Steal my car, Steal my heart

Steal my car, Steal my heart








"This is such a bad idea."


Wonwoo rolled his eyes at the childish whine and continued spying on the shiny black Mercedes Benz that was parked nicely, just outside the Hong Enterprise building. His sharp eyes scanned around the area, expecting to see a dozen of security guards, but to his delight, he only spotted one. Well, this was going to be easier than expected.


"Wonwoo, you are not listening!" the whines came again and Wonwoo had to resist the urge to tape his pretty little mouth with duct tape because seriously, that hyung of his was freaking out too much. "Relax hyung. You'll do fine."


"What do you mean I'll do fine?" Jeonghan shrieked, earning a glare from the younger, "I'm gonna screw up and probably gonna get caught and they are going to kill me or  worse! They're going to put me into jail!"


"Just chill, hyung. We've done this before. You have done this before and it went smoothly. What makes this one any different?" Wonwoo couldn't help but ask. It was true though. This wasn't their first time stealing a car.


"Of course it's different, you !" Jeonghan glared, "You want to know why? I'll tell you why. This is different because the last time we steal a car, it was a ing old truck that would probably forgotten by his owner, not some sort of fancy car in front of a five star hotel!"


"It's not a hotel, hyung."


"I know that! I'm not dumb!"


Ugh. Wonwoo was this close to pull his hair out of his scalp. Out of all times, Jeonghan had to be difficult today and seriously, he was having none of that. It was hard enough. This past weeks have been hard for them and with Hansol being sick, he and Jeonghan had no choice but to do this again. It wasn't like they wanted to, but Hansol's medical bills weren't going to pay by itself and Jeonghan's triple jobs simply couldn't handle it. And the fact that Wonwoo hadn't got any jobs did not make the situation any better either. This was their only chance.


"Maybe I can get another job?" He heard the older mumbled, hands fidgeting around the hem of his shirt. "There was this man that offer--"


"No, hyung, no!" Wonwoo interrupted, not really liking the way the conversation was going. "You are not getting that job! I won't let you." The taller boy said, his tone was firm.


"Wonwoo, really, it isn't that bad!" Jeonghan protested, "He says I didn't need to do much and the pay is good--"


"I don't want to hear it, hyung." Wonwoo silenced the older male with his hand. "I'm not letting any dickheads touches you and thats the final. We're going to do this together for Hansol, okay?"


Wonwoo saw the emotions swirled around in Jeonghan's brown orbs and he reached for the older boy's delicate hand and holding it tight as a reassurance. He was sure that Jeonghan hyung probably scared right now and Wonwoo honestly felt bad about dragging him into this way of life. Jeonghan was too delicate, too soft-hearted and kind; unlike Wonwoo who was hard-headed and rebellious.


"This will be the last one." the younger said, and the long-haired male could see his detemined eyes bored deep into Jeonghan's brown ones. "I promise."


Jeonghan let out a shaky breath before tucked his long hair behind his ear. "For our Hansollie, okay?"


"For our little Hansol." he agreed.






'I'm so going to regret this later.' Jeonghan grumbled under his breath as he made his way to the target. The parking lot was now empty of any security guards, probably because of Wonwoo. God knew what kind of distraction the younger boy managed to pull, but whatever it was, it better be long enough for him to be able to escape with the car unnoticed because he really didn't feel like spending the rest of his life rotting in jail.


The first two minutes went smoothly, much to his delight. The car was unlocked. It was weird, because seriously, what kind of idiots forgot to lock his million-dollars-worth car anyway? Oh right, rich people did. He didn't even think the owner would realise that one of their cars were gone. Even if they did, they could always buy a new one anyway. That filthy bastard. Jeonghan always despised that kind of people. So, stealing from the rich wouldn't be so bad, right?


Without further ado, the long-haired boy managed to start the engine and drove away with a full speed.


The next five minutes was spent in silence and Jeonghan couldn't help but smile at the thought of his little brother. Their plan was a success and that meant Hansol would get his treatments soon and he didn't have to take on another job.


Jeonghan couldn't wait to see Hansol back on his feet again and he couldn't wait to see the younger bright smile. It was one of the few things that kept him going.


"So, now you decided to raid my car as well?"


Jeonghan's eyed widened as he slammed his foot on the brake with all his might, causing the tires to screech against the road surface. He was lucky there was no other car around, or else, the million-dollars-worth car would turn into piece of useless metals.


 When the car brought to a halt, the long-haired male did not dare to turn around. Oh my God, this is the end. I'm so gonna spend the rest of my life rotting in jail. I'm sorry Hansollie. Hyung is such a failure.


"You did not answer my question, Ren."




Jeonghan dared to shift his eyesight to the driver's mirror and saw a pair of the most beautiful eyes stared back at him. He felt like crying. He had thought it was a success but then a gorgeous man with a pair of gorgeous eyes decided to show up out of nowhere and messed up with his plan! It's unfair. And the fact that he was wearing a suit (that Jeonghan couldn't help but noticed) did not help too! He was probably that filthy rich bastard with too much money on their hands. Oh my God, I'm so screwed!




And who the is Ren, he wondered. An idea strucked Jeonghan hard like a lightning bolt. Maybe.....just maybe, he could play along.


"Um..." Jeonghan wasn't sure what to say, but he had to be careful. For all the man knew, he was Ren and whoever the hell was Ren, he needed to play it right.


"Aren't you supposed to be in Vienna until Christmas break?"


