He sat in the corner and rested hisback on the wall.

His bother was his model. Ever since he was young, he wanted to be like his brother. He was his parents' favorite and Sehun didn't mind it because he was his favorite,too.  When his brother was around, everything in their family was perfect, until his brother disobeyed their dad.

Sehun can still remember everything as if it happened just yesterday. He just graduated from high school then and his brother was on his last year in  college for business school. he was sdoing an intership on one of their hotels.


Sehun just came from playing basketball with his friends when he saw his appa punched his brother on the face. His brother fell on the floor but his expression was blank. His omma was cr

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Starcruise #1
Chapter 30: Im smilling alone while reading this story,i feel giddy hehehehe
Cant wait for the next update
Chapter 30: Really???????
Ahhhhhh your making me crazy ms author
Chapter 30: thanks for your update
Chapter 30: fighting author nim! i'll still be here waiting for uiur updates. there is no rush.
Chapter 29: i know i know. disbandments are so hard. so many groups are gone. oh my golden years of kpop come back!
Chapter 29: more kaidara please. and let her solve the thing with kris. my love yi so dumb in this story. it's ok...i'lll just re-read the other krisdara fic but for now it's sedara and kaidara time.
Chapter 29: I really need your update
Chapter 29: Pls update :(
Chapter 29: aww... cliffie. :(
Gonna read this tom <3