Request Box

Seventeen Fic Recommendations!

Hi guys, I decided to make my own Seventeen oneshot request fanfiction!

I'd like it very much if all you lovelies requested a oneshot. It would mean a lot to me, really. Don't be shy to request!

The link to this request fic is down below, so be sure to check that out! It has links to my previous oneshots too.

I'm sorry for not finding any new fanfics for you guys (I hope my own writing can compensate for not being able to find any new fics for you guys), so please drop any fanfic recommendations YOU have in the comment box below!

With love,


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stxxrrysky #1
Chapter 14: does anyone know where I can read and counting?? it has been on my tbr since forever but I couldn't make up the courage to read it coz it's too emotional and now that i finally have IM UNABLE TO FIND IT😭😭😭
satsukihiro #2
Chapter 6: Y can't I read any of these stories. It always says that it's unavailable or the author's not my friend that sorta thing. I badly want to read these fanfics rn. Can someone pls help me? I'm genuinely sad rn :<
please10080 #4
Chapter 18: They're made of Glass is already finished. Its super great i tell you. Other recommendations i think is aofuji_ in wattpad. I love all of her works!! Go check it out!!!!
try this
Dyobanan #8
if you want for a variety of seventeen members fanfiction, i have a good recommendation. this story is so good...
sansastark #9
Can you recommend some rare ships? esp. Hansol
amz_amaliaa #10
Chapter 13: could you please recommended some mingyu,wonwoo or dk ff with oc (no ) ? thankyou so much