

I was just sitting down by the window, with my iPod blast up to the maximum volume, lost in my own world. I was so bored out of my mind, not knowing what to do. I can’t believe my own best friend had forgotten about my own birthday. I glanced at the big clock that was hanging on my living room wall. I had 15 more minutes of my 21st birthday left, and still not a single phone call from him.

Then, as if he knows I’m cursing him at that exact moment, my cell phone rang. I took a look at the caller ID and smirked. If he was thinking I was going to forgive him that easily, he’s really asking for trouble.

“Yah,” I answered the call lazily.

“Yah you. I have a name.”

“What is it?” I asked curtly, slightly irritated with him.

“Get dressed now. Meet me at the park in 5 minutes.”

“Are you crazy? At this hour? You want me to walk to the park alone?”

“5 minutes. I’ll be waiting,” he said simply before ending the call.

I groaned. I really hated it when he did this to me. Just ordering me around without giving any explanations. But he knew, I’d still do it after all the grumbling.

I changed into a fresh pair of jeans and a white long sleeved T-shirt. I grabbed my pepper spray before going out. You never know what might happen out there.


The park. I reached there in about 7 minutes. It wasn’t so far away from my home. The park. Of all places, why did Jonghyun chose this place to meet? He knew fairly well how much I hated to be in this place ever since that incident. When I first had my heart broken. Where I first cried my tears for a boy. The one place I had swore never to step a foot in it again.

Jonghyun has been through it all with me. Why on earth did he still choose this park made me wonder. I remembered the heart ache, how bad I had cried. Where I just sat there alone on the bench, until he came to cheer me up. He hugged me close and told me my tears weren’t worth for some useless guy. He told me, my smile was the precious thing ever, and that I should never stop smiling. I shouldn’t shed another tear.

But now, coming back to this place brought back those bad memories. I had to get out of here; I couldn’t stand it any longer.

I was about to turn and leave when I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

“Hyeya! Where are you going?”

I wiped away my tears fiercely and turned to face him, ready to have it out with him.

But I didn’t expect to see what I saw. There he was, Jonghyun standing there in front of me, looking all handsome like I’ve never seen him before, holding a bouquet of yellow roses in his hands. He was wearing a...suit? What was he doing? Wearing that kind of outfit just to meet me in the park? And that flowers...Was he asking me to help him propose to a girl or something?

“Yah...you. Why did you ask to meet me here?” I asked in a steady voice. “It’s 11:50pm and I’m really tired.”

He took a few steps closer to me, until we were just inches away. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t bring myself to look up at him, to look at him in the eyes like I’ve always did. I was...uncomfortable? For whatever reasons, I had completely no idea why.

“I still haven’t got the chance to wish you happy birthday,” he said quietly.

“You...you could’ve just wished me on the phone,” I stammered.

He shook his head.

“Uh uh, it’s not the same Hyeya. It’s your birthday.”

“Uh, okay. You’ve wished me already. Can we go home now?” I asked uncomfortably and got ready to leave but before I could do so, he grabbed my wrist and held on to it.

“Why are you in such a hurry to leave? We still have a few more minutes to midnight. And these flowers; aren’t you at all curious to know who it’s for?”

I glanced down at the flowers he was holding in his right hand. Yellow. My favourite colour.

“For me?” I asked jokingly, knowing it would be impossible.

“Yes,” he whispered. “These are for you.”

He held it out for me to take. I raised an eyebrow. Where was he going with this?

“Jjong-ah, are you okay? You’ve NEVER given me flowers before.”

“Well, there’s always a first time to everything right?”

I slowly took the flowers from him and took a sniff. It smelt heavenly fresh.

“Uh yah. If you say so. Can we go now?”

“Hyeya,” he started. “I know this place holds a very bad memory for you. But that’s exactly why I picked this place, to celebrate your birthday.”

“Jjong-ah, I really don’t understand what you’re trying to do tonight. If you were really my best friend, you wouldn’t bring me to the one place which I’ve been trying my best to avoid since forever.”

He didn’t answer. Instead, he took my hand and pulled me along to the bench to sit. The exact bench which I had sat down on, bawling my eyes out. The exact bench, where he had comforted me.

“Jonghyun...can you just please just say what you want to say now? I really don’t want to waste anymore time here.”

Without answering, he stood up and the next second, he knelt down in front of me.

“Hyeya, I’ve known you since we were still kids. We grew up together. We’ve always been there for each other; we’ve seen each other through our worst times. When I’m down at my lowest, you’ll always be there beside me, giving me encouraging words to move on. You’re my pillar of strength Hyeya. I appreciate you very much and I love you. Until it comes to the point where I think, I really do love you, more than just a friend.”

“Jonghyun...” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What was coming out from his mouth?

“Please, let me finish first. The reason why I chose this park tonight is because I know this has been your least favourite place ever since that jerk broke your heart. I know Hyeya; I know how much you’re hurting. And you don’t how bad I wanted to kill that boy who did that to you. Who broke your fragile sincere heart which loved him without any doubt. And tonight, I want to change this place, into the most memorable place for you, and that you’ll never forget it. Because...” he paused to take out something from his pocket.

He held up a red velvet box and opened it for me, revealing the most beautiful diamond ring I’ve ever seen. I gasped.

“Jonghyun...what is this?”

“I really love you Hyeya. And I promise, I won’t do the same mistake he did to you years ago. I’ll take care of you for the rest of my life, I’ll protect you, and I’ll guard your life like my own. I promise you’ll never shed another tear. This ring, will you marry me Hyeya?”

I just sat there speechless, unable to move or say anything. Everything was like happening so fast, not giving me any time to react or think. I...what was Jonghyun doing? Does he realise what he’s saying? What he’s doing? He’s...proposing...to me. The boy, I’ve known practically my entire life. My best friend, my saviour, my knight in shining armour.

I gazed into his eyes. Right there and then, I realised, I love him too. I’ve always did. He’s always been there, right in front of me. But it just took me so long to realise it.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Yes, I’ll marry you Kim Jonghyun.”

He broke into a huge grin, the one I rarely sees unless he was really elated about something.

He took my hand and held it delicately. Gently, he pushed the ring onto my finger. It fitted perfectly and glimmered beautifully in the night.

He leaned in closer to me, our faces just inches away.

“Saranghae,” he said softly, before our lips met for the first time ever.

He was my second love, but I was pretty sure; he will be my last love.

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Chapter 1: So beautiful.
I love this: )
NappeunYeoja #2
So good!! And its my fave song ever xDDD
ImWeird #3
awwww.... i love this song so much and never thought to have a one shot in favour of it... so sweet of him to turn a place filled with bad memories into a happy memory...
AddictedToBLUELOVE #4
so nice..ahaha...^_^..<br />
two thumbs up..
naimika #5
Proudly to say this story was for me, for my birthday! When I was deeply crazy of Jonghyun. Haha.
<333 chuuu~~ that was so cuteee > <