Jeonghan turned his head slowly and he could see the man's frown adorned his flawless complexion. 'Oh man!' Jeonghan groaned intenally, 'Why did he have to be this handsome?' Whoever this Ren was, he was one hell of a lucky girl.


Or guy.


"Um...I...I-I.." Jeonghan's mind was running 100 miles per minute and he still couldn't find a good back-up story. Ren could be a sibling, or Ren could be a cousin. But then again, Ren could be a bestfriend, or Ren could be a lover. Ren could be anyone or anything, for Godsake!


"....I-I...I miss you."


Jeonghan saw the man's gorgeous eyes widened in shock and instantly regretted it. Of all things he should have said! Why did he say that? He didn't even know why he said that. Either way, he was doomed.


The man shifted slightly in the back seat and Jeonghan closed his eyes. He didn't want to see the man shot him. It was better this way. Goodbye, Wonwoo. Goodbye Hansollie.


Instead of hearing a gunshot or a pain on his head, he felt a soft hand patted his head in a gentle manner. The long-haired boy opened his eyes slightly, still confused of the sudden gesture. "You don't need to be scared. I'm not mad, you know?" he smiled, "Just...surprised. I thought you're going to stay in Vienna for the rest of the year."


"No. I.... don't like it there." Jeonghan mumbled, eyes glued to his lap.


The man chuckled and Jeonghan regretted his decision to take a sneak peak because the moment their eyes met, he swore he could feel his heart beating twice as hard.


"Why, may I ask?"


Jeonghan could detect curiosity underlined the man's tone and he decided to shake his head.


"Ahh...I see. It's okay if you don't want to tell me." The gorgeous man smiled again and this time, he ruffled Jeonghan's silky, long brown hair in such an affectionate manner. "You seem pretty tired."


"Well, the jet lag is all." Jeonghan lied. "....and I didn't get much sleep in the past few days." he added. Well, the last one wasn't a lie though.


"I see..." The man retreated his hand back and Jeonghan almost pouted at the loss. He slapped himself mentally. This was not on the plan! It was not supposed to be this complicated. How did it become this complicated?! Jeonghan groaned at the thought of Wonwoo. Right, he hadn't contacted him. He must have been flipping mad. Brace yourself, Jeonghan.


"Why don't we go to my apartment so you can properly rest? I'll call maid to prepare supper and warm bath for you." The man velvety voice snapped Jeonghan back from his inner battle and Jeonghan nodded dumbly.


"Great!" the man exclaimed and Jeonghan swore he could see fireworks on his eyes. "Now, scoot over. I'm driving."


Jeonghan panicked internally. Oh my God! He was supposed to steal the car! The plan was simple. Steal the car and escape without getting noticed. How was he supposed to know that the owner was already inside the god-damned car?! Oh, he was so screwed!


"Ren?" the man frowned, "Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you want to go to hospital or something?"


"NO!" Jeonghan almost shrieked, before take a few deep breaths. "I mean, I'm totally fine. No need to go to hospital or anything."


The man raised an eyebrow. "O...kay, If you say so."


Jeonghan watched as the man get out of the car and opened the driver's door. He was about to say something before he could feel himself being lifted out of the car. "Hang on! What are you doing?!" Jeonghan let out an unmanly squeak, arms instinctively wrapped around the man's neck. The smell of expensive cologne invaded his nostrils and Jeonghan could feel himself getting warm.


"You are in no condition to drive." The man said as he walked over the other side and placed Jeonghan gently onto the car seat. Jeonghan couldn't help but blush because it was the first time that anybody ever treat him with such a care. Well, other than his brothers, of course.


After the man seated nicely (and somehow managed to put on his seat belt as well as Jeonghan's), the car finally drove away ( and the long-haired boy made a mental note to memorise the turns and streets because how was he supposed to go back home now?)


The entire ride was filled with an awkward silent. Well, at least it was awkward for Jeonghan. He was trying so hard to focus on his task (memorising the streets names and all that), purposedly ignored the prince charming next to him. He had hoped that the man didn't ask anymore question because seriously, he was really bad at coming up with excuses.


"So, you still didn't answer my question." the man asked, "What are you doing in my workplace?"


Oh, it.


"Um..." Jeonghan started, "I....just want to surprise you...?"


The man let out a soft, melodic laugh, eyes crinkled into crescent. "That, you did."


The way his heart fluttered at the sight of the man makes him feel like a teenage girl with some serious crush on her senior. It was a weird feeling; one time he felt like he could have died from tachycardia while the other time he felt like a melted popsicle on a summer day. It was weird, but good at the same time.


So, it's been decided.



From: Stupid Lil' bro

Hyung! Where are you?! Did you get the car?






From: Angel-hannie


But I got something even better  >:)












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Chapter 1: Waaah??? That ending was too open, I wanna know what happens after~ Also, Jeonghan must be very similar to this Ren for Joshua to not have noticed the differences...
I liked it, though! It was very short but a sweet reading. 💞
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, this was beautiful~ I want a rich Joshua, too >.< Was this just a one shot? I think this could become an awesome chaptered story~
Chapter 1: oh god. I can't wait for the next chapter! omg. How come he did not see that jeonghan wasn't ren? he carried him, why did he not notice? omg, I'm kinda nervous for jeonghan. haha
chootraen #4
Chapter 1: This is ssssuch a cute story ;; please make a continuation!
queenofutopia #5
Chapter 1: This is so good. Please, I also want to know what happens next.
lita0591 #6
Chapter 1: That's not the ending right? Please~~ i want to know what happen next >_< is Jisoo will find out that Junghan was not Ren?
This is really cute ^^ i really like